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MW2 Multiplayer Gameplay Reveal


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Shit quality video to start with but from what I've seen, the game is basically the same as the last one. I'll have to watch a bit more later but being an old gen game that will last for 2 years is just holding this franchise back as usual. Campaign will probably look way better but the MP looks visually subpar. Still looks pretty solid mechanically and that will be interesting to see whether it follows the 2019 feel or something a bit looser like Cold War. 


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I can’t stomach watching any more of this stupid gameplay event - all the COD content creators look and sound the same with their stupid hats, sweaty gameplay styles and nauseating OTT personalities. I’ll have to watch some standalone videos instead, preferably with no commentary.

Saw one map which had nice colour but then the next was incredibly dated and drab. Way too early to make a judgement though and I still look forward to trying the beta for a couple of hours.

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12 hours ago, techno said:

To me it won't matter about how it looks, gun Smith, sounds content etc if the maps are trash and the footsteps are loud as hell imo it will suck. The maps make or break multiplayer games for me especially arcade shooters.


Footsteps are still super loud and Dead Silence is a field upgrade again. But they also decided that it was a good idea to put Last Stand back into the game 😱


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XclusiveAce early impressions. He says it seems like it'll be better than MW2019.

Good: Maps are much better, the maps are more colourful and vibrant. You can now choose between killstreaks or scorestreaks. Gunplay is solid.

Bad: Footsteps are very loud with no Dead Silence or Ninja as a perk. You can't cancel reloads. If you're a sweat who likes to slide all over the place like you've lubed your pants up then you can't slide cancel now.

Also there's a new perk system where you choose 2 perks that are active straight away and then 2 more perks that get activated as the game progresses. Seems like an odd design decision.


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2 hours ago, MrBiron said:


Footsteps are still super loud and Dead Silence is a field upgrade again. But they also decided that it was a good idea to put Last Stand back into the game 😱

I'm reading classic mini map is also a perk but but "they listen to the community" 🤣 bullsheeeeeite

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39 minutes ago, techno said:

I'm reading classic mini map is also a perk but but "they listen to the community" 🤣 bullsheeeeeite

They do listen to the community. The community that loves to sit in corners and camp. And that community said they love loud footsteps and a mini map that doesn't show your location when you fire a gun. 


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46 minutes ago, MrBiron said:

They do listen to the community. The community that loves to sit in corners and camp. 

By their own words from the infamous 2019 interview, they created 'safe spaces' for newer players with no regard in how experienced ones could exploit such design philosophies. I love how they've removed slide cancel although I expect they'll buckle and add it back in at some stage but other design choices are rather questionable. Dunno why they don't just stick to the usual tried, tested and proven formula without the need to take the 'edgy' and risky approach. 


Sound design will never improve sadly because as always feared, it's an engine limitation problem but there's no excuse for them not to include counters to this issue rather than throwing everyone under the bus. 

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I think this will be better MW2019 as that means it should get received better than many CoDs that have come for many years imo. We've been playing MW2019 for months now in MP and I can't say the footsteps really bother me at all. Its something that you adapt to and use to your advantage when needed. I don't find it breaks many games but i'm sure one in every 5 or 6 games we'll get rolled over easily by that uber sweaty camper, that plays on his own, and never, ever completes the objective just so he can soundwhore you coming.


If it was a massive problem we wouldn't win so many games on Core and Hardcore of late.Teamwork over footsteps and you'll be fine. Theres way better field upgrades to use instead of Dead Silence too.

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4 hours ago, James Parker said:

Get ready to unleash your inner soldier because the highly anticipated MW2 multiplayer gameplay reveal is finally here! Brace yourselves for some heart-pounding, adrenaline-fueled action that will keep you at the edge of your seat.

From the iconic maps to the intense gunfights, the gameplay reveal has left us all buzzing with excitement. The revamped graphics and enhanced mechanics promise to deliver an immersive experience that stays true to the beloved Modern Warfare series.


MW2 was a game-changer in the multiplayer shooter genre, and its return is a cause for celebration. With a wide array of weapons, customizable loadouts, and thrilling killstreaks, we're in for an intense battlefield experience like no other. It's time to brush up on your skills, form strategies, and prepare for epic battles with your friends or rivals.



This chap is on a time machine from a different dimension 😍


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