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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/26/2017 in all areas

  1. Here is a pic I found that demonstrates the differences in clothing sizes The guy on the right is american. The guy on the left is a brit
    4 points
  2. Just as soon as Dave is done testing out the prototypes
    3 points
  3. I think I speak for everyone here when I say, when can I order a FG branded buttplug?
    1 point
  4. So even the Frenchies are bigger than the brits?!? Damn, that makes this whole thing worse
    1 point
  5. Actually, Andre wasn't American. He was French.
    1 point
  6. I had one or two ideas with regards to the shape of the house. I'll whip something up when I get home. Via the FG App
    1 point
  7. It's a lot like Minecrafts map in that it uncovers only for the areas you have been. The map gives a 'real time' aerial view so buildings etc. show up on it too and it is easy to see from the map whether it is a green area, desert, dead zone etc. Where 7 days differs though is that you have a compass direction at the top of your screen in which your bed, other players and any waypoints show up so you can easily walk towards those locations without needing to keep referring to the map.
    1 point
  8. Rumelylady


    If I remember correctly there's an option to upgrade it so you don't get ads, but otherwise it's free. I think I ended up giving them some money at some point because I had Google Play credit and I like it.
    1 point
  9. What does the map look like? Is it easy to find locations or is it like Minecraft where you have to set waypoints?
    1 point
  10. NCA-Paendrag

    Cell Phones!

    Your wife got a skillpoint! Allthough I don't like the Honor series.
    1 point
  11. Yeah, I reported some of them until I saw there were MANY
    1 point
  12. I did think of that but didn't think it would look very good with the wings sticking out that far from the main house. Though, as you pointed out, the picture I posted has this and it looks alright so I think that will be the general shape to go with. If no-one can think of anything better then I'll sketch up a few designs for the house then we can start building
    1 point
  13. Greboth

    Destiny 2 Tips

    In D1 they would drop at a fixed max irrespective of your level. So the fact they drop at useful power levels is nice. As I said I'm guessing (as I haven't read anything tou confirm it) that this was to address D1 complaints where people had 1 or 2 bits of gear massively lower than the rest. So you ended up raiding hoping just for 1 piece of armour. To a point this system actually makes it easier to level up though still means most legendary engrams are trash.
    1 point
  14. techno

    Datto on d2 endgame

    I'd like to see bounties again, I need some reason to log on when solo, I used to fill the gap with crucible, could play that shit for hours but so far I've played 4 games for the milestone's there is no draw to crucible from 4v4 to awful gamemodes im forced to play I'd never look at. Seems they removed the good stuff to improve on the bad even removing random rolls kills the grind, I don't even check perks as I think there pretty pointless if everyone's gun is the same. I even think I'm going to find the raid more annoying than fun, yet only a couple of months ago we had a laugh running the 2 oldest raids. Via the FG App
    1 point
  15. phil bottle

    Hello Everyone!

    Hello mate, fun fact: on PS4 I'm called Wat Tyler, because I'm a revolting peasant. Lee will back me up on that. Welcome [emoji5] Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  16. Poor Gary. Reminds me of my nephew and his glasses.
    1 point
  17. techno

    Cell Phones!

    Lol congrats, I've had more trouble with my daughter's and phones than anyone deserves Via the FG App
    1 point
  18. Yeah, a hat or beanie would be sweet. Although like Bart says, I don't need it to fit my 6 month old daughter, I want it to fit my head. Via the FG App
    1 point
  19. Bluebear

    Bit of bragging :)

    Veist autorifle, gets more accurate as you hold down the trigger. Was gonna screenshot it in the Destiny app but it's down for maint atm. Via the FG App
    1 point
  20. Sennex

    FG Merchandise Section

    You will need 2 sellers if you go this route. One for the Brits, and one for those of us that wear Adult Sizes
    1 point
  21. I left a few things back at the old house so went back to pick them up and spend the night. Jesus H. Christ. There is a hole. I got the shock of my life when I went in the house and had to kill a boat load of zombies. Thought I'd cleared them out, but then got set on by another. With my last breath I managed to unload full sniper clip and bandage myself up. Crispy 5 - Zombies 0. I found a treasure chest, managed tog get some gold and silver nuggets. Sold a few and bought a good stash of bullets. Done a fair bit of digging underground, mostly just to level up my mining so I can get my Miner 69er full. Would be great to see more people on! There's lots to do Will probably have another session tonight. Nice to have a game that is basically chill, but with the odd high tensions nights thrown in for good measure.
    1 point
  22. Now actually playing this I suppose I should give some sort of update on here. I have to say it is great having a server so we can hop on any time we want to (thanks again Rich). Obviously we have moved now and the new place is so much better - well the 'house' isn't yet but the area is. I'm not sure what resources we left at the old house but I've been keeping busy just collecting as much as everything I can. Clay is so easy to come by now, I dug around for a bit and ended up with about 20,000 clay! If only wood and stone was so easy to collect. Though I realised last night there is a radius around the house that had no trees in so I've planted about 60 or so near the house. I planted them close together and in rows again so once they are fully grown it should be quick and easy to cut them all down. Crispy found a swimming pool in just inside the city so I re-filled all our water too so now we have 100+ water again.
    1 point
  23. I like this idea. I'm not one for headwear due to never finding hats the fit my apparently abnormally large head. However t shirts, stickers, mugs etc are cool I quite like the idea of having some big designs with the full FG shield and maybe other stuff and some under-stated maybe with only the infinite controller or something.
    1 point
  24. Bluebear

    First FG Raids

    Trying the """"Pleasure"""" Gardens for four and a half hours solid on Saturday was a task. Just couldn't face up to doing a fifth, apologies to all who was in with me at the time. Hopefully the raid after reset won't be as frustrating and I'll actually see something more than fat Cabal having a bath and blind dogs wandering drunkenly around flowers. Via the FG App
    1 point
  25. Stayed up late to try and get the 7 wins for the clan. After getting dicked on for most of the night, @Amnotright, @Misneach_ and Jesse (Cryo) managed 4 wins. Its filled with Midas everywhere. There was another Scout, 'Tone' something? that was wrecking us in a few games too. The most common tactic that worked for us and other teams was 3 going to the crossfire section between Temple and Keyhole whilst 1 goes around the back of the opposition.
    1 point
  26. Misneach_

    First FG Raids

    Those damned dogs. Had a good go at it for a while there. To be honest diddums, myself, Mikepjbell, and the others have it a good go.... if it wasn't for Charlie I think we could have had it. Lol
    1 point
  27. I was planning to purchase a team store for FG on the eSports side of things like jerseys, hats and jackets.
    1 point
  28. That's a cool idea, Dave. With the mugs that change. I'm a beanie junkie. I want a beanie. Via the FG App
    1 point
  29. Polo shirts - good quality, some now do anti-curl collars Fleeces - again, good quality as it's outerwear Mugs - normal plus possibly the type where the logo is revealed when filled with hot liquid
    1 point
  30. You could do caps, wristbans, stickers to put on controllers, pens, mugs etc.
    1 point
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