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  1. tronic44



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  2. J4MES OX4D

    J4MES OX4D


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  3. TigerBurge



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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/09/2014 in all areas

  1. with last week being a bit tense for some, i thought i'd be kind and get free oranges for everyone. Feel free to help yourself but no fighting, there's more than enough to go around.
    4 points
  2. BoroVC

    RIP Rik Mayall

    RIP Rik Mayall. This is very sad news. His comic timing was legendary and was a much loved figure for me when I was growing up. I must've watched every episode of Bottom hundreds of times and knew every line off by heart. Brilliant in everything he was in. The Young Ones, Bottom, The New Statesman, Comic Strip Presents, Blackadder, Drop Dead Fred... he was a great talent. Will be very sadly missed.
    3 points
  3. At least it's just campaign. I'll save my opinion for multiplayer
    3 points
  4. 2 points
  5. techno

    RIP Rik Mayall

    Holy shit no way, loved Rik Mayalls stuff first being a teenager and watching young ones, through Alan b'stsrd and Blackadder's lord flashheart to bottom. RIP.
    2 points
  6. tronic44

    RIP Rik Mayall

    Very sad news, absute legend! RIP! He was one of the reason I first got into acting, went to the same school but obviously at different times. Remember watching loads of his performances that had been recorded, truly a very special person.
    2 points
  7. Drifter

    Fathers day plans?

    Thanks. I'm a lucky person, I can honestly say my Dad was as good a Dad as anyone could ever want. He was honest, caring, smart, talented, and loved his family more than life itself, and made sure we knew it every day. Next month will be 18 yrs since we lost him, but I still think about him almost daily.
    2 points
  8. Unbelievably, Call of Duty become the first eSports to be invited to compete at X Games. Anyway, I haven't created this to get a discussion on why they were invited, it's a post discussion on what actually happened at the event. I haven't seen Kiwi in a bit so he may have appreciated it but someone else might and I'm bored as hell. The event had 8 teams, 3 qualified by finishing top 3 from Champs and the other 5 was decided by their pro points. The 2 pools were: A, Evil Geniuses (formerly Complexity), Team Kaliber, OpTic Nation, Strictly Business B, EnvyUs, OpTic Gaming, FaZe Red, Curse Oranage 2 teams from each pool go through to the semis, Evil Genisuses, Team Kaliber, EnvyUs and OpTic Gaming. tK topped A, beating EG and ON, OpTic finished on top of pool B by beating FaZe Red and then EnvyUs. There was a bit of controvery about the EnvyUs game against OpTic. Before their match, tK beat EG (who are the best team in the game) so the winner of OpTic/EnvyUs would play them. Apparently, EnvyUs threw the match so they would have to play an extra game against another team, which if they would win they would then go play tK instead of EG for a place in the finals. OpTic won 3-1 so a lot of rumours that they did throw it. I personally don't think they did, I think OpTic beat them fairly 3-1. Anyway semis, and where the irony happened if the throwing of the game was true. EnvyUs lost to tK. I think it was 3-1 but tK were brilliant. This put them in the final and EnvyUs in a consolation match for bronze. OpTic and EG was a brilliant series. EG took the first map on Freight DOM. It was close until the last 90 seconds. Apparently Scumpii's contact was falling out so he had an awful game. Second game, OpTic took the SnD and it's worth posting the video of the final round, OpTic leading 5-4 and ProoFy does this: OpTic then took Blitz on Warhawk 7-3. They then took the final DOM on Strikezone to go through to the gold final match against tK. EG beat EnvyUs to the bronze medal, winning the final SnD and the match 3-2. OpTic beat tK in the final 3-2, for Nadeshot's first MLG win and OpTic's first win since the start of Black Ops 2. All videos can be found on http://www.youtube.com/user/OfficialMLGCoD. I would recommend watching this SnD though, the final map between OpTic and tK, brilliant ending...
    1 point
  9. Baabcat

    RIP Rik Mayall

    Classic young ones, and in a stunning link to the conspiracy theory topic, they are wearing sunglasses and looking shifty Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
    1 point
  10. J4MES OX4D

    The Division

    It's funny how the game was shown at the Xbox conference with a guy pretending to play the game with an Xbox controller but actually the footage was pre-recorded on a high-end PC and he wasn't even playing Even on the top of the range PC's on release; I am expecting many textures to be scaled back. Ubisoft have a habit of demoing scripted scenes with enhanced textures for promotional purposes. COD AW may have looked a bit naff on the XB1 but at least Sledgehammer had the bottle to show the game off as face value.
    1 point
  11. phil bottle

    The Division

    Yep, I'm also sadly expecting less impressive graphics and frame rate issues when it's finally released on PC.
    1 point
  12. phil bottle

    RIP Rik Mayall

    ^This, Flash always cracked me up. "Hey nursey, am I pleased to see you or is that a canoe in my pocket?" I'm usually immune to famous deaths but I was a bit choked when I heard about Rik passing away. He was truly unique, a comedy genius in my opinion, and made me piss my pants for decades.
    1 point
  13. Baabcat

    RIP Rik Mayall

    Lord Flashheart FTW, one of the great comic cameo's, those blackadders he is in are just the best in the series 'Hi Melchy, still worshipping god, last I heard he was worshipping me'
    1 point
  14. TigerBurge

    The Division

    When are the Devs going to realize that these exclusives to one console or the other actually hurt their profits. Microsoft must be handing over a lot of cash
    1 point
  15. I know Sledgehammer had so of Optic out a few weeks ago and Nadeshot said it's simply amazing. That Sledgehammer knows what they are doing. Take that as you will. It can't be worse than Ghosts.
    1 point
  16. J4MES OX4D

    The Division

    The Division E3 2014 gameplay. Exclusive content to Xbox One
    1 point
  17. Is it me or does the gun textures look absolutely terrible? I can sense that multiplayer is going to be a hellhole with that jumping and dashing.
    1 point
  18. I agree multiplayer is where a decision will be made... However that looks poor, I just can't get over the stupid jumping suits...
    1 point
  19. You be the judge http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-wXQ9zT8KQ8
    1 point
  20. deterioration


    PURCHASED 100% LEGAL FROM A STORE I picked up S01 on Blu-ray the other day. The image quality and 5.1 DTS sound really make it an even more pleasurable experience. Way better than watching it on TV. You almost feel like your in the room with them during certain scenes. The extras, especially the gag reel, are great too! Started S02 again, left off at EP06. I missed a bunch of things. Watching it all the way through is the way to go.
    1 point
  21. deterioration

    RIP Rik Mayall

    Never heard of him. From those clips I've missed out.
    1 point
  22. I'm really enjoying this; it's been very well put together. The 45gig download/install was a bit rough but worth it. Running flawlessly at 1920x1080.
    1 point
  23. I'm sure I could squeeze out some time for Aids.
    1 point
  24. I can't wait for non contact boxing!
    1 point
  25. The current rugby ball looks a little like Ed Milliband so I'm surprised a Tory MP hasn't tried that yet!
    1 point
  26. It's like they've run out of things to moan about! Next they'll change the shape of a rugby ball because it's too pointy
    1 point
  27. Only non playing political morons could even think up this concept. What is the fucking point in even getting out of your jimmies in the morning and venturing into the big wide world when you have idiots like this suggesting such idiotic proposals?? Surely they have better things to do with their "valuable" time. You know, like propping up the bar(s) in Westminster. Now people will begin to understand my complete hate of politicians no matter what their affiliation.............grrrrrrrrrr..........and relax
    1 point
  28. Don't know if you guys outside of the US have this sale or not but if you are planning to get a number of new games it would be worth looking at. http://www.bestbuy.ca/en-CA/e3.aspx?icmp=home_hero_big_20140606_E32014_en Might even be worth pooling purchases together
    1 point
  29. tronic44

    Edge of Tomorrow

    Glad you enjoyed it dude, i think the Cruise man will put a lot of people off seeing it but you're right, i'd say it's a must-see. Still think his best role was the dude in Tropic Thunder
    1 point
  30. Thanks for the tip, I'd forgotten that Dark Sector conflicts had battle pay and have been ignoring them. Another good source of credits is to sell mods you don't need. I sold most of my duplicates off yesterday for 100k.
    1 point
  31. Liking your style Rich well played my good man
    1 point
  32. ...... i brought an apple to work today, more than happy to have an orange instead. I can feel the love already
    1 point
  33. When Adrian Chiles starts talking
    1 point
  34. You could've picked the leaves off you lazy bastard
    1 point
  35. Dattebayo

    Fathers day plans?

    I want to draw him something, something from the bottom of my heart... But he's been in jail so long, I don't really remember what he likes Maybe I'll go visit him...It's a really far drive, but...yeah, I think I'll do that.
    1 point
  36. Docwagon

    Book reviews

    Holy shitballs, this book is good. http://www.amazon.com/The-Worst-Hard-Time-Survived/dp/0618773479 The book is a narrative of multiple families and individuals who lived through the Dust Bowl. (For those unfamiliar with US history, the Dust Bowl was a catastrophic consequence of tearing up the native grass species on the lower Great Plains region of America, resulting in massive dust storms that stripped the top soil and carried it far enough away that it dusted ships at sea. They ruined the land by removing all indigenous species so that they could plant millions of acres of wheat, and then when wheat prices plummeted due to the end of WWI and Russia resuming grain exports to Europe followed shortly thereafter by the stock market crash and the beginning of the Great Depression, and the fields sat empty. A lot of non-fiction is interesting in that you are learning, but not particularly compelling (ie, dry). This book has a ton of historical information, as well as information on how the economy and markets worked in turn of the century America, but is presented inside the true stories of these families and communities. There are lessons for the future inside this history of the past, including what happens when the wealth gap tips beyond what a given society will tolerate, from rigging backruptcy auctions to dragging judges out of the courtroom and threatening to hang them if they foreclose one more deed. I read the first third of the book non-stop today. It's non-fiction that reads like top shelf fiction, absolutely incredible stories told in an excellent voice with just the right amount of historical context and explanation to make sense of it but without it getting in the way of the flow of the story. Its well worth $8 and the time to read it.
    1 point
  37. Ranked Oberon to level 30, I really enjoyed him. It's nice to play the game a bit differently, healing others and doing more than just kill everything in sight. Rhino bored me, it's too easy mode, iron skin makes you take no damage what so ever for long periods of time and just makes you become complacent. I had a shock when I first used Oberon and had to use cover etc and couldn't just tank the damage... I'm now onto my 5th warframe, Nekros...got him tonight he's lv 6, been going through the mercury missions teaching my brother the game aswell... Building a Saryn frame too be done in 3 days... Look out for some of the dark sector wars, some clans are giving huge amounts of battle pay to play for them, I played a game yesterday that was offering 50,000 credits per game to play for them. Now I have upgraded every mod I own as much as I can and still have 200,000 credits spare. Also does anyone have 'Tranquil Cleave' stance mod for nikanas? I would like to trade for it if anyone does...
    1 point
  38. Based on some new information I've learned, I would like to recant what I mentioned about TigerBurge in my original post. He is no longer dead to me, though at this point he probably doesn't give a shit. I only post this because I dragged his name into this thread. Now I'm regretting that, and I apologize.
    1 point
  39. Guest

    Edge of Tomorrow

    I completely agree. This movie was excellent and I would go so far as to label it a must-see. (Oooh it rhymed) definitely one of Cruise's better efforts as of late.
    1 point
  40. I'll be preordering and getting this game day one as usual as I am quietly confident in AW and Sledgehammer as a whole. It's a bit risky but I miss playing Call of Duty and how it used to be. I am more optimistic this time than I was a year ago as Advanced Warfare represents a true next gen game and I am intrigued by what I've seen so far. The day Ghosts gets banished from memory will be a good day for all. The game has really tainted the franchise and it doesn't seem to sit anywhere in the series. It feels like a spin-off or some casual game with silly elements. The community morale and player counts are at such a low point and while there has been a few other titles as alternatives; it just left a gaping hole in my social gaming time. I've had a nice break though from COD and whilst I'm not as pumped as I used to be in anticipation for AW; I hope the months leading up to release will be exciting and full of new ideas. A challenging game design and longevity-driven structure along with a solid and consistent connection is a major requirement though for my long term interest.
    1 point
  41. Does it let itself down a little in the longevity department with there being no online component, I figured with it being single player only picking it up when the price goes down might be prudent.
    1 point
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