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  1. phil bottle

    phil bottle


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  4. GazzaGarratt



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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/09/2017 in all areas

  1. Capn_Underpants


    I got the helmet! Via the FG App
    2 points
  2. Capn_Underpants


    I got this today and fan girled. [emoji23] Via the FG App
    2 points
  3. Thought we agreed on ditching whatsapp and stuff earlier.
    2 points
  4. Steam: 100k (as per OP) uPlay: 200k (rough estimate, because this is where all the sales are, where most of the third party sellers are, and for people who mainly play Siege, you don't need to boot up Steam. PS4: 125k (according to this post, PS4 has about 25% more sales than Steam, I'll assume online player count roughly correlates: Link XB1: 80k (according to the same post above, XB1 has about 20% less sales than Steam) Total: 405k CS:Go's last 3 month average peak was 633k, which means Siege needs 37% growth to match it. Peaks of all the free weekends: 28k 39k - 28% increase from previous peak 41k - 5% increase from previous peak 65k - 37% increase from previous peak 73k - 11% increase from previous peak 96k - 24% increase from previous peak Average = 21% increase during each free weekend
    1 point
  5. GazzaGarratt


    Open your own private chat party, prioritise game chat whenever you want to talk to them. No more shitty music.
    1 point
  6. The server has been updated with the Valmod expansion + bigger pack mod. Please download the 7D2D Mod Launcher from http://7d2dmodlauncher.org/ , download the correct mod (mod section on the left hand side) and follow the instructions. You can then join the server with the normal details. Give me a shout if anyone has any troubles or if you'd like to join in the fun, drop me a PM and i'll shoot you off the links. Happy surviving!
    1 point
  7. Bluebear

    Come on Mercury...

    For me being such a lore buff, the character of Osiris himself was a huge disappointment. However, there are a few rumblings of some good lore still to come that may redeem Bungie. A lot of links to Saint-14 and one person found what looks to be Saint-14 on an adventure (although it remains to be seen whether the ability to view him was intentional by Bungie or accidental. If intentional, then this makes me very happy as they're obviously still committed to sprinkling secrets about here and there for people to discover) Via the FG App
    1 point
  8. No it did not baab. The prior raids were always available to you as long as you had the associated game, dlc, etc Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  9. Also,after extensive research (browsing in bed on my phone), I've worked out a way to get Fortnite with 40% off. The Easiest way is to buy the PC version, and link your account for cross play. Except I bet you were all eager little beavers and skipped the one-time registration option? Go to the fortnite web page and log in with the Playstation option. this should then associate your PSN ID with a valid email and account (whereas before it was associated with a ghost account). You should be able to buy the PC version which is currently 40% off.
    1 point
  10. There are infact, 16 games available... https://www.hotukdeals.com/deals/sega-forever-16-free-classic-sega-games-on-ios-android-2850230
    1 point
  11. We did. That doesn't stop people from using it though. There isn't a whatsapp FG group. But there are people in groups here, there and everywhere. We can't stop that. Just ask everyone if you talk about games, talk about it here. And banter can happen here (yes, its crazy just the thought of it). Next year, one of our goals is absolutely a bespoke app that allows chat. So you can do everything here.
    1 point
  12. It's been a Butthole Surfers kind of day today
    1 point
  13. Lee and I spoke about this stuff earlier. I added Fortnite to the Shooters section. I will try to round up threads that should be migrated. I am also going to try to add a few other games to their genre sections to see if you fuckers will get off of whatsapp, and post here more
    1 point
  14. Playing With Friends Duos and Squads are best when you can play with friends! We realize that our existing social features make it hard to make and/or find friends. We are working on making it easier to play again with people you had a great game with, make new friends, and import your friends lists from other social networks. Certain regions don’t have the Duos playlist (we hear you Oceania!) and we continue to monitor population per platform and region. We are working on a system that is going to allow us to schedule Duos during popular hours so we can offer the mode while maintaining a good experience. Team Killing We dropped the ball on addressing team killing. We take action based on player reports, but the system isn’t straightforward to use, and doesn’t let you know whether we took action or not. This needs improvement. Last week we started casting a wider net to catch current and past team killers and issued numerous warnings and bans. We are also working on better analytical models to weed out the worst offenders and long term would love to have the ability to pair you with players with good reputation. New Shooting Model We've been internally playtesting an overhaul of our shooting model to remove random bullet spread while aiming down sights. We want to improve shooting while maintaining the usefulness of building cover while under fire and without changing engagement distances or the flow of the game. The initial results are promising. The changes need more work and tuning. We are shooting (har har) to provide a test client and servers for you to provide feedback and iterate on this together with us in December. Inventory Revamp We are working on a big rework to the current inventory. The new interface is cleaner and many of the inventory management tasks are easier to perform. Dropping items is performed by dragging outside the main inventory box and there are quick buttons for splitting and dropping half of any loot to make sharing easier. Additionally, rearranging the quickbar with a controller is now simpler. Post-Match Stats We want to provide more feedback to you after your match. We’re working on our first stab at a Post-Match Stats screen you can view after you’re eliminated. The first iteration shows fun, interesting and relevant statistics from your game, and the experience you earned after you / your whole team has been eliminated. We’ve seen many great suggestions on Reddit and the forums to draw inspiration from -- please keep them coming! Map Updates We are adding new unique POIs (points of interest) to the map to better fill in some of the empty spaces and introduce more gameplay variety. New City POI We are also introducing more variety to the map by updating existing areas (e.g. mountain and swamp region) with unique art for flora and the landscape. You can quickly recognize different regions from up above and on the ground, providing an improved sense of location and place. Cosmetics The umbrella aside, our initial version of gliders focused on texture changes (repaints). The next step is adding more unique detail, while still preserving the original mesh. We don’t want to stop there though and understand that there is a desire for variations with strong personality, uniqueness, and a sense of cool and beautiful detail. Basically badass stuff :-) We’re working on full remodels for gliders, pickaxes, and characters that achieve this vision; please keep checking the store for updates. Audio We’ve received a lot of great feedback on FNBR’s audio, and we’re working to improve mix clarity and provide better tactical information for sounds in the game. Here are some things we’re doing. Footsteps on different surfaces: Right now we’ve got one set of footsteps for all surfaces in the game, so it’s very hard to tell when someone is in a building or right outside it. Wood, Stone, Metal, and Water footsteps are coming to give more information to you. Quieter teammate footsteps: For squad players, we all know how loud it can be stomping around with four other people, so we’re reducing footsteps for nearby teammates. Vertical audio: We’re aware of the issues here, especially for footsteps. Investigations are being made in how we can improve this for the future. Trap audio: Tweaking is being done for trap audio to make them less consistently noisy and balance volume, while still providing an opportunity for players to hear and react to them. Launch Pad audio: We're making tweaks to the audio of players when they use a Launch Pad. This is to make it a little easier to tell when a player is flying in and about to land near you. If you listen closely you'll have a better chance to react! Weapon audio panning: While subtle, gunshot audio that you create doesn’t follow you, and instead gets left in the world at the point of the muzzle flash. This can cause the audio to pan to the left or right as you move away from it. We’re working on fixing this ASAP to reduce confusion during heated combat. Other ongoing work Limited Time Modes: We are introducing Limited time modes in December. Limited time modes are temporary experience with special conditions that provide new ways to play and allow us to run fun experiments. We'll announce what our first limited time mode is soon... it’s going to be EPIC! Server performance optimizations: To follow up on the performance blog -- we’ve made some good progress on optimizing server performance over the last two months. The below image shows the percent of time our servers are “hitching” (missing target frame rate). Solid green means 0% and red is 3% and above. We clearly still have an issue in the beginning of the match, even with us throttling network connection updates to 50 connections per frame! To further disclaim the chart, an all green version would not be something we consider acceptable due to the aforementioned update throttling. We have a good understanding for the foundational networking changes required to reduce and hopefully long term eliminate the throttling. Map Streaming: A large foundational change we’re working hard to ship is extensive streaming. What this means is that as you move throughout the map all content is loaded / streamed in and out depending on your proximity to it. Right now this is only done for textures and there is a lot of opportunity to save memory by extending it. There are a host of technical challenges related to persistence (making sure damaged areas are streamed back in as such), performance (eliminating hitches due to background streaming), and making sure the streaming system works fast enough to support rocket riding! The main upside of streaming is having more memory available and this change is required for us to ship updated map POIs, badass cosmetics, etc. Regions: We are still working on our matchmaking system and expect to run more data centers in the first quarter of 2018. One big change coming up before then is making sure we have better quality of service and experience in Asia. Controls: Aim assist behavior is being adjusted to be more similar to other games you may know. This is taking a bit longer than we thought, but we’d rather get it right and are still tweaking it to avoid shipping it too early (*cough* scoped sensitivity *cough*). Leaderboards and Stats: Our initial rollout of leaderboards and stats was quite feature limited. It however allowed us to gain insight into what kind of load they generate on the backend. Turns out the answer is “a lot”. Bad news is that we need to focus on scalability first; good news is that we have a better understanding of what we need to build. We want more stats… a lot more stats. Stats and leaderboards serve a different purpose for different people, and we want to be inclusive to all types: pointing out areas where you are excelling, providing stats so you can see how you are improving over time, better metrics for leaderboards to compete with friends and the people around you, and yes, even global leaderboards for those of you with big ambitions. Season Store: We’re significantly evolving the concept of the season store. The next season will combine a single purchase pass system containing tons of loot that can be acquired as you play and complete quests. We are also adding free seasonal loot that can be earned by just playing. On the horizon More Items and Weapons: We’ve added a number of items recently - the Bush, Launch Pad, Silenced SMG, Slurp Juice, Smoke Grenades… etc. We’re just beginning to scratch the surface of what we want to do here. Custom games: We have early efforts exploring how we can expose tournament support, custom matches and leaderboards, and then combine that with the ability to modify some of the game rules as an offering. Custom games and tournament support also leans on spectator support. So yes, we’re working on a fully functioning spectator system and we look forward to sharing more details next year. Performance over visual fidelity: Our near term focus is providing a rock solid 30 FPS experience on consoles. We are figuring out the best ways to give you more choice on the latest next generation consoles. Badges/Medals: We want to introduce medals we can give out during games that highlight amazing plays like e.g. a mid-air kill with the rocket launcher. Have fun FG
    1 point
  15. Got some shotgun action tonight. See if I can get around to edit some of it.
    1 point
  16. phil bottle

    Xbox one x

    Moral of the story? PC Master Race
    1 point
  17. Name: Fortnite fail Category: Catch All Videos Date Added: 2017-11-20 Submitter: Amnotright Fortnite fail
    1 point
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