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  1. Just Cal

    Just Cal


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/14/2013 in all areas

  1. Never mind. Newer one.
    5 points
  2. lol story incoming. So I got called down to the college admin office 30 minutes ago, they wished to talk about a very serious matter. Yesterday, I tried to print out a patient record from Dixmoor Asylum for the criminally insane. That's the place from Manhunt 2 if any of you remember? The reason I printed this record out was to try and trick my friend that it was a real record that leaked onto the internet. The first time didn't work so I had to change printers. Success! I showed my friend, he believed it and lulz were had on his behalf. I left the printout on my desk. Upon arriving today, I noticed that my printout had been removed and passed it off as the someone from the night class had taken it to show their mates. No. During the night, a member of staff had come in to do some printer ink replacing and what pops out of the printer? Patient #1's record. Needless to say, she saw it was printed from my machine and found my other copy. She then proceeded to take it to management. So 30 minutes ago, I arrived into the office and had 2 members of staff waiting for me. The woman whom found the "disturbing" documents had arrived visibly shaken last night and thought they should deal with me. So after a 15 minute talk, I convinced them that I'm actually a nice lad who doesn't enjoy taking peoples teeth out with a hammer and pliers. I'm still being watched from now on though and that lady is frightened to death of me. Here's the record that was printed out: Good thing I didn't print out my necrophilia thread hahahahaha
    4 points
  3. 4 points
  4. Good point. I'm a very firm believer that stats killed gaming. I remember the good old days when you saw a scoreboard after a match and once it disappeared, it was gone forever. Too many people give a toss about kdr, longest headshot, etc etc.
    3 points
  5. Yep, makes perfect sense. I find I have three modes though, reckless, thoughtful, and "in the zone". The latter seems to be when I'm just in full form, everything going perfectly. It's also usually when I'm playing solo, and anyone who's ever played with this lot will know why.
    2 points
  6. I got bored with BLOPS2 because it was pretty much too easy... (me and my Chicom FTW).....but I'm liking Ghosts so far because I don't know the maps yet and from I what I've seen (only played a few hours so far) I do like the new maps, they're an improvement on recent games. I have 2 state of minds usually, reckless and thoughtful, how I play depends upon which one is in the ascendancy. Usually if I'm vocally quiet it means I'm concentrating on that very conflict. ^does any of that make any sense? my brain has taken a beating today so I don't know what crap I'm writing. Think I'll jog on at 4pm
    2 points
  7. 2 points
  8. Saw that video as well earlier be nice if its true. I may have an excuse for performing badly That app gets better!
    2 points
  9. Fwisky

    Howdy - Fwizky

    Hey i'm a 16 year old UK gamer, i know Diddums from Musty gaming and as well as Balota Buddies (i think) website looks great so wanted to register. I play League of Legends, BF4, DayZ and all that jazz so hit me up on skype 'Fwizky' if you wanna play. <3 I also do youtube videos aswell but not as much because of sixth form. -.- Heres a link to my latest video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fp_qVXj-h-I
    1 point
  10. Harrison


    Use that build I put in the shoutbox, also you can use your Ulti over walls which is nice. Max out your Drain spell ASAP as wrecks champs if they dont know how to deal with it!
    1 point
    1 point
  12. ...................................
    1 point
  13. Reckless, thoughtful, and in the zone are perfect man. I know exactly what you mean. Reckless is when I'm not paying attention to spawns/details. Thoughtful can go both ways. Sometimes I over think and I die to indecisiveness or my planning works out and I have a decent game. Being in the zone is when I don't need to think about spawns, I just feel them changing and automatically start moving that direction picking and popping everything in my way. The maps/spawns are still too new to me to really get in the zone at this point. I have moments, but not really in the zone.
    1 point
  14. Came home from College to find that my sister's bought me and a couple others tickets for tonight's U-21 match between England and Finland . Absolutely fucking fantastic
    1 point
  15. burnfitbillyboy

    10th Prestige

    Pwnstarz or whatever he's called was the first person to get to top prestige. Some people need a life.
    1 point
  16. There is a very long thread in the Battlelog forums arguing this very point. My take is remove kdr from all the objective based games, it's only needed in TDM and SQTDM. If people are so worried about it go play those games!
    1 point
  17. I can't blame the manufacturer of the game but I can blame the game for not being that fun. The rest of the community is part of the experience and that's what he is going to experience on the PS3. If some of those stats did not exist in the game people would not be bothering to try to get those shots.
    1 point
  18. Dude that is beyond funny. EPIC!
    1 point
  19. Are we happy with this or do you lot want a rants forum?
    1 point
  20. Man I wish I had money to go to England... This better happen again at some point! I'll show you all how a Norwegian drinks
    1 point
  21. Is this the start of Aupan?? or Eutyk??
    1 point
  22. It's the CoD community that ruins good games. I love this game so far, but of course there are the usual complaints about the spawning behind
    1 point
  23. I did one match on flooded just now...went 30 and 9, I guess that is a good map for it, spawns were fine. I can see some of the other maps sucking though.
    1 point
  24. Anytime mine goes to moderate I unplug my router and modem to reset it. When it comes back up its always open. Try that first.
    1 point
  25. Been trying that for years, pre-pubescent hyper active spider monkeys aren't very popular these days
    1 point
  26. /ban tronic44 EDIT: Damn it.
    1 point
  27. I can assure you he doesn't have the vaseline.
    1 point
  28. Sennex

    Read this!

    Pretty much this. Although I have only met him on Skype, and then I think he was on Redbull laced with Coffee.
    1 point
  29. Diddums

    Read this!

    Dylan's a fucking legend, anyone who has met him will agree with me.
    1 point
  30. Harrison


    First PvP game as Ziggs: We lost though
    1 point
  31. Sennex

    Read this!

    From what messages he is sending me, he appears to be doing awesome with the whole server management stuff. However, if you mean How is he doing as he gets closer to puberty, then I can't really answer that question.
    1 point
  32. tronic44

    Out of Context

    Chookes said: It's normal size but covered in excess skin, unfortunately.
    1 point
  33. Corey the Kiwi


    A few professionals have been starting to use him lately, one of them even got a pentakill with him in a competitive match! Here it is...
    1 point
  34. There is nothing better in Call of Duty than a brilliant comeback and there is nothing worse than throwing it away. I had a horrendous defeat on Cranked earlier where we blew a 40 point lead and after being 8-1, I finished 11-12. I noticed a few people quit on the opposition which made way for some better players who managed to turn the game on its head. Thankfully, I usually recover and not be too disheartened. Some lobbies frustrate me and I just have to get the hell outta there usually after bad misfortune continuously or the opposition being rather jammy. If i try too hard to get even, I just become sloppy and increasingly frustrated. COD is enjoyable 90% of the time but technical woes and irritating opponents and even teammates can turn joy into grief. Sometimes I play too much and despite being tired, I keep on going and my play deteriorates which leaves me playing more as I try and salvage the session to finish on a strong note - that sometimes makes things worse as I then think I'm back in the mix and continue to play, only to fade away and then have to repeat the process and try and clock-off for the evening. I think Call of Duty affects the majority of the community in the same way - we're all humans after all but some can just write things off but most get riled at inconsistencies and misfortune and that is all part of the experience.
    1 point
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