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    J4MES OX4D


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/31/2014 in all areas

  1. Sennex

    YouTube these days..

    In our defense, you guys have those Pikey folks, and gypsy's and shit which no one can understand and of course...... Dylan
    3 points
  2. Apparently I can't tell the difference between male and female toilets. Should have guessed by the lack of piss on the seat. Seriously why did the woman have to make a fuss? Simple mistake. Get the fuck on with your life. I didn't see your vagina. Everyone is so offended these days.
    2 points
  3. Diddums

    YouTube these days..

    My wife watches that, but only if I'm not home or doing something else. It actually makes me moody to see people who should be culled at birth given money and their lifestyle glamorised. Honey poo poo and family need to be shot. And I'm not even joking either. We've spent thousands of years developing the human race but people like this just put us back in the stone ages, and we pay for it with taxes. Their English needs to be subtitled for fuck sakes.
    2 points
  4. wasted trip to the bathroom
    2 points
  5. Every lobby I have been in with a "Youtuber" has led me to the conclusion that they are attention seeking twats that will Rage quit before the match is over. Source: Experience with various OTC youtubers, and their Friends that are also Youtubers.
    2 points
  6. Diddums

    YouTube these days..

    Nail / head. Pewdiepie is a fucking retard, and the fact that he has all these subscribers really makes me question whether or not I want to be a part of this human race thing. Even as a young kid I'd have thought he's a moron. There's no substance to his work, it's just him being a dumbass. If he wore a costume and had a theme like a kids' show I could understand, but he doesn't. It's just him sitting on a chair playing a game and screaming like a little bitch. That's it. 25m subscribers. His little intros where he squeals and squirms as he introduces himself would've been funny once, when he was 8. He's now in his twnties and still doing it in every video. It honestly beggars belief. And what's this "brofist" bollocks? Fuck off already. There are some really good Youtubers out there but unfortunately they're all hidden behind these people that do the same shit every time and people gobble it up. Look at all the cod / bf trolling videos. You can't play a game of BF4 nowadays either withotu some tit coming at your with a Jihad Jeep. It's old. It's tedious. It's been done, over and over again. You're not a special snowflake, it's not "ermahgrd orsum" when you kill someone with a jeep loaded with C4, it's just the same shit you've been doing the entire fucking match and you got lucky once. Go stick it on Youtube and claim your 15 minutes of fame. I'm sure Pewdie's army of seemingly single celled retards will be more than happy to subscribe. And the CoD trolling videos... "kevin". Needn't say more really. Fuck it, I'm hungry and moody. Imma go eat before I melt this PC with my laser eyes.
    2 points
  7. OMFG how is this even possible!? I take it Aitchy is a bloody good translator then!
    2 points
  8. Are you familiar with Vegas? If so you can get it "free" if you know where to look. Hint if you need to. And before anyone jumps on the piracy bandwagon, I have no issues paying for software at all, in fact I actively discourage piracy, but laying down £600 for what is nothing more than a hobby is ridiculous. If you're not familiar with Vegas, I suggest trying out the Adobe products, starting with premiered and later on after effects. They are a bit trickier for a noob but can achieve much more glamorous results and is generally more fun once you get used to it. If all you want is cuts and some weak-ish effects then Vegas is perfect, but all these montages with fancy lighting and stuff are generally done with After Effects. If you need a hand holler, I went down this road too.
    2 points
  9. uberwarrior

    Proud Moments

    Got my longest headshot yesterday at 285m (not far i know but read on) playing Conquest on Operation Mortar using the MOD-11 DMR with an ACOG sight I headshot a guy parachuting down from the Gunship
    2 points
    2 points
  11. ..absolutely fucking intolerable. I hate it now. A few years ago it was unique particularly in the early Modern Warfare era. Now there seems to be so much potential in making easy money; people with large sub bases are just whoring out lots of shit for easy likes from dedicated followers to make a quick buck. I'm not just talking about the gaming arena either. Equipment and uploading is too easy now and any old shit is being promoted. It's also full of ignorant, arrogant twats with stupid haircuts making useless Vlogs of trips to buy a new designer cardigan from their online earnings and have lunch at Burger King. Why does 1.8m people give a fuck by watching and how can 500,000 people 'like' this kind of rubbish? Many of the old-skool uploaders have either taken their foot off the gas or have quit the whole thing after being swarmed by carbon-copy channels who have succumbed to a single video hit or have been lavishly marketed. I used to love the likes of KYR Sp33dy but now he's uploading about 18 videos a week; all of them unfunny and not hilarious in the slightest. Still, that'll earn him over a million likes and a tasty wage packet for shoddy, lazy content. There is so much unbearable and unoriginal commercial garbage on there too along with shitty music videos and crappy products. It's just a mess now. Also how the fuck does the likes of PewDiePie get 25m subscribers? His videos are fucking boring. Oh yeah; he got his girlfriend to play Slender once which pretty much gave him a further 14m subs overnight. I'd rather have a zillion COD montages than half the crap I see on there today.
    1 point
  12. Chookes

    After a few pints...

    Just fell over.
    1 point
  13. Actually they do because some perfectly able person are occupying the disabled cube due to delusion of "grandeur" about their penis when they need to go for a piss/shit
    1 point
  14. Chookes

    After a few pints...

    I got the train home. I stayed awake on it. I'm a good boy.
    1 point
  15. I've learned to use you lot as guinea pigs. I refuse to touch shot like this until it's fixed. I have enough stress in my life without the thing I do to relax fucking me around and charging me for the pleasure. So, guinea pigs, give me a heads up when it's fixed please
    1 point
  16. Madjonny

    YouTube these days..

    I think YouTube has got pretty shit aswell, but more annoyingly it's ruined my favourite games... COD, everyone knows every cheap tactic, OP weapon, camping spot, glitch, etc... FIFA, KSI the wanker, 9/10 games you play online people will do a routine at kickoff that if done correctly cannot be defended against and you can be down 1-0 within 5 seconds, he's a funny guy, and in the past has made some excellent series, but most of his work is just teaching people to exploit the flaws in the game, the easy no skill way to win a game easily... It's as if now nobody you play has any knowledge of the game of football and certainly no self respect to even try and play like real football... All because of YouTube!
    1 point
  17. I think a lot of stores don't bring in PC games in the quantities due to the DRM restrictions and the risk of not selling the copies. Many publishers don't opt for producing them any more either. My local store 15 years ago used to have a library of cardboard boxes and many games used to sell like hotcakes the physical way but now with Steam; many gamers are just buying digitally because of the sales and the ease. Origin offers fuck all in special deals most of the time and their prices are extortionate. By cutting out the physical aspect; shops will ultimately not stock any PC titles in the near future even if they are still floating around I reckon. Origin should just be disbanded and everything should be transferred to Steam. It would save EA a lot of money in the long run and general sever stress. I know EA are paranoid about losing more money through piracy but their restrictions and general arrogance with Origin has done them no favours even with their abysmal reputation. They even had to pre-load Titanfall 4 days early so people could download it for fear that everything would collapse on release day. uPlay are shite also.
    1 point
  18. Good luck to 'em. I can live without those games and Steam is awesome. Origin is an outdated piece of shite and until they update it and actually market it properly with special offers and free weekends, it's just going to sink.
    1 point
  19. techno

    YouTube these days..

    I have to agree I started watching a lot of YouTube at work to pass the time now I've unsubed from alot of them and moved onto others as you say there's only so much of the same stuff you can watch, 2 immediately spring to mind black worm and his camping and elpressador same rage all the time. Speedy I used to love watching now its occasionally if I need to pass some time, having said that they do still produce some gems sometimes.
    1 point
  20. I'm not familiar with most of what you all are talking abut but I'd like to add I hate the commercials. And @sennex I'm stealing that PC.gif
    1 point
  21. What are you looking to do with the software Phil? I got myself Sony Movie Studio Platinum 12 last year, it's a great bit of software and does everything i need it to. Think you can pick it up for about £35 now, although there is a newer version out. I'll show you the version i've got the next time you're over if you want?
    1 point
  22. They missed on purpose so they could funnel them into the trap. Just like Rick was talking about the snare trap and how it funneled the animals in. So they have a pretty good set up. Draw people in from way out, make them follow the rails, right into the funnel trap and bam. Feed them a plate, make them comfortable, pounce. Now they are bait for the next group. There were the letter A pasted all over the doorways they were herded into. Sorta like a sign to help the snipers funnel them. Kirkman on next season http://comicbook.com/blog/2014/03/31/the-walking-dead-creator-robert-kirkman-teases-season-five-and-beyond/
    1 point
  23. Awesome episode!! I saw the bones. It was real quick so if you blinked you could have missed it. Definitely looked like a human spine. Also, didn't they think it was a little weird that they were using machine guns but yet couldn't hit them? And oh look, a letter A on every exit. That doesn't look suspicious. Other than that, I thought it was so good!! So the only ones that haven't made it there yet are Carol and Tyreese. They must have something to do with getting them out. It's a shame we didn't get to find out what happened to Beth. But like the pictures above indicate, maybe someone ate her out.....literally!!!!
    1 point
  24. He'd ace the topic Altis Life if it was allowed on Mastermind. Just don't get in a vehicle with him
    1 point
  25. The stream was shit last night all the way up until the final strangely where i only had to reset it about 10 times! Complexity just looked awesome though. Deserved champs for me, just a shame the NV team that was seem for the earlier part didn't show up. Pleased to see Optic up there again and running these teams close. Not sure if they choked or were just beaten by the better team but either way a 3rd place finish is alot higher than i expected
    1 point
  26. Hope Liverpool wins the league. I don't like chelsea or city one bit. United is well out of it. Arsenal lost their chance when we didn't sign anyone good in the winter window... Still have my hopes for a 3rd or 4th place and a FA cup win.
    1 point
  27. Crack it. You paid for it right? Fuck 'em. That always on DRM shit can bollocks. If I paid for something, I expect it to work at all times, not just when I'm connected to the net. The only reason they can get away with it is because Adobe generally has excellent support but if you're not going to use it, why bother? Otherwise just download a cracked copy. Again, you paid for it, so fuck 'em. In cases like this I wish companies would kick and scream a bit more like gamers do. It's not right to be treated like that and gamers are so damn vocal about it (XB One always connected? remember that?). Unfortunately when it comes to corporations (the main consumers for these products) everyone just stands around pointing fingers at each other and passing the buck around because they can't be arsed to do it, so small time consumers like you and me are shafted because the distros get away with it. Basstids.
    1 point
  28. ^^ lol The only thing with Adobe is that you have to be logged into their servers to use their premier software, the bastards, have to create an adobe id and all sorts....we'll see...
    1 point
  29. The reason Vegas is so popular is because for simple edits, it can't be beaten. That and it was first cracked years ago so every little CoD kiddy could get his hands on it, resulting in billions of Youtube tutorials about it.
    1 point
  30. I've tried to take this seriously. I really have, but I just can't. Having seen some of the egos, loudmouths and just general disrespect some of those idiots have, I just think it's a waste of time and those punks need to be taken down a peg. Not all of them obviously, some seem to be genuinely nice chaps but the fact that the idiots get away with the shit that they do just discourages me from being interested. I also suck at cod and they don't, so fuck 'em.
    1 point
  31. Aitchy

    Well... Hello

    Hey guys, thought I would join as know someone here and they were speaking good words about it. Have been in the teamspeak a few times over the last couple of weeks so thought I better register. Im a late console to PC convert, in my 30's now. Love to get a good gaming session in when I can and enjoy a laugh when doing it. Use to be a hardcore Call of Duty player on console, kind of gave that up when I switched to PC though. Although will likely get a PS4 when some more games come out for it. I've been on PC the last few years playing games like DayZ Mod, Battlefield, Arma 2 and 3......DayZ standalone has not really impressed me yet but Im guessing it will start delivering the goods later in the year. Titanfall is top of my wishlist right now I think so probably that also in the near future. I love a good single player game that you can get immersed in also. Favourite game ever was Fallout 3, currrently doing a playthrough of New Vegas on PC with a few mods and its night and day difference to what I remeber that game playing like on console when it released, really enjoying it and going for the 100% achievements, then will get started on Fallout 3 (save the best for last yo). Anyway there is too many games and not enough time to play them to the extent you want to play them Do you guys have a steam group? Maybe catch a few of you guys in the forums or in game Peace P.S Thanks for use of the Teamspeak
    1 point
  32. Well that's not good... I really wish this was a 2 hour long episode.
    1 point
  33. most intense yep. Every scene is weighted. I love the haunting of Hershel. They are showing the mirror of morality to brutatlity; hershel vs rick. And can he come back from it or will Hershel's way totally be lost. Hershel is even haunting the episode with his pocket watch permeating the situation. If you recall, watches have been a theme. Carol gave Rick her watch. Hershel to Glenn. Rick to those 2 hippy survivors.
    1 point
  34. That last scene.... Wow. Most intense of season.
    1 point
  35. Maggie's dead. Here is my proof. (logical deduction that is) Either way, can't wait! I'm tired of Glen's whining, sure wish they would kill him off. Funny Shit
    1 point
  36. J4MES OX4D

    Goat Simulator

    People are saying this is an early contender for GOATY
    1 point
  37. TigerBurge

    TLOU Remastered PS4

    Good I want to play this game.
    1 point
  38. And now for something a bit bizarre!
    1 point
  39. Just Cal

    Goat Simulator

    I installed this today. Even though my laptop should be able to run this with ease, I'm still having problems with FPS drops. I'm trying to sort it out though, so far I've headbutted a fellow goat and the farmer. I LOL'd twice. Pretty successful haha
    1 point
  40. 1 point
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