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  1. The3rdWalker



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    Riff Machine


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  3. Greboth



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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/16/2017 in all areas

  1. Morning all, So with more information coming out this week (think its the 18th) about Destiny 2, what is on your wish list? Destiny 1 with a few tweaks or something completely different?w For me, vanilla Destiny had its faults which weren't really improved in the early DLC but by The Taken Kind and Rise of Iron things were much improved. So I would like to see something similar to Destiny 1 but with a few tweaks; Night Fall and Raid matchmaking - It effectively already exists with the likes of LFG and r/fireteams so why not include it in the actual game. Maybe add some simple filters to it like light level as it is so important for raids and night falls. Though any limits would need to be carefully applied so we don't end up in a 'you have to have gjallahorn to raid' like early Destiny. Include the Lore / Backstory in the game - It has always seemed an odd choice to me that to learn the backstory and history you had to look outside of the game. Again this seems to be an issue that has somewhat been fixed with the more recent expansions but I would still like to see more of it being included actually in the game. Better social arrears and more social functions - Destiny is supposed to be this 'FPS MMORPG' except it, well, it isn't. I can appreciate the limits on the game, especially as Destiny 1 was on legacy/last gen consoles too. However currently we are limited in the tower to waving or dancing at each other unless your message them or invite them to party chat but not have this in game? Obviously it would be unworkable to hear everyone all the time but something simple like everyone is muted but when you R3 to inspect you can 'unmute' them. This especially applies to the 'social' areas on planets - go to Court of Oryx or Archon's forge and there is no easy way to communicate or team up. More Variety and customisation - Destiny has possible hundreds of weapons now and to me it all feels too crowded. There is a limited number of archetypes but because there are so many weapons you get drops and it often feels like well that just like this gun or that gun. Very few guns actually feel special to have and to use and I think it would be good to have guns the are special, that feel more unique even if it means less guns in total. Included in this, I would like to see more clan customisation (yes, I know I still need to switch to FG ) like custom emblems, logos, shaders. Maybe even go as far as being able to apply your claim logo to your armour and weapons. Better story / campaign missions - Bungie got better at this but even in the most recent expansions it wasn't great. Each missions too easily falls in to one of two categories; stand and defend a door/area from waves of enemies or stand around an area shooting at bullet sponge bosses. I don't think this is helped by having to run through the same areas over and over to get slightly different parts of the map for each mission. I could understand this more if, when we landed on each planet, we were in a base or some sort of safe zone but its just a random part of the planet. Further more, replayability is seriously hampered by there being no variation to the enemies - you know going back in to a mission you will face the same enemies, from the same doors, at the same time each and every time you play.
    1 point
  2. I wouldn't expect these rates to be the same across every server/ region. The Chinese government mandated it, not EU, UK, NA so the formulas may be different.
    1 point
  3. In October they are releasing an Anthology hard copy book of the first 12 comics looking to be around $20. I'm absolutely getting this so I can read this with my boy. They are also releasing a fantastic artbook that'll set you back $50 for standard edition or $100 for special edition (comes in a folder and 3 exclusive extra pictures). They're may be some additional lore hidden within this book if you're interested in the backstory of Overwatch.
    1 point
  4. The3rdWalker

    E3 2017

    I use to love E3 and for the past 2 years I really can't care about it. So many games rendered on PC and then you get a half polished turd at release.
    1 point
  5. It was a good run. Thanks again for that fellas! 🍻
    1 point
  6. Great OP Greboth In addition to most of the other posts I would welcome the perennial "delete crap in the Postmaster" and make weapon/armour ranking more difficult. Ranking gear with motes of light meant you dropped the weapon you need and 30 seconds later its maxed
    1 point
  7. phil bottle


    They are a good headset Lee there's no doubt about it. I'll have a look around for you, found mine in a sale for about £140...via hot uk deals Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  8. Greboth I didn't mean year 1 weapons from D1, I meant year 1 weapons from D2. So we don't get to end of vanilla D 2 and have everything become obsolete again like happened first time round
    1 point
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