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  1. Diddums



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  2. tronic44



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  3. Chookes



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  4. Dylanimo



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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/13/2013 in all areas

  1. Dylanimo

    PSA: Check your plots

    Hi, my name is Dylan going back pay to play thing it shouldn't have to be like that because it's a community server we should be able to trust each other these kind of problems should never of happened in the first place the way i see it is if you're not going to play nice don't play at all and that the last of what i have to say about it and if you don't like what i say don't put it on hear message me privately and we can work it out love, Dylan Edited - Don't let it happen again. love, Diddums.
    3 points
  2. Diddums

    Ghosts is Trash on PC

    It's getting to a point where the two biggest players are fucking up so badly that all it will take is a decent game that works to hammer them from the top spot. Both CoD and BF on PC are so knackered at the moment that they're barely worth playing. BF I'm sure has improved since the recent patch but the launch was a catastrophic failure. People are saying that games are getting more and more complicated to make, and devs are getting worked harder, etc etc, but that argument falls apart when you realise that there are so many recycled elements from previous iterations, and even then, these are triple A titles: if you don't have the resources, then hire more. It's not that hard. The game coding industry is saturated with people trying to get their foot in the door, but the publishers would rather release a defective product and deny all this talent the opportunity to grow than hire some of them and release a quality product. It's a joke really. If you went to the cinema and watched a film and had to come back numerous times to get the full experience you'd flip your shit, yet gamers seem to suck it up (myself included) and let these publishers get away with it.
    3 points
  3. Sennex

    Read this!

    Stick with it man. The fact that you want to do it means you will crush it.
    2 points
  4. Harrison

    Read this!

    You fucking trooper
    2 points
  5. My ps3 can hold a candle and hold the matches to light it! Brrrrrrrrap!
    2 points
  6. If you liked that one, how about these... Some of my favorite songs by wAgAwAgA Calm and dreamy intro, progressing into faster and jazzy beats Just awesome chilled song, don't know how to describe it. To me this is drugs in music form This one is quite trippy/psychedelic, really cool flutes halfway through the song Chilled out songs, perfect when reflecting things
    2 points
  7. Portal for £1.74 and Portal 2 for £3.74 is remarkable value! Also Total War: Rome II is £22.49 until Monday. If anyone sees any good offerings on Steam; we'll throw them in this thread if anyone is interested...
    1 point
  8. Noct

    Robocop 2014

    Anyone else looking forward to this? You can all share opinions and whatnot about the reboot here. Also, I would get a link for the trailer, but it's on mobile, so the link would be akward, so would anyone mind taking care of that end?
    1 point
  9. First, this is not for me. I have a friend that I work with that plays Ghosts. Recently, his NAT went from moderate to strict most of the time and he's having a difficult time finding lobbies and glitching all over the place. I know in the last couple of forums, there were instructions on how to get your NAT back to open or even moderate. Does anyone have that information and if you do, can you please post it hear for the layman who is technologically advanced? I would like to be able to print something out for him to take home and try to fix it. I appreciate any help!!
    1 point
  10. /ban tronic44 EDIT: Damn it.
    1 point
  11. J4MES OX4D


    Some info about the new eSports function available on November 22nd http://www.charlieintel.com/2013/11/13/broadcaster-mode-and-new-esports-options-to-debut-at-mlg-on-nov-22nd/
    1 point
  12. I can assure you he doesn't have the vaseline.
    1 point
  13. Gonna post here again since i've played more Single Player: - Cars keep disappearing - Pretty boring once completed - Only a few heists Online: - Everyone shoots you on sight - Passive mode stops working in vehicles - Radio stations have like 4 songs each (or it seems that way) - Missions are repetitive and boring until you're about level 35 - Races are decided within 10 seconds of starting. Whoever doesn't crash will nearly always win - Everyones character looks pretty similar - There's hacking out there now I think that's about it.. still an awesome game though! Will be much better once they bring out new content.
    1 point
  14. Harrison

    Looking for advice

    It'll be the best decision (gaming wise) that you'll ever make, just sayin'
    1 point
  15. Diddums

    Looking for advice

    Five hundred squids will get you something decent, especially if you've got a mouse and shit. It will also leave you a good upgrade path so you can shove more and faster bits in it as you go, and stuff like the case will be cheapo crap but as long as you don't fling it around you'll be fine. You'll probably max BF4 out on £500. Also, if you want, you can come down to London and we can build it together. Not sure how that'd work transport wise, but if not we can do it via Teamspeak or whatever.
    1 point
  16. Diddums

    Looking for advice

    Have you got a mouse, keyboard, monitor, etc etc? We can build you a decent system for less, that will run very well, but I need to know what you've got to work with.
    1 point
  17. Diddums

    Robocop 2014

    Yep, sounds like a plan!
    1 point
  18. tronic44

    Robocop 2014

    I'm still not sure on it, only because of the original and the fact that I generally hate any film I work on. Dave if you're up for it then we could take the missus?
    1 point
  19. Dylanimo

    PSA: Check your plots

    Hi, my name's Dylan sorry Diddums just had to get my peace out it slipped my mind oh and u did it wrong lol it's like this Hi, my name's Dylan
    1 point
  20. Dylanimo

    Read this!

    Hi, my name's Dylan hi for everyone that wondering thing are going great with the training just finely thousand something a wee bit harder just due to the mods for forge it changed sine i did that kind of think about a year ago but i wont let that stop me i will get passed it and soldier on
    1 point
  21. Drifter

    Aquarium thread

    He's about 4.5" to 5"
    1 point
  22. Diddums

    Read this!

    Dylan's a fucking legend, anyone who has met him will agree with me.
    1 point
  23. actually I screwed up - its not marathon that does this, its the perk 'on the go' that lets you reload when running. So it makes sense you cant cancel reload when running with this perk on
    1 point
  24. tronic44

    Out of Context

    Chookes said: It's normal size but covered in excess skin, unfortunately.
    1 point
  25. Of course not, my forehead isn't the size of a small child. It's normal size but covered in excess skin, unfortunately.
    1 point
  26. Have you got marathon on? Marathon cancels the ability to do a cancel reload by sprinting
    1 point
  27. I might pick this up, kinda missing playing with you lot. Fucking FCPs, you lot are a disease.
    1 point
  28. Guest

    New patch to address issues

    Wow, dude, ease up. This guy destroys pussies.
    1 point
  29. https://www.g2a.com/ Bough BF4, Ghosts an FIFA14 off of there, really cheap and you can use PayPal or can just put in your card details. Codes come within 10 minutes also
    1 point
  30. I'm always talking to myself, I don't need to be a naughty boy to do that.
    1 point
  31. Nope, sorry, foreheads don't match
    1 point
  32. Chookes

    Strikezone Vs Dome

    Merged wapntake's thread in to here, really proud of myself.
    1 point
  33. Yeah they have peasant things on there but its mainly master race items
    1 point
  34. Palle

    Random Pictures

    Tbh I'm not sure which game it is, just thought it was cool Where have you been dude? Haven't seen you on psn or anything for over a week now
    1 point
  35. Just Cal

    Random Pictures

    Oh my god!! Me and and my cousin had so much fun with that
    1 point
  36. 1 point
  37. Plumbers Crack

    Ken Box

    Pretty amazing! Wonder what the out takes were like!
    1 point
  38. I'm with you there dude, i got lost last time i went down there! Ferr realz! So i'll definitely be bringing tissues but probably for different reasons
    1 point
  39. I'm digging them Palle. Thanks man. I'll PM you back soon. Sorry man, forgot about it to be honest. Got busy at work the other morning. I'll get back with you bud.
    1 point
  40. Drifter

    Aquarium thread

    Just got home with this guy, picked him up from a local fish club friend. I don't want to say its a "rare" fish, but it is not a common species by any means. Paid $40 for him but very worth it IMO. It's called a Green Face Mloto.
    1 point
  41. IED's fucking everywhere got sick of just blowing up it seemed everytime I walked through a doorway I took to running them myself along with sitrep. I did get a good kill with one saw someone camping a roof on tremor so I threw the fucking thing up like c4
    1 point
  42. spectre

    The Beard Thread

    this photo ; twice for emphasis. There is a funny car commercial where the guy keeps changing the station. Songs like "cant touch this" and "keep your hands to yourself", then at the end, it is revealed he is dropping his daughter off to a dance. You wouldn't need the soundtrack. Just this stare.
    1 point
  43. Plumbers Crack

    Out of Context

    Credit to Dr Diamond for spotting this first
    1 point
  44. Diddums

    PSA: Check your plots

    ^What he said. We have a great thing going on here, and by making it a pay-to-play sort of thing, we'd be depriving some great folks of playing this awesome game with some awesome people. We just need to stick it out until the mods have caught up, when we can implement proper safeguards and do it the right way.
    1 point
  45. Don't worry i'm sure Tam and co will be getting drunken calls as well.
    1 point
  46. Drifter

    The Beard Thread

    I agree about that damn purple wall bud lol, but that aside, your lookin good brother. Nice growth/beard bud.
    1 point
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