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30 minutes ago, James5497 said:

Still haven't got Gold or Platinum on any weapons. Going strong hahaha 💪


I would've thought by default some would've turned Gold by now?! Platinum is the killer of the camo grind for sure.

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I don't really use camo's so have little interest in chasing them but recently thought I'd try to get them just for the challenge.  I've levelled up most guns in the beginning to unlock all the guns / attachments and found I'd golded quite a few without knowing.  I'll have to check later to see exactly where I'm up to but think all AR's and Marksman rifles are done with only 1 SMG and Shotgun to gold.  Battle rifles and LMG's are much less used so these aren't even close.  I almost exclusively use Overkill so pistols and launchers are even less.




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I was pretty close but my record now stands at;

AR's - All done except the M16.  I've only really used the M16 in HC as core it seems meh, so might have to do some more HC to finish it off.

SMG's - All done except the BAS-P, another gun pretty rubbish in core so again think I need to do some HC

Shotguns - All done except Bryson890 which I only need 2x 3 kills without dying which is relatively easy.

Marksman rifles - All done except LM-S, I didn't get on with when I tried it and never gone back but will have to give it another go.


I've managed to unlock my first platinum too on the ISO Hemlock, hearing some comments I expected it to be harder than it was.  Though I imagine some guns will be a massive ball ache to get long shots with.


Next for me will be finishing off the missing guns above and snipers.  I've levelled up most snipers but mostly missing crouched or prone kills with them so shouldn't be too hard to get them done.  Though I know MCPR requires hipfire kills which is bullshit so hoping Shipment 24/7 can get that out the way.


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2 hours ago, Greboth said:

I've managed to unlock my first platinum too on the ISO Hemlock, hearing some comments I expected it to be harder than it was.  Though I imagine some guns will be a massive ball ache to get long shots with.


I need to not run around as much as the Hemlock does feel like its the easiest to do out of all of the ARs. Difficult though when there is a Flag needing to be capped 😅


2 hours ago, Greboth said:

Though I know MCPR requires hipfire kills which is bullshit so hoping Shipment 24/7 can get that out the way.


I think for Polyatomic, you don't have to do every gun, 51 Platinums are required I believe. I was hoping to miss most snipers out if thats possible to do. Kenny would know best, @IRaMPaGe?

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I didn’t change my play style to get the Hemlock Platinum, I just happened to look at my challenges and realised I was only a few off.  But I’m not chasing Platinums and especially not Polyatomic.  I just thought I’d Gold the guns as it’s a relativey simple challenge on each gun.  But some are painful so can’t see me sticking with them to get the required longshots for Platinum.  And that’s in classes of guns I use nevermind ones I don’t like LMG’s, Battle Rifles, pistols etc.


As for Polyatomic, a quick google says there’s;

11 AR’s

5 BR’s

9 SMG’s

6 LMG’s

5 Shotguns

8 Marksman Rifles

6 Sniper Rifles

5 Pistols

4 Launchers

3 Melee


So 62 if my maths is correct so if you only need 51 you could miss the snipers entirely.


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45 minutes ago, GazzaGarratt said:


I need to not run around as much as the Hemlock does feel like its the easiest to do out of all of the ARs. Difficult though when there is a Flag needing to be capped 😅



I think for Polyatomic, you don't have to do every gun, 51 Platinums are required I believe. I was hoping to miss most snipers out if thats possible to do. Kenny would know best, @IRaMPaGe?


Yeah it's 51 Platinums to unlock access to Polyatomic. 

Polyatomic is all headshots to then get Orion. 


The Platinums/Longshots are a slog because most people do all golds then moving onto Platinums. 


It's boring getting 25 Longshots multiply by 51 guns. 

Over 1000. All in 1 go if it's all you have left to do and unlock the next challenges. 


I skipped the Sniper Longshots and missed out 1 of them gold on the way. 


As long as you reach 51 guns. 

There are that many DLC guns now you can pick and choose. 

You could even miss out melee or shield or launchers depending on your tolerance to certain guns. 

You will have to do plenty still. 

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Pistols are easy and Shotguns for longshots. 

I was lucky enough there was a Hardcore Shipment about when I needed them. 


I made it a priority and grinded them all when the option was available. 


1 or 2 games per gun. TDM might take 2, but Dom you could go onto the next gun and potentially do 2 guns a game. 


It was unfortunate at the time Tier 1 had a bug, so there was no challenge unlock popup when reached. 

You had to just guess. 🥵

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Since my post, I’ve finished the shotguns.  I’ve gone back to the Broadside to get the longshots.


I’ve also got gold on all the LMG’s.  Some were easy as I only needed mounted kills or such but I had ranked up some had to play with a number of games to unlock the challenges.


I’ve almost done the LM-S too and just need the 3 kills now.  Then all marksman rifles will be gold too.


I definitely think Hardcore is the way to go for longshots.  As many guns accuracy sucks that longshots in core would be a pain.


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17 hours ago, Greboth said:

Since my post, I’ve finished the shotguns.  I’ve gone back to the Broadside to get the longshots.


I’ve also got gold on all the LMG’s.  Some were easy as I only needed mounted kills or such but I had ranked up some had to play with a number of games to unlock the challenges.


I’ve almost done the LM-S too and just need the 3 kills now.  Then all marksman rifles will be gold too.


I definitely think Hardcore is the way to go for longshots.  As many guns accuracy sucks that longshots in core would be a pain.


I did most of my longshots in HC, SMG's in particular are the most vital in HC. 


Funny as you mention the LM-S, I did the longshots for that in core Shoothouse. 

Along the wall which is up to 60m, it's actually a 2 shot Kill unless you hit head. 

It was quite frustrating, I have footage of it somewhere in my archives. 

I will post it here at some point. 

It's actually me doing pretty well, but many kills were 2 shots and you can see it. 

I would imagine some of the other guns or Marksmans are the same. 

Probably once you hit past I would say 42-50m range it turns to a 2 shot even in HC. 

Then all the Autos add another bullet also. 

There is definitely a dropoff for damage range even in HC. 

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On 5/7/2023 at 9:08 AM, IRaMPaGe said:

Give me the Bas-P anyday over the M13b.


They can both eat poo from the gutter for all I care 😄


On 5/8/2023 at 1:54 PM, IRaMPaGe said:

LM-S Longshots On core Shoothouse. 


2 shot Kill at range. 😐




This was really helpful tbh. Its good to see what works where. I may have to go and try some Tier 1 with some SMGs soon, although it doesn't sound like fun at all....

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I've unlocked the 2 new Pistols, the Siege (Tec 9) and the Magna (Desert Eagle auto). 


The Magna is gold, only 10 levels piece of piss. 

The gun is a weird novelty. 

7 rounds sucks, once you unlock the 13 round mag you can manage triple kills. 

The Akimbo version just deletes people at very close range. 

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Platinums are going well, I already had the Hemlock but finished the Lachman 556 the other night.


I then tried the M4 but even with every attachment for range, accuracy and recoil it’s still pretty bad so moved on to the TAQ56 which I’m at 9/25 so shouldn’t be too long.


Last night I managed to Platinum the broadside too.  So moved on to the Lockwood 300 which I’m already up to 8/20 so again should be done soon.  But then on to the rubbish shotguns.


So 3 down, 2 half-ish way and 46 to go.


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Well thanks to an idiot the M4 is now platinum too 😄 I had a game of hardcore domination on shoot house and a guy kept trying to snipe the wall but was rubbish so gave me 21 longshots in one game.


I'm trying to do the events camo's too, whoever thought of adding a challenge for melee kills from behind in a game where you can hear someone coming from 4 miles away and where half the players run a riot shield on their back needs to be bitten in the balls by a dog, choke on a chode or playing in traffic with a blindfold... or even all 3 at the same time.


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3 hours ago, Greboth said:

Well thanks to an idiot the M4 is now platinum too 😄 I had a game of hardcore domination on shoot house and a guy kept trying to snipe the wall but was rubbish so gave me 21 longshots in one game.


I'm trying to do the events camo's too, whoever thought of adding a challenge for melee kills from behind in a game where you can hear someone coming from 4 miles away and where half the players run a riot shield on their back needs to be bitten in the balls by a dog, choke on a chode or playing in traffic with a blindfold... or even all 3 at the same time.


Nice I love progress like that. 


I managed to finish off the events yesterday. 

Only had the 30 Sniper Longshots, 25 Marksman longshots and the 30 melee kills from behind. 

All fairly easy I thought. Shipment for the Knifing and HC for the Marksman. 


Is annoying the from behind tho, 

Plenty of times I was chasing and some other pleb poaches ya. 

Some people play weird or start headglitching crates or stay in groups.

Hardpoint is bad for it obviously. 


I did the Sniper Longshots on Invasion. Highly recommend it, way less of a cluster fuck than groundwar. 


One thing to remember that Invasion is mixed with bots, actual AI. 

So they don't count towards challenges. I managed a respectful 17 longshots in 1 match for the Victus XMR. 

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4 hours ago, Greboth said:

Well thanks to an idiot the M4 is now platinum too 😄 I had a game of hardcore domination on shoot house and a guy kept trying to snipe the wall but was rubbish so gave me 21 longshots in one game.


I'm trying to do the events camo's too, whoever thought of adding a challenge for melee kills from behind in a game where you can hear someone coming from 4 miles away and where half the players run a riot shield on their back needs to be bitten in the balls by a dog, choke on a chode or playing in traffic with a blindfold... or even all 3 at the same time.

I know that pain 

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I forgot to say, before Invasion doing Sniper Longshots. 


I tried Hardcore Domination and got Shoothouse. 

Was Sniping the wall, and some dickhead kept beaming me with his lame meta OP no skill M4. 


He must of killed me about 21 times roughly, if I had to estimate a number. 😡

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2 hours ago, GazzaGarratt said:

Now need 4 longshots with the Hemlock to finally get a Platinum!! It is literally taking forever to get one, clearly I run around too much for longshots 😅

You slackin' dog! Even I got several weapons platinum and I stopped playing long ago 😉




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