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Hogwarts Legacy

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I've never seen or been interested in anything Harry Potter infact the social media stuff especially twitter is as much interest as I've shown and it's simply ridiculous but where social media is concerned that's nothing new. 

There was a streamer getting hate in the chat while playing thorough the game and believe he may have posted an apology 🤦

The only other thing I saw is how many content creators 😬 were whining about how they won't do a review as they didn't get a free copy.

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Hogwarts Legacy breaks Twitch viewership record with 1.2m viewers 


Twitch streamers are boycotting Hogwarts Legacy but the game has already smashed a major viewer...


The salt must be flowing on Twitter with this development😂

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From what I've seen, the game does look very well made.

HP was a cultural phenomenon worldwide so its no surprise its selling well.

I'm trying not to buy games at full price but it's certainly tempting me.


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I can't wait for it to come if i'm honest. Hoping to get a little time over the weekend to focus on the early part of the story. Nice to see a single player game that sits outside the usual top AAA studios we're usually seeing that is performing well straight out of the blocks. The delays we've had seemed worth the wait.

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On 2/7/2023 at 9:45 AM, J4MES OX4D said:

I love how the site is now being used so people can track which streamer is playing the game so they can go watch, follow and even sub to them. Love it when a plan backfires🤣


It's quite a sensational turn of events really - an extremist feminist now being targeted by other extremists wanting to be what she is but is currently who she despises. I do think a lot of it is taken out of proportion especially when you have further clowns like Emma Watson and Daniel Radcliffe worsening the tensions online but the trans community really don't help themselves with their approach consisting of positioning themselves as the victim but also making outlandish threats. Really not the way to endear to others especially when they wont listen to others and are too busy trying to 'cancel' people who don't share their way of thinking. 


What goes around comes around for poor old JK! 




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4 minutes ago, phil bottle said:

I was going to say, the game has nothing to do with JRK, let's keep it on topic, but then I saw it was @J4MES OX4D thread and I'm sure he doesn't mind 🙈😅

She certainly is 'rowling' in it though - making a fat royalty for every copy sold without having to do a thing!

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This turned up a day early for me yesterday so I managed to get a few hours on it so just giving my initial thoughts on it and I will begin with the negatives, the introduction section seemed a bit all over the place if I am being honest, it was trying to set up the story but did so badly I felt. The combat did not really feel too taxing, in fact I was carrying out the combat with one hand at one point just pressing the same buttons repeatedly and switching between a couple. The voice acting is very mixed in terms of quality, some of it is brilliant and you can tell have been done by some great actors / actresses, some of the students however have not been and it is really noticeable. The visuals are as you would expect, it all looks brilliant and the way they have done Hogwarts, Hogsmeade etc look brilliant. I think they have nailed it.


Once the introduction is out of the way and you reach Hogwarts then the game blossoms. That said the game itself is exactly what it needed to be, it's a magical world where you can explore Hogwarts. It is all about the setting, little things like a watering can watering plants all on it's own or owls flying ahead or the way you might come across some magical creature. It is just brilliant and genuinely I have a big grin on my face playing it. Just like living out a part of my childhood again.


I can see why it has reviewed well and it is down to it being Harry Potter, if it wasn't it would have scored around 7's out of 10 I reckon at first glance ^_^




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Great review @Luseth it seems like a game to keep the fans happy.

I've avoided the drama around JKR, I don't like being told what to do, and I don't like being judged...but the more I know the less I like, and so for me, its not a game I'll ever play. 




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@Rumelyladystarted her tenure at Wizard school last night, and she was just geeking out the entire time.  Every few minutes, she'd just lose her mind about something she found in the game.  It was adorable.

*The opinions of Riff Machine do not reflect those of Forever Gaming ;)*

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30 minutes ago, James5497 said:

Is this available for PS4 yet? I can't seem to see it anywhere apart from on PS5.

Nah, i cant recall the date but old gen and switch are like June I think? Considering performance issues on pc im not sure i would want to play on last gen consoles




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2 hours ago, Luseth said:

Nah, i cant recall the date but old gen and switch are like June I think? Considering performance issues on pc im not sure i would want to play on last gen consoles

Don't really have a choice


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Why is everyone in this world alright with a 15 year old killing the shit out of humanoids, ie goblins? It feels kinda weird. Is there a secret passive way of playing I don’t know about. If ever there was a game to have it it should be the game where you play as a teenager. 

Also, yes, I’m a Hufflepuff. 

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8 hours ago, Rumelylady said:

Why is everyone in this world alright with a 15 year old killing the shit out of humanoids, ie goblins? It feels kinda weird. Is there a secret passive way of playing I don’t know about. If ever there was a game to have it it should be the game where you play as a teenager. 

Also, yes, I’m a Hufflepuff. 


I haven't played it yet but it would be fun to know if you could complete it by being a pacifist 😂

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I'm loving this game. LOVE IT. It'll probably take me ages to finish it as I end up just slowly trying to find every little secret or puzzle every time I move just 5 yards.


The world visibly is just wonderful and the game mechanics are complex but not hard to get an understanding of. There is real depth to the game it feels and i've only just got out of Hogwarts for the first time and hit Hogsmeade. Its even better because it doesn't connect to the Harry Potter story in any way, so everything feels kind of new again in a world many of us are supposed to know. Subtle things like the Hippogriffs just flying out of the Forbidden Forest and cruising around is enough throwback to see and just look at them.


Even Tom @LordBaguette said to make sure you look back at Hogwarts when you leave for the first time as its stunning and he wasn't wrong. Is it wrong of me to say potential Game of the Year already??

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1 hour ago, GazzaGarratt said:

Is it wrong of me to say potential Game of the Year already??

It would really surprise me if it didn't get it. I'm pretty sure it was going to be unless it was complete crap. Animal Crossing came out in March of 2020 and still got GOTY, so unless something wildly good comes out later I think Wizard School is likely to get GOTY this year.

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Not convinced it will get game of the year, simply because games released so early in the year tend to get forgotten about when it get's round to voting time. There are also some potentially big games coming out this year as well with spiderman 2, the next Zelda game, diablo IV and Stalker 2 to name a few.


That said I am getting quite far into the game now and have almost 50% of the trophies done and I am still quite enjoying it. I feel like there might be too much to collect and what probably let's it down is that you just go from point A to point B to point C just collecting items etc. I think of the Witcher 3 as it is still my top game, you would go round various points around the map but you would be following little stories and the such that would guide you to the points.


I mean there are all these goblin camps all over the place and I don't think I have ever been introduced to them or told why they are scattered about, I know there is a goblin rebellion but I am not sure the game has ever suggested it was such a big open rebellion. In fact a lot of Ranrok's stuff had been skulking around for the first portion of the game. I just think it could have been fleshed out a lot more.


Another thing I thought about, your meant to be this kid going to Hogwarts school, you can sort of choose a good or evil play through by choosing whether or not to learn the unforgiveable curses but then if you use the ancient magic you can be bashing people off the floor or turning them into a toad and stamping on them and such. Those seem as grim if not worse than the unforgiveables, or am I wrong?


The game looks fantastic and I am enjoying it as a Harry Potter fan but I don't feel it will be game of the year unless all voters are looking at it through HP specced glasses.

On 2/14/2023 at 11:30 AM, James5497 said:


I haven't played it yet but it would be fun to know if you could complete it by being a pacifist 😂


I imagine you might be able to, if you stealth everything and just stupify everyone / everything I reckon you could.





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