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  1. GazzaGarratt



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  2. Baabcat



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  3. Plumbers Crack

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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/17/2017 in all areas

  1. GazzaGarratt

    Morning FG!

    That's me done with work for 2 and abit weeks Geniunely looking forward to this break from work. Via the FG App
    3 points
  2. Link from Thunders video, shows killstreaks and various maps http://www.gameinformer.com/b/features/archive/2017/08/16/new-exclusive-call-of-duty-wwii-multiplayer-gameplay.aspx
    1 point
  3. Plumbers Crack

    Morning FG!

    Enjoy yourself Lee
    1 point
  4. Well that was fucking hilarious. 10 of us in picking amazing cards. My cheeks are still killing me from laughing. We'll get another set up for next week. In the meantime, here's a taster of the picks of one round. Great games @Amnotright @Diddums @LordBaguette @SirTombstone @crazyman @burnfitbillyboy @The3rdWalker @Capn_Underpants
    1 point
  5. Warframe meets Overwatch? Sexy graphics though.
    1 point
  6. I've found a video stretch uploaded to YouTube I now have Lee and Stretch clips. If people don't mind dropping their YouTube channels on here and I can go through and dig the clips put myself. I know it's a lot of work sorting all this stuff, it really is but I'm in the mood for video making so might as well make the most of it 💃
    1 point
  7. Really liking the look of this so far. Just feels so good watching a cod gameplay without people flying around all over the place Via the FG App
    1 point
  8. The Abbadon heavy machine gun. It's a beast! Also, I hope they're bringing sexy back..
    1 point
  9. Warframe posts now show. The type of forum was changed somehow to not allow anything in it. They'll be there for the meantime and when I get chance i'll collapse them into Shooters.
    1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point
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