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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/11/2014 in all areas

  1. Sennex

    Heartbleed bug

    So this is actually really huge to be honest. This is the best explanation for how it works. It might not seem like its all that big of a deal, but it really is. This site here uses open SSL, most sites use Open SSL. When I say most, the current estimate is upwards of 60% of the worlds websites. Does this mean you need to worry about your banking passwords and online bill payment crap? Truthfully, yes you do. Does this mean you need to run out and change all your passwords right now? No it doesn't, and here is why. This is NOT a quick fix, this is a huge endeavor, this is a huge amount of work, and most websites are not being open about how and when they are dealing with this issue. Your best course of action here is to monitor all of your various accounts very closely for the next month. Take action as needed to keep yourself safe. http://mashable.com/2014/04/09/heartbleed-bug-websites-affected/ That is a list of what we know as of yesterday was affected and what the companies are doing about it. Seriously, take the time to research it and see how it impacts you. Again, this is a world wide issue, not just local to the US Lastly, think about the pandora's box that was opened by announcing this. How many blackhatters out there didn't know about this, but as soon as it was announced, decided to jump on it and start scooping up all the data they could because companies are in a panic
    5 points
  2. Diddums

    Messing about

    Tired of being bored shitless at work, I decided to pack some hardware into a suitcase and take it with me for tonight's shift. I've got: Thermaltake Berlin 630w PSU Asrock H61 PRO BTC motherboard Celeron G1610 CPU 4gb DDR3 Nvidia 750 ti (MSI Gaming edition) Now a few notes, this is going to be a mining PC, hence the 750 ti. I've got another one at home and they're excellent low power cards which actually perform very well for gaming for their price. They have basically revolutionized the GPU world because not only do they perform well, but they don't even require a separate power plug - they get all their juice from the motherboard, and draw no more than 40 watts. Compared to my 290, which is happy to suck 300w from all it's power connnectors. What this means is that you can plug one of these babies into any PC and play games. These cards will NOT run in SLi, which is a real shame. Two of these in SLI would spank most cards out there for next to nothing. I'm assuming Nvidia did this on purpose because two of these in SLI would make most of their mid-range cards obsolete instantly. The CPU I've gone with is the lowest power model on the market, the Celeron G1610. It's a dual core 2.6ghz jobbie with no hyperthreading. It's made for low power and low cost, and at £30 it's a steal. Running with two Ivy Bridge cores too. The RAM is half of my main PC's RAM, so Corsair Vengeance 4gb 2133mhz. I've got it running at 1600 because I'm not fussed about performance here, it's all about the mining, so the GPUs are where it's at. The motherboard is a model designed specifically for mining, and as such has extra power connectors and PCI-E slots. It will take up to 6 graphics cards on risers, although I'll only be using three for now. I will probably load up some games on to this at some point and see how they fare. Unfortunately the internet here in the headquarters of the biggest telecomms company in the world is so slow I could probably feed this PC binary and it'd be faster, so that's not going to be a for a little while. Here's what it looks like right now: Once it's all set up at home, I'll add another 750 ti, and then a 7950. This will be a cracking little miner which will hopefully turn a wee profit slowly. The only issue I foresee is that these 750 tis are Nvidia chips, and the 7950 is AMD, so I might have to work around some driver conflicts but it shouldn't be too hard. That's it. Just felt like rambling on a bit. Any questions, fire away!
    4 points
  3. Sennex

    *Site Maintenance*

    Going to happen tomorrow morning. There might be a slight downtime of like 5-10 minutes, but thats all I foresee right now. If any of you have any issues going on right now with something on the site, let me know before I start doing this. Same as last week basically. Going to look at what all is involved in upgrading to IP board 3.4.6 Going to look at what all is involved in upgrading to IP Nexus 1.5.9 Going to change Diddums title to Dickbutt Remove some extra Whitespace, not sure why its there, but it is Look into backing up our MySQL database
    3 points
  4. Sweet baby jesus, someone buy me this please. They start at $25k. [media]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HJoi-1g0IzI[media] http://www.force-dynamics.com/401/
    3 points
  5. Diddums

    Heartbleed bug

    Meh. Let them rob me. I've got about 50p for them. Nobody seems to care anyway.
    3 points
  6. spam the chat box with "admin is a fucking cheating cunt" as much as you can so you get banned and wont have to ever play that server again
    3 points
  7. Saw this posted on reddit!
    2 points
  8. Just Cal

    *Site Maintenance*

    Any chance we can see that "Dickbutt" title change? _I love Dickbutt
    2 points
  9. Diddums

    Messing about

    Oh it's definitely going, it's nearing a decade old. I refuse to get rid of the bastard though because it was the drive I had in my first "proper" PC and it's also the last component I have from it. It also marks the era where I went from a kid who lived off hand-me-downs to a self-sufficient adult who is capable of buying the stuff he wants. When it dies I'll turn it into a storage box or something. Until then, rock'n'roll. And scratch. And... stuff.
    2 points
  10. Ewww umbro, and to think they were the England sponsor for years and years!
    2 points
  11. took this at The Killers show last year:
    2 points
  12. Sennex

    *Site Maintenance*

    sure I updated someone, not saying who, but it wasn't Dave, let me know when you spot it Cal
    1 point
  13. Harrison

    Messing about

    Cracking stuff Dave!
    1 point
  14. It'll give 'ol Jose something to moan and chew on!!
    1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. Time to dust this thread off. (If you've a weak stomach this post isn't for you.) People I work with are slobs in general. From dropping popcorn all over the floor and leaving it on days when a co-worker makes movie popcorn for everyone, to throwing hand towels on the ground instead of in the garbage can right next to the sink in the bathroom but this slob takes the trophy for biggest scumbag. I'm friendly with the custodian here and it's a running joke between him and I how much of a pig our receptionist is so he called me over this morning to see what treasures he had to clean under her desk THIS time. The woman is easily 500 pounds. That's not an over exaggeration shes massive. I'm not trying run down heavy people, I'm a pudgy fuck, but this cunt is so fucking huge and lazy that she wont bend down to pick up after herself and just leaves trash there for others to clean. Which pisses me off! To be fair she clearly has a mental and/or eating disorder (I and others have witnessed her eating her boogers ) which is sad, she is a sick lady and needs help, but the disgust far outweighs sympathy or understanding at times.
    1 point
  17. So Chelsea get Atletico and here's another twist In response to media reports referring to the situation of Club Atlético de Madrid goalkeeper Thibaut Courtois, UEFA would like to reiterate its position. The integrity of sporting competition is a fundamental principle for UEFA. Both the UEFA Champions League and the UEFA Disciplinary Regulations contain clear provisions which strictly forbid any club to exert, or attempt to exert, any influence whatsoever over the players that another club may (or may not) field in a match. It follows that any provision in a private contract between clubs which might function in such a way as to influence who a club fields in a match is null, void and unenforceable so far as UEFA is concerned. Furthermore, any attempt to enforce such a provision would be a clear violation of both the UEFA Champions League and the UEFA Disciplinary Regulations and would therefore be sanctioned accordingly
    1 point
  18. Sennex

    Messing about

    Good or bad? There are things that Mechanical harddrives excel at, and when I say excel, I mean absolutely crush SSD's. Just as in you really can't beat an SSD for load time Also, give Rift a try for me, I would love to hear what your consistent FPS is in a normal event
    1 point
  19. Whats up Steve, long time no talk hope things are going your way Something I've found to be very therapeutic is to focus on flexibility. I work from home, and my office is essentially my basement where I always end up sitting on the floor with my laptop in front of the tv. About 2 months ago I started stretching my legs and now I'm at the point where I can stand up and almost put my palms on the floor with my legs straight. I used to barely be able to sit indian style comfortably because it hurt my joints. Now I sit that way pretty much every day. Sounds random but spending 20 minutes a day just stretching your muscles is a really awesome feeling. It is very noticeable with everyday activities, like climbing stairs, getting out of the car, getting into bed, etc. I would highly recommend spending time focusing on stretching.your muscles.
    1 point
  20. techno

    Youtube Stuff

    Second clip by FG cal, think he posted it on here before. http://youtu.be/qrkbqMFLK7w
    1 point
  21. Diddums

    Badmins piss me off!

    I wish that Battlelog had an ignore feature so you could simply remove some servers from the search results.
    1 point
  22. I didn't get any notifications, however, if you mouse over the name, it does do a lil' pop up thing showing my status and whatnot.
    1 point
  23. We need the smiley face of rolling on the floor laughing, damn.
    1 point
  24. ^^ i came here to say this. they're solid shoes in general, so bonus. i have wide feet too and subsequently have also had slivers of nail removed due to ingrowing, but i just assumed i was a singular freak of nature that society could never accept as human. good to know i have bros out there.
    1 point
  25. Training with Mounted Patrol. The horses are impressive as FUCK when they come at you in a line. Afterwards you get to play with them. This makes the officers less afraid of the horses and the horses less afraid of crowds of people.
    1 point
  26. Sennex

    bf4 tips/help

    Never just Auto Deploy until you are a vet, and know how to read the tactical Map Carbines are OP for all classes DO NOT FUCKING ASK FOR AMMO OR A MEDKIT AND THEN RUN AWAY! Revive your team mates Drop a Med kit/ ammo kit as soon as you spawn in. Look for the weapon drops in Conquest. Issue Squad orders, or follow Squad orders, seriously you will rack up huge points just following defend and attack orders Do not take a helicopter unless you know what the fuck you are doing If you are in a vehicle in the spawn, and its not full up with team mates, and you drive away, you need to go back to playing CoD If you are getting repaired, don't chase down another vehicle before the Engi finishes repairing you Camping a flag is okay in conquest. However, if your whole squad is camping, then you need to move, thats begging for a grenade or a Multikill. You are not superman..... seriously Recon, I'm looking at you Hide in rubble. The easy path is usually mined with Claymores, C-4, or AT's and Slams. (Or some pussy ass recon is on a rooftop watching you) Avoid the LOS of all rooftops Underground, swimming, and tunnels are king for moving around. (Unless its Footlocker, in which case go outside, its nice, and lonely there) If only one path can be taken to a capture point, then its a stupid path to take. Turn off your accessories when you are flanking Open all doors when you are capturing Close all doors when you are camping The bursting radius of a hand grenade is always one foot greater than your jumping range If you are in an Aircraft, then clear the goddamned rooftops of the pussy assed recons camping up there. (If all you do is hunt recons all game, and keep the roof's clear, you will be helping your team more than any other player) If you play a pussy assed recon, then you need to drop spawn points, work the objectives and help your team by being mobile and stealthy. Your K/D means dick, stop trying to "pad" it, Play the Objective, take the death if you have to, but win the map.
    1 point
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