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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/06/2018 in all areas

  1. A great Idea indeed, too bad I don't know much about creating apps and stuff. Would be happy to help with what I can. Via the FG App
    2 points
  2. Bluebear

    FG Mobile App

    I can't say I've done any app development, other than a few barely remembered lectures/tutorials at university, but it is something I was going to get round to looking at especially since there are a few parallels it seems between developing with C#/WPF which I'm currently doing and developing with Android. I don't want to say I'll be fully committed to this as I have my hands full with work (with a lot of continuous development happening and learning on the job), but it's certainly something I can provide input on at least, even in just a theoretical way. Via the FG App
    2 points

    FG Mobile App

    Same here. Via the FG App
    2 points
  4. Mikepjbell

    FG Mobile App

    As you all know we've recently been scratching our heads in order to find a way to boost communication on the forum, whilst also keeping features that we love in apps like WhatsApp. I think we all understand that accessing a forum and creating a new post or replying to a post isn't quite as convenient as sending a quick instant message in WhatsApp, so we need to find a way of amalgamating that convenience along with our lovely little forum, which let's face it, for a clan forum is bloody good. @Misneach_, @GazzaGarratt and I have been discussing this in fairly loose detail and we've come to the conclusion that it would be prudent to run this by you all before we go into any real detail. What we've found is that the only app currently available either on the Play Store or the App Store is our current app, which is a hybrid of tapatalk (a premium solution) which gives general usage of the current forum. From what we can see (and please if you have suggestions let us know) is that there isn't anything out there which gives all of the functionality we need. What we (think) we need is an App which gives the same as TapaTalk, but also integrate events, clubs, live chat and various other features we'd like in order to easily run the clan effectively from smartphones. Now, here comes the potentially interesting bit. If there isn't anything out there, then there's a gap in the App market. We could potentially both fulfill our technical needs of an App which works for us, but also (and this is a loose potential at the moment), create a marketable App which we could sell. Now, without doing a feasibility study, business case, etc on this it's difficult to really put that into anything meaningful. This is where you all come in. What are your thoughts? We'd like to get people involved in this. We're a pretty mixed and intelligent bunch of project managers, technical people, and... Americans, so there's definitely scope there for us to collaborate and put our heads together to put a solution together. But this is very much dependent on a thorough feasibility study/business case in order to ensure we're not completely wasting our time. What I would propose for a timeline: - Have a quick open discussion with key players in the clan to talk about why we want to do the app, what we'd like. It's an opportunity to shut the idea down or push forward with the same. <1hr - Run a complete feasibility study outlining costs, current competition and potential issues which are foreseeable. Also to align on ideas and decide on a plan to move forward with. - Put together a project timeline and delegate tasks. - The rest is dependent on the above being successful and involves development, marketing, research, funding etc etc. Anyway, let's get some discussion going on this. There seems at least on the face of it to be a potential small business opportunity here. Mike, Lee and Matt.
    1 point
  5. NCA-Paendrag


    Not surprised to hear that, and that' just fucked up. It makes sense to me from the shooters pov, but the system is totally screwed. Money gets more important than human lives.
    1 point
  6. Stretch616

    FG Mobile App

    Pretty much the same for me. More than happy to throw some ideas into the ring but I have zero clues when it comes to app development although I'd be happy to support from a project management side. But judging by Mike's OP I think he's already got that covered 😂😂
    1 point
  7. Will get something on the calendar shortly. Will need @GazzaGarratt's help with setting up the matches as he's the only person with authority to do that on Gamebattles
    1 point
  8. If it is, I won't be getting it. If I want to do that I play Destiny. Maps in COD are as usual. Besides this one missing at least 6 maps, I usually only like two or three maps and not care about the rest. I like two-three maps in this so really doesn't feel much different. Just fewer maps to downvote.
    1 point
  9. Sennex


    Finally bought it on the steam sale. HOLY CRAP! I bought it on Friday, and already have 21 hours in the game. The mods are amazing, the game is loads of fun if you enjoy city building/ management style games.
    1 point
  10. GazzaGarratt

    Rocket League

    Looking forward to it [emoji12]
    1 point
  11. The fixture list was ridiculous this Xmas, I’m all for then playing lots of games but 1 day break before another game is harsh on the teams that don’t have two squads worth of players.
    1 point
  12. As much as I am enjoying this game I just realized that this years game is 3Arcs year 😍
    1 point
  13. Sennex

    Ender Dragon

    End cities are fun for Shulker boxes, and Purpur trees
    1 point
  14. Mikepjbell

    FG Mobile App

    Sounds great, I'll put you down for the discussion!
    1 point
  15. It really the rate of fire that as you can fire as fast as you can hit the trigger so that's what makes it op
    1 point
  16. 1 point
  17. Sennex

    D1 v D2 pvp

    If you ever watch the live streams of Bungie Dev's in PVP, you will see that they absolutely hated it. Mainly because they sucked at it. IF The Devs were actually better at playing the game they designed, we wouldn't have half the issues we do now.
    1 point
  18. crispymorgan

    D1 v D2 pvp

    4v4 proved to be every bit as rubbish as I feared.
    1 point
  19. Some of the bigger ships need a lot of players. Mine has room for a co-pilot and a turret gunner, plus seats for six more, this game is still laughing it's arse off over NMS[emoji4] Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk
    1 point
  20. Ha ha no, we have Wimbledon on Saturday, our third game in 5 days However, just so you know, I shit on the Canaries
    1 point
  21. Or you can long press the share button once, and press it twice for it to start recording your gameplay. Via the FG App
    1 point
  22. Sennex

    Grim Dawn

    Love me some torchlight, I never finished it as I kept restarting. Torchlight 2 is also amazing, and the mods are insane!
    1 point
  23. Yeah he's on the bench so that's that then🤣 Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk
    1 point
  24. Sennex


    Last time I played it, it was in Early Access, and I didn't much enjoy it (I want to say this was around the end of 2014/ beginning 2015). I can't say no to a City Builder game though, and the 7$ price tag couldn't be beat! Sadly I can't imagine playing it without mods at this point. They add a depth that was really needed, and I hope the Dev's make a sequel with an eye towards what the mods have added in. If anyone is interested I can start a thread about the mods I use, and what they do. I gave myself a crash course in most all of them sunday morning. I think there are maybe 200 mods total out there, all doing similar things.
    1 point
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