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Hi everyone! I was encouraged by the kind Mr. GazzaGarratt to make my own introduction thread so here I am. XD


I'm sorry I didn't do this sooner. I am actually embarrassed to these usually (lol even on the internet hehe) but upon the encouragement and also because I feel like this is a great place, I thought I'd do this.


I also want to share something and I hope this is alright. There are actually two people on this account. We'll be using nicknames but don't worry, this isn't too far from our real names.


I am Ryan and I share the account with my younger cousin Ellen, or Ellie. Or eL. Ellen comes from the Facebook generation and we're 15 years apart. I'm trying to teach her the ropes about forum communities which is incredibly alien to her lol. Anyway, she had a run in with some bad folk on some Facebook group who asked her too many personal questions, I wouldn't detail it here. I thought she might need a breath of fresh air and since she's a gamer, she'd also fit in right here. Sorry about this weird bit and I hope we're not breaking any rules but yeah, that's about it.


And oh, she plays on Switch. I play on Xbox Series X. We usually swap consoles from time to time.


Anyway, sorry I rattled on too much about me (err us?). I just want to say that we plan to stick around and engage in conversations, as well as share our own gaming experiences.

Thank you for the warm welcome and Ellen and I both like the place! ❤️

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Welcome to FG guys!! This is an awesome group and you can really get involved with the various different chats and topics on here without fear of any of the negativity or nastiness that comes with facebook. Never feel the need to apologise for "rattling on", we all support each other here and its good to have this great community to share with. What games do you both tend to play?

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As Lee'esh says above, never apologise for explaining who you are! Its great to see you do an intro...and hi to the both of you! Ant sums it well I think (well, I'll always be slightly bias 😉) as there's loads to get involved, and thats just the forum side. Loads of areas for fun and get to know more about other FGers too.


As many games are crossplay, hopefully they'll be some we cross paths on?


Anyways, enjoy your stay both at FG!



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Thank you guys so much! 🙂 We're going through the responses here and we're overwhelmed by the warm welcome!


This is the bit was telling my cousin Elle that people on the forums are a different breed and for very good reasons. I'm not hating on social media but people there can be too abrasive. In any case, I am beyond words with gratitude; thank you again for welcoming us. 😄


As for the games we play, I'm currently playing Tales of Arise, was just finished with Scarlet Nexus and Halo Infinite. I played a lot on the PS4 before, but nowadays, I mostly play what's available on Game Pass hehe but other than that I also love collecting retro stuff, like Super Famicom and Genesis/Mega Drive cartridges. Ellen loves Animal Crossing but took a break. She recently finished Shin Megami Tensei V — not really her forte since it's slightly difficult than other JRPGs, but she wanted to find out what the fuss is with the SMT games are all about haha. She's also a big Lumines nerd lol she didn't know about the PSP release before but was smitten to find the one on Switch.


Thanks again guys and I hope you're all having a great week so far! Stay safe always!

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