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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/19/2014 in all areas

  1. 2 points
  2. Baabcat

    Proud Moments

    Fell over a roof in Zavoc, parachuted and landed next to two dudes.. First guy tries to knife me , I get the counter, second guy tries to knife me, I get the counter again. I was like Rambo
    2 points
  3. The Nice thing about BF4 is you don't have to get kills to get scores. Take the flags in conquest (lots of points), drop ammo or health packs (decent point), repair vehicles (dangerous of your teammates don't protect you). Play assault on conquest and drop med kits and get revives, let the other guys do the killing. Always drop your med kit when taking the flag
    2 points
  4. Dave once you start to unlock things it gets better. The M416 is really good. Tommy started putting up good scores once he unlocked it. You just have to find what gun works for you
    2 points
  5. Thanks for the vid jordie! An interesting look at one of today's most controversial aspects of gaming. I think TotalBuscuit is spot on in what is a very fair and balanced overview of this publication strategy. I think Steam have been far too generous towards developers for this method of 'backdoor' publishing. Far too many titles are overpriced, unfit for purpose and demonstrate no clear forwarding strategy in terms of future development. As mentioned in the vid; it has made the store look exceptionally poor with major titles being swarmed to the back pages. I think they need to create an entirely separate store for these games and developers along with Valve need to provide more transparency as to where the game stands present and going forward. The one good thing about early access is gamers have a choice as to whether they purchase. Some projects seem credible and tempting but there is always that fear of the developer 'taking the money and running'.
    2 points
  6. I hear you can buy drugs with bitcoins. Sounds like a winner to me. But in all seriousness, it's way too complicated for me to understand. I'm with you a little, but I don't grasp it 100%. I'll read the article you posted. I hope you're right that this is the next monetary system because our current system has failed and is currently collapsing all around us. As I mentioned above, currency only holds value for as long as the people have faith in it and certainly all fiat currencies collapse eventually; especially after they are no longer back by gold/silver. I suppose that is my main concern here. That the perceived value is based on faith alone and they are not backed by anything of real value. I'm also a fan of having my wealth within arms reach.
    2 points
  7. There's a couple of good players who stream at Twitch.tv. There's a guy called Sacriel who seems to be pretty honourable (though kills when necessary) who I enjoy watching over there.
    2 points
  8. PrivateParts_93

    Proud Moments

    Oh nothing really .... Just two collateral snipes in a row on flood zone !
    1 point
  9. Madjonny

    PS4 controller mod

    Ooooo sound like I better check if XxM4djonny1337 is available just incase I like them!
    1 point
  10. Chookes

    PS4 controller mod

    Yeah, you just pull them off. Problem I find with Kontrol Freeks are that you either love them or hate them. It took me a while to get used to it but I need one on my R3 stick now. I have no idea if it helps my aim, I just find it more comfortable. Here's the sniprs on ebay: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Kontrol-Freek-FPS-Freek-SNIPR-/271374417603?pt=UK_VideoGames_VideoGameAccessories_VideoGameAccessories_JN&hash=item3f2f2cfec3 Not really sure it'll help but if curious, here's my controller:
    1 point
  11. Chookes

    PS4 controller mod

    Ignore me, there's some created for the PS4: http://www.kontrolfreek.com/next-gen-xbox-one-ps4/fps-freek-snipr.html These will make you the next Grizz because they're made for sniprs.
    1 point
  12. Chookes

    PS4 controller mod

    You could always buy dome shaped Kontrol Freeks, might save you screwing up an expensive controller.
    1 point
  13. Dr Diamond

    Proud Moments

    got a quad yesterday. we were getting fucked on locker conquest by our fucking shit team sat in our spawn. me and ryan went through the snow . i went in at where they were waiting for the rest of our team to come out the spawn.....2 guys facing away from me, both dead,3rd guy spawns in kill him too, 4th guy spawns in, pistol out, kill him, squad wipe, hahahahahahahaha
    1 point
  14. techno

    Proud Moments

    Hainan resort ran round a corner shit whole group backed out chucked in incendiary nade multi kill!
    1 point
  15. fish anti-biotics - new link - lower prices added to fish anti-biotics section or follow through here http://www.campingsurvival.com/fishantibiotics.html
    1 point
  16. jordie1892

    Mod or Pre-Alpha?

    If you have the time I'd recommend listening to this: He brings up some pretty good points.
    1 point
  17. Ammunition storage added to Guns section http://forevergaming.co.uk/index.php/topic/760-prepping-101-shtf-scenario-preparation/?p=20443
    1 point
  18. PlumbersCrack56 - GMT, anything coz I don't understand it anyway! The learning curve for me on this is so steep, I need crampons, ice axe and a Sherpa guide!
    1 point
  19. I just got the game yesterday, it is awesome so far, only Battlefield game I've played a reasonable amount was BC2 so I am looking forward to this! PSN: theINFAMOUSkiwi Oh and for those who know iGotMollyWhopped he has a PS4 and BF4 now
    1 point
  20. He'll be Scottish and ginger, homeless is the least of his worries.
    1 point
  21. Dr Diamond

    Guitar thread !

    now i am wanting a sick blues rig. my amp should be here in 3 weeks. i am dying to try it out. been listening to alot of blues lately. its sick. peter green is a fucking genius. i neeeeed to be able to play like this
    1 point
  22. I know, it's shocking in this day and age that people can be so effing stupid. It's not that difficult to read, digest and find things out.... but it seems too much trouble for some. And don't get me started on the entitlement thing. People in the world starving and spoilt bastards whining about a game..sickening. We're lucky though, we got Dave
    1 point
  23. I swear the DayZ community on Steam is more immature and stupid than the idiots that plague the official Call of Duty one. There is about 16,500 threads on the board and every time a new one is upped; you refresh and it's down to page 4. About 2,000 were regarding the issues from the other day and all practically the same! Needs moderation desperately. Here's my favourite comments from two days ago (copy and pasted+all English speaking users....apparently!): 'My dayz no worken. joned server got boted amd now dont play. can i get moneys bak plz' 'plad Dayz earlier n server crashed. wot do i do n is this game broke now n do i get money cos of this problem i am havin help me pls' 'I want a refund for DayZ because the finished product is a complete joke. I know this is the alpha but I paid my twenty quid and it doesn't work properly. Reply if you want to protest and we can set up a group and if we get even a hundred members interested; they have to refund us' This is why I'm so happy to have found ForeverGaming; a nicely sized forum with a great community, very tidy and well-maintained. Trying to get through to the DayZ forum that the standalone is a alpha and not a finished product is proving an impossible task.
    1 point
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