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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/08/2017 in all areas

  1. GazzaGarratt

    FG GTA Racing

    It has been far too long for us to play GTA again and last night was super fun and hilarious. My face always hurts from laughing so much when we get races going. Mike winning his first race with us even though we all thought it was impossible, crispy raging, phil the slag turning up in the best entrance ever and so much lolz. We should do a load more of these, maybe find a regular weekly slot because the laughs never change. Thanks all @Stretch616 @Diddums @Mikepjbell @crispymorgan @burnfitbillyboy @Amnotright @phil bottle EDIT: Mike's Impossible Win has now been uploaded to the Videos section. What a hero. Click Here to go to Video
    3 points
  2. Now You See Me 2 Via the FG App
    1 point
  3. Thanks to Sam and Josh, I just got it done. I haven't actually ever done that Strike and its a fantastically made strike. Just not with the mods on it for the nightfall.
    1 point
  4. Great hour session with@TigerBurge. Here's one of our games we had.
    1 point
  5. Name: Mike's Impossible Win Category: GTA V Date Added: 2017-10-08 Submitter: GazzaGarratt Mike didn't have the best of starts to FG races, but in the darkest hour, when all but a few believed in him, he delievered his best performance yet (with a little help from Diddums). And what you can't see from the stream at the end is Cripsy leaving the party In the race: @GazzaGarratt @Amnotright @Stretch616 @Diddums @Mikepjbell @burnfitbillyboy @phil bottle @crispymorgan Mike's Impossible Win
    1 point
  6. That was MY time to shine and you took it from me. I hope you're all happy.
    1 point
  7. Amnotright


    @Beastfix and I just took are first victory in duos Both survived till the end which was a huge win This game is slowing taking over my life
    1 point
  8. Diddums


    Thoroughly enjoyed the brief stint I had last night, definitely a repeat game. I just need to learn how to not fuck up falling out of a flying bus.
    1 point
  9. So looking forward to this it's ridiculous. Playing through Redemption 1 again to refresh it in my memory; still an absolute cracker of a game and hasn't aged as badly as I feared. Via the FG App
    1 point
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