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    J4MES OX4D


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/29/2017 in all areas

  1. 2 points
  2. Here's my Destiny heatmap
    2 points
  3. Maybe we'll make a lag montage....lagtage
    2 points
  4. I was interested to know how far people had got through the main Easter egg, i call it Easter egg but it's not really? Also i wondered what's the highest wave people have got to? Phil and i managed to get to the point where you shoot generators down from a zeppelin that's flying around, i've recorded our run and hope to chuck out a quick edit very soon. I think that was also our highest wave, which was around 23 - 24. Absolutely loving zombies in this game, the only let down is that there's only one map. I might actually buy the map packs just to get a new zombie map, that's how much i'm enjoying it!
    1 point
  5. Thought i'd post the thumbnail for this friday, as you can see our photoshop skills are on fleek
    1 point
  6. We had plenty of LOLZ on the VR equipment at arcade club. The grin on @Amnotright's face when he was pulling shotguns out was hilarious. I had a go on Project Cars 2, and at one point my brain was convinced I was going to die.
    1 point
  7. That's exactly the reason why i like it, they've still included the crazy work-it-out-for-yourself Easter egg but having the step by step one is perfect. It tells you what to do but you still have to figure out where you have to go. Waves of zombies are fun but it gets old quick, this is genuinely difficult, which i likes
    1 point
  8. tronic44

    Star Citizen

    They'll be nothing soft about it
    1 point
  9. Should be easy to material for that
    1 point
  10. I had a brief look and it's quite good. I like how they've given objectives which helps - Treyarch made Black Ops 3 so complicated to the extent, you needed 4 people in sync doing fucking handstands whilst signing the national anthem in a ritual just to open a bloody door. If you didn't watch it on YouTube or follow the lore to its smallest detail; you were screwed. WW2 seems more simple and enjoyable than Treyarch's overly-complex iteration now. I uninstalled the game so wont be playing it again but zombies will probably be the only worthwhile thing about it for many people.
    1 point
  11. Yeah Lee, Misneach has lost his partner so I'm dropping Mina and we're moving into the next round with Misneach and I ([emoji106]) as partners. Misneach, if the next team aren't ready for Friday we can at least have some practice games, maybe a couple against each other (so we can establish who is good at what) and then do some doubles together so we can sort out how we want to destroy the opposition [emoji16] Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk
    1 point
  12. All I managed to save so far is a 15 min clip of insane lag.
    1 point
  13. phil bottle

    Forum Montage Time!

    Maybe then ask everyone to forward footage by 23 December, then in between eating ridiculous amounts of food there'd be time to make a start[emoji6] Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk
    1 point
  14. Yeah totally agree, its the most I've played zombies since Romero was chasing me around and - while fun - more maps would be awesome Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk
    1 point
  15. Or we can form a super team and move onto the next round, not sure now if marina is going to be around for much gaming. But if you're about Thursday or Friday evening we can sort something out.
    1 point
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