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  1. GazzaGarratt



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  3. TGFG



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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/19/2017 in all areas

  1. Utd waited till Rooney was off the pitch before we tore Everton apart, such a nice gesture from us We really missed Pogba yesterday and missed a proper left back but I can't really complain with a 4-0 win.
    2 points
  2. Mikepjbell

    Bit of bragging :)

    Think this is my best crucible score yet! Just thought I'd post this as I'm waiting for the wife to finish eastenders and I'd rather do anything else than watch it. Anyway post y'scores in here chaps.
    1 point
  3. TGFG

    Hey hey hey

    Hello gamers. My name is Jamie a.k.a the ginger face gamer. I have been a gamer for about 24 years now started on the snes and continued from there. Used to be pc gamer back in the days of cod 1 and 2 then moved to console both Xbox and PlayStation. Currently mostly on xbox one but have been seen on ps4 as well. I would class myself as a casual gamer but my wife would call it fanatic. I'm always happy to play with anyone and happy to help any other gamers. Hit me up of you wanna play [emoji452] [emoji452] Via the FG App
    1 point
  4. Well done everybody. Clan Level 3 hit already, so we should all get a greater chance of better loot from Public Events.
    1 point
  5. Great job with the video dude!
    1 point
  6. We've done phenomenally well so far with the clan progress and rewards this week. Things we've done so far: Weekly XP target Crucible Clan Reward Nightfall Clan Reward Oathkeeper Nighfall Score maxed out Thanks to Josh @igotmollywhopped and Chris @Amnotright for taking a few randoms through and smashing the Nightfall time so our Oathkeeper score is what it is so far. We should do more to help randoms and others when they need stuff to complete. What's left before Tuesday's reset is a challenge but would be awesome if we can get it done: Raid Clan Reward Trials of the Nine I'm going to hopefully try and be around for both as if we do these, everybody gets two powerful engrams which would be awesome. Keep it up FG! What does everyone think of the clan in game improvements and progress?
    1 point
  7. This is a great post from Chris @TigerBurge so hopefully the newer people have seen it and will think about starting a PPR and generally getting involved in FG posts. Take a look around people and even if you have what you think is stupid questions, just ask them. There's tons on here, like info about Destiny's in and out and I trust the opinions these people give more than anywhere else because they've become close friends and family. It's a unique place you may have already read so don't be put off by getting involved in any section. It doesn't have to be Destiny, the whole place is all about games and other life stuff, including Videos, Calendar events and we've talked about putting even more on here. All just so we can have a laugh, enjoy games and life stuff together. Any questions, just give me a shout. Even PM me if you feel its difficult to reply to this. See you around on FG
    1 point
  8. Looks like it has been hit already! Shame I didn't get to contribute either, but at least there are a couple of engrams to unlock still. Happy to give it a go tonight at around 7PM (UK) if they haven't been unlocked by then. EDIT: Make that 6/6:30PM. I forgot I'm going to a pub quiz at about 8:30PM.
    1 point
  9. So reset day today means we start the grind to get to Level 2! Hopefully by natural playthrough we should hit it with no problem but let's not be forget to your weekly allowance - it will also get you Powerful gear to boot. This is also a call to everyone here that I want to make sure we help each other in the clan. If we want people to enjoy the game there is a lot of stuff that needs support and teamwork. It may be outside of your comfort zone sometimes to say hi to tye new people or regular people here but trust me, no one bites (I think! ) and we all wanna have a laugh together. To the ones who are higher Power, it would be grand to help others to get higher more rewarding things done so we can all have a go at the raid and other endgame content. Make sure to check other threads out and let us know what you need help with. Via the FG App
    1 point
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