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  2. J4MES OX4D

    J4MES OX4D


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  3. phil bottle

    phil bottle


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  4. GazzaGarratt



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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/15/2020 in Posts

  1. A good 'pay what you want' bundle from 2K on Humble Humble 2K's Game Together Bundle WWW.HUMBLEBUNDLE.COM Gather the gang for a night of gaming and support charity!
    3 points
  2. Nasty @techno , do a good deed and your body says fuck off. Hopefully abit of rest will mean you can back to midnight moonlighting in no time. What fruit do you put in it and prepare importantly what flavour are the Oreo biscuits? 100% yes. Looks like a knackering fitness regime, fingering a bowl of Wotsis for 4 hours whilst you're on your back.
    2 points
  3. Here's hoping that unlike the virus the old guard will stick around like a lingering fart 🥰
    2 points
  4. Seems like the ol' virus is bringing a few of us out of the woodwork. Welcome back buddy.
    2 points
  5. 2 points
  6. Welcome back dude. Via the FG App
    2 points
  7. As Warzone has been out for a while now and most of what was overpowered at the start has been well and truly countered by now, I wonder, what works for you? To be a bit more specific, what guns do you find work better for you, what type of playstyle have you had the most success with, which perks do you run and what equipment do you use? At the start I ran the very meta M4 and Thermal sniper overkill combo as well as a heartbeat sensor and depending on the safe zone I'd switch my playstyle from agressive to camping little cunt. Lately it seems the M4 is still used by a lot of people, but I've moved away from it as I prefer the Grau 5.56, FAL, Aug and Ak-47. As for snipers, I barely use them now because running overkill has become riskier to run as a perk. More people are getting and using UAV's, so Ghost has become one of the perks I run the most. Where before 80% of my classes were set up with overkill and the remaining 20% had ghost, that's now switched. Another reason I don't use the sniper is the lens glare. It's such a massive giveaway and even if the team you are trying to snipe doesn't see you, the chances are high a different team will see you. And where I used to run the thermal scopes before, I'm starting to consider taking it off. Everyone runs cold blooded now. This also makes the heartbeat sensor completely useless, where before using one would save you from running into a house full of campers, you just have to barge in and hope for the best now. I had heartbeat sensors on all of my Warzone classes, now I run the Gas grenade as it will force the enemy to hip fire their guns and will blur their vision. Not sure if it will still do that if they have a gas mask, but even if they do, they still have to hipfire while pulling it down which gives me an edge. As for secondaries now that I've stopped running overkill on most classes, I've mostly been running the RPG. Used in the right situations and with a bit of luck this thing can be devastating. I've gotten so many double and tripple kills with this thing over the last week I could probably make a several minute montage out of it. You kinda rely on getting a munitions box to use it a lot though as the ammo for it seems pretty rare to find running around Verdansk. But there are other options! I've seen people run the akimbo revolvers and I've been completely mangled by them a couple of times myself. And then there's the new pistol, the Renetti. I'm trying my best to level this gun up at the moment after getting to try out Dark_Uprising's akimbo, burst Renetti's in warzone. A single tap on both triggers up close and whoever was in front of you is now on the floor 😄 This gun is a goddamn beast and I can't wait to get it akimbo'ed! As for playstyle, I find I do better hugging the edge of the gas while trying to maintain at least some cover. I've stopped trying to go into buildings late game unless I'm 110% sure there is no one in there or I'm getting shot at and have no choice but to go inside to survive. Early game I don't mind pushing deeper into the circle in order to make sure you don't have to go too far as the storm tends to be faster early game than late game. I would also recommend doing the recon contracts if you can, getting that circle peek so you know where the circle is going is pretty damn big. If you manage to take control of a building that will be in one of the later circles early on, you are pretty much set for the whole game.
    1 point
  8. phil bottle


    This goes live on Steam today. It's still early access but from what I've seen it's in a pretty advanced state. So, I'll be giving it a whirl no doubt.
    1 point
  9. Before when they changed Bonds they never made a big deal about it on screen, they just made the film because they’d already got people used to the idea of Moore or Dalton being the new bond when they announced it. Because they did the “young Bond” in Casino Royale I don’t think they can do that again so soon, especially as the amount of people that moaned that Bond shouldn’t have been as clumsy as he was in the film, even though they made the point clear he had just become an agent. Part of the general problem (and really don’t want it to sound like it’s a generational thing, but....) they’ve fallen into writing and making movies for modern audiences that is to give them explosions, blockbuster level cg action sequences (which can definitely be shittier than they think as the previous video shows) and maybe a bit of tit for the dads/lads, and to distinguish it as a Bond film they kept the cheeky one liners.
    1 point
  10. Very funny montage
    1 point
  11. @GazzaGarratt I looked into it yesterday, noticed my walking shoes were fucked. Went out today with newer trainers on and it was much better. My right leg was 100 percent in hoping the shoes were the main issue.
    1 point
  12. Just some high stat pieces I dropped last season mixed with the odd exotic depending on the sub class in using. With the ornaments fitted the actual name of the armour is pretty irrelevant. Shader however love crucible vermilion.
    1 point
  13. Stretch616

    Doom Eternal

    How far did you get into the game? The ammo shortages in mid to late game aren't really a thing unless you're just trying to spam rockets all day. I've now unlocked all the guns and pretty much all mods relating to the guns so it's like having 20 different options and knowing which one to pick in relation to the enemies that I'm facing. Slayer gates are an absolute blast and pit you against a shit tonne of enemies in an arena setting and all you have to do is to take them out. However the sheer volume of enemies makes it so interesting to how you approach it and every split second decision. It really makes you feel like a total bad ass when you complete these!!
    1 point
  14. That was a lovely article though, thanks for sharing!
    1 point
  15. Hi All, I think I missed my yearly post in 2019, so here's for 2020... For those that don't know me I'm Jordie, I've been making sporadic appearances in this community since '09. I haven't been involved in gaming at all in the last couple of years, but figured with The Rona going on, it's the perfect time to catch up with some old friends and play some games! I played a huge total of 5 hours on Modern Warfare when it came out this year, but have just picked it back up. Safe to say I'll have my training wheels on for a little while. Also just picked up GTA again, so will be able to jump on that. How's everyone keeping?
    1 point
  16. Im using the same shit I used last season. It's masterworked, looks good and to me everything works so no need to change it. Weapons also.
    1 point
  17. New spin-off XCOM game on the way April 24th with an entry price at 50% off of just £8.49
    1 point
  18. I saw angry Joe getting mad as you can't name the characters any more but for that price I'm getting this for certain. Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk
    1 point
  19. Assassin's Creed 2 free on uPlay
    1 point
  20. To stay healthy I mostly eat healthy (except the box of Oreo biscuits I ate recently), this morning an omelet with vegetables and a fruity smoothie.
    1 point
  21. There's also two other games for free on the shitty cunting Epic Store
    1 point
  22. As of yesterday when I tried to go for a walk it seems I may have developed shin splints (oh joy) so for now it seems even bloody walking is off the table. Pissed off doesn't begin to cover it!
    0 points
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