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  1. Plumbers Crack

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  2. phil bottle

    phil bottle


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  3. GazzaGarratt



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  4. NCA-Paendrag



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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/08/2017 in all areas

  1. Inside every miserable thin bastard is a happy fat bastard trying to get out!
    2 points
  2. phil bottle

    Escape from Tarkov

    It’s safe to say that this game has kind of taken over my life since the beta dropped last week. The game is so tense and so brutal I can’t seem to stay away. It says a lot that I now use a few rounds of PUBG as a bit of light relief from Tarkov. You have limited resources before dropping into a game and the decision whether to equip your character with a knife or a gun. If you die (and you will, a lot if you’re not a quick learner) you lose the equipment you’re carrying for ever. Some players will go in just carrying a knife as they no longer have any better weapons and hide themselves hoping to scavenge from dead bodies that haven’t been looted. I started by deciding to try and learn the maps first before getting wrecked. I like the fact that I can go into the maps in offline mode to learn them. Offline mode allows you to control what time you enter the map and whether or not to include AI. Progress isn’t stored and items aren’t lost. I’ve concentrated on two maps for now, Factory and Shoreline. Both very different, Factory is seriously mental, close combat. With AI and other human players all close together and the sound (which is epic) makes everyone seem really close to everyone else. Sometimes the human players team up and signal their intent with the Q and E wiggle but that’s not been my experience. Kill on sight so far. Shoreline is bigger much more open, and has been where most of my success have come. I enter that map with a pistol and leave with a shotgun or AK. I’m building up my weapon store, have a bunch of shotties and AK47s from my conquests so far. Everything is uber realistic and you can take the weapons apart and add all sorts of builds and attachments. I could go on about this game for ages but I think it’s kind of a niche experience. It’s for freaks like me who love to shit their pants as part of an enjoyable gaming experience. I love these kinds of games, I really do I love the trembling fingers on the mouse and the rapidly beating heart and the joy each time I have managed to Escape from Tarkov with my life and bit of looty mcloot.
    2 points
  3. The3rdWalker


    A precision platformer where the player is a bird. https://rxi.itch.io/shuriken
    1 point
  4. Nice Phil but we all know Minecraft is your one true love!
    1 point
  5. GazzaGarratt

    Morning FG!

    Morning FG! Have a good day peeps and go smash it up!
    1 point
  6. NCA-Paendrag

    Morning FG!

    Morning all!
    1 point
  7. tronic44

    Morning FG!

    Morning all, the weathers looking pretty grim in London today.....so an average day 😄 Have a happy Monday!
    1 point
  8. Plumbers Crack

    Morning FG!

    Morning and still sunny at the moment....fingers crossed! Hope you all have a good day
    1 point
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