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  1. GazzaGarratt



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  3. Greboth



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  4. crazyman



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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/10/2017 in all areas

  1. Thanks for the middle of the night phone call. Nothing like drunk people ringing you up. I was so pissed at first because I thought I was on call. It was nice to talk to you all. As Lee said, this community of ours grows slowly, but it's different. I count every one of you as friends which sounds creepy because we met on the internet. Glad you enjoyed your gifts, you get 5% extra next time if you like this post. Via the FG App
    4 points
  2. As most will know, just over a week or so ago, we put into process a collection for Dave & Kyla, as it felt like a great time to make them feel special after all the stuff they've had to go through this year. The response from ALL of you was superb. Thank you. Through the collection we were able to get the following: Cinema voucher for their local cinema Ritzy Picturehouse 3 course meal for 2, with Champagne Cocktail at London's Shaka Zulu Lego Creator Ferris Wheel Micro Machines PS4 game Salt & Pepper Lego Robot Shakers Lego picture display case for Lego characters 17 Lego characters to go into the display case A Roadhog picture in frame, drawn by Greboth So we managed to get @Diddums to give us a date to come down to London town, which was last night, so we made our way with wrapped up goodies in the hope it would put a smile to their faces. Suffice to say, it really had the desired effect - I've never seen or heard both Dave and Kyla that speechless and overwhelmed, it was brilliant. What was most amazing was from their view they didn't know why they were getting all this stuff. This is what Forever Gaming has done since day 1 and we'll keep continuing to do these things, for the simple fact its the right thing to do. I know that this is exactly why this family here is such a unique one. This is our IRL family now, not just a bunch of random people posting about games. No matter who you are, how new you feel or how much you frequent the FG home, you'll always be considered as an integral part of this place. I'll put some pictures up when I get them off people that took them on the night. Good work FG.
    3 points
  3. Macron stock come once a month so every size bar Large is coming this week so they are then embroidered and personalised. Once I have those I'll work on getting them out ASAP. Unfortunately the 10th August is next stock delivery so Large will come then. I appreciate your patience everybody. Hopefully I can learn about what's involved and work this into a Merchandise section when I get chance to look at that. I really hope they look awesome in the end and you enjoy them.
    2 points
  4. It was fantastic to be there and seeing them opening all the presents. @Diddums you're a cunt but you're our cunt so it's ok and love you for it Well that and none of us can ban you from your own forum . Kyla might not post on the forum but she's as much a part of the FG family as any of us. @GazzaGarratt I didn't take any pictures of the present opening sorry but I know photos/videos was taken. You deserve a thank you too for thinking of this collection and getting everything sorted out too. It was also great meeting you all for the first time and putting faces to the names.
    2 points
  5. This came up on my facebook feed today, god I miss Rik Mayall
    1 point
  6. They, and we'll damn sure will
    1 point
  7. crazyman

    Elite Dangerous

    Reviving a Dead-ish thread but I play on PC and it's pretty fun with people. It's not hard to get into either.
    1 point
  8. Isn't race and battles the same thing? You always used to get pick ups to help push the other cars off the screen so you could win the race. I really think we could do a little tournament, these games are brilliant and quick blast races for a laugh.
    1 point
  9. Thanks again for the energy collector and condenser. Thanks for checking out my "/warp mountain" castle
    1 point
  10. You guys are all amazing, thank you so much, from Kyla and myself. What an epic night again, just talking shit and trying to get Lee to put a song on that isn't crap. Great to meet Greboth too, finally get to put a face to that name as well. Hope your shades aren't too fucked dude! I'm sure Rich will post up some videos in the near future! Looking forward to the next one, hopefully Arcade Club.
    1 point
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