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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/25/2017 in all areas

  1. Ok I've promoted Tiger and Chad, and Lee for good measure. I had the power to demote Stretch for being a filthy casual, but resisted!
    5 points
  2. Rumelylady

    Lee's delivery

    Well, I'm the one with paypal, Chad doesn't. And of course I was for it! Good things should happen to good people
    4 points
  3. phil bottle

    Morning FG!

    Seriously? Fuckers!!! Sorry to hear that man[emoji17] Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk
    2 points
  4. Sennex

    Lee's delivery

    This is pretty cool. Happy for you Lee! also.....
    2 points
  5. NCA-Paendrag

    Lee's delivery

    I might be a little off here, but I think you already did that Lee
    2 points
  6. No worries man
    1 point
  7. That was a joke lee. I am still waiting for your company to respond Via the FG App
    1 point
  8. Diddums

    GTA Heists

    That wasn't so hard, was it? Good fun. We'll get the fucking next time (maybe even tonight, dunno).
    1 point
  9. Sennex

    FG Minecraft Server

    Don't go about this from that angle. Its not reliable, and whatever server is set up will be gone in a month or 2 if you do. The average lifespan of a server is about 3 months because people always try to go at it from this angle. Instead ask yourself: Can I donate monthly to this? How much can I donate monthly? If we have 6 players, and if everyone can only give 2$ a month, then it changes what I look for as far as host. If we have 6 players and only 3 can give 2$ a month, then it changes things again If we have 10 players and each can give 5$ then it changes things... Does this make sense? All hosts, that Tommy doesn't pick, can be decent, they are not universal though. I've run more servers than I care to admit, all fail because everyone promises to donate vast amounts, never delivers, and then shit falls apart. IF!!!!! People can reliably donate 2$ to 4$ a month, or a lump sum equivalent that can be banked, we can have a decent server for a while. But we need at least 2$, preferably more as I know you all want mods and plugins. EDIT: The end goal is to have enough players that we can reliably spend 16-20$ a month on this thing. Less money = less mods, less bandwidth, etc.... More money = more, to a point, that point is nebulous so don't ask for definitions
    1 point
  10. Diddums

    Lee's delivery

    Right, for those of you who missed it, here's the story: Lee, Mr PMA, has resurrected this place and put more time and effort in to it in the last few months than I did in the last 3 years. He then blew us all out the water with his shirt shenanigans, something I'm not even sure I'm worthy of but there you have it. Fast forward a few days and @crispymorgan got in touch and said we need to do something special for Lee, and suggested we all chip in and buy Lee some Astros. This resonated very strongly with me and I grabbed the ball and ran. I had two criteria, the first being that it had to happen soon so the link between the shirts and the effort Lee has put in lately and the Astros would not fade away and go unnoticed. Secondly, I wanted Lee to get them "live" in a chat party. Crispy started a new Whatsapp group and I added all the people I could. I told you guys the plan and put some bank details / Paypal details in the chat and thanks to your overwhelming generosity, we managed to pull it off. I knew Lee was on call last night so had to be up until 4am, so I wanted to strike immediately. We were slightly over budget so I added a pack of Kronenbourg (Lee drinks girl stuff but if he's going to wear the best headset, he's going to drink the best beer). Order placed, delivery between 10pm and 12am on Amazon Prime Now. Obviously we pid full whack for them rather than Crispying the hell out of it and finding them cheaper but this was a fair trade off for having the reveal happen live IMO. Lee came home from dinner (Frankie and Benny's, for those curious, he had sticky chicken wings for starters and a meatball feast calzone, good choices) and hopped on. A little while later the delivery driver rang me up and said he couldn't find house number 2, he was outside house number 9. I got on the headset and told Lee to go outside. Lee, obviously confused and thinking I was more nuts than normal, questioned this but then a few others jumped on board and told him to go outside. I told him I ordered a few beers and that the delivery guy was outside somewhere. A minute or two later, Lee came back, and this was the result: Lee, from all of us, you deserve this 100%, your hard work and dedication in this place was not allowed to go unnoticed and thanks to Crispy's idea and the rather amazing generosity of our little FG family it hasn't. Thanks to all of you who made this possible, you are all truly amazing people and a family I am extremely grateful for. I love you guys
    1 point
  11. Greboth

    Lee's delivery

    I obviously knew Lee got his Astros but I missed the whatsapp and this post so just assumed Lee bought them. Nice going everyone who did chip in for them.
    1 point
  12. GazzaGarratt

    Morning FG!

    Oh no mate, please let us know or PM me if you need anything. Can't believe they've changed their mind 24 hours before you would receive it.
    1 point
  13. Greboth

    Morning FG!

    Morning everyone, have a good day all
    1 point
  14. GazzaGarratt

    PS4 Themes

    Great Witcher PS4 theme available. Has the themetune for it as well. And it's free.
    1 point
  15. cyberninja2601

    Morning FG!

    good morning? 642 am here, mid afternoon for most of you guys
    1 point
  16. We're going to have to wait till 2018?!?!?!?!? I can't wait that long!!!! The concept art is beautiful though. I should point out that this is exactly what i want game developers to start doing, don't release it until it's perfect! I don't want to be hyped about a game, only for it to be released and unplayable. Hats off to them because i'm sure shares have plummeted etc
    1 point
  17. GazzaGarratt

    Lee's delivery

    It has been one hell of a weekend for sure. Thank you for the bottom of my heart people. I'll hopefully repay you all and some with what we can do with this place. Make sure you now stay and contribute, this place is yours. Much love FG
    1 point
  18. BBC radio have a channel for that [emoji1] Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk
    1 point
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