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Once this gets released, I'll probably post in here about progress.


For now, I'm going to put on my own calendar this State of Play showcase:



A uniquely crafted countdown towards the debut of Horizon Forbidden West gameplay.


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On 5/27/2021 at 5:34 PM, RenFengge said:

For anyone who wants to watch, or at least have the countdown in the background until showtime (at least the countdown is actually really cool!):




How was the reveal, La? Not sure if Nick @Bluebear watched it too?

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5 hours ago, GazzaGarratt said:


How was the reveal, La? Not sure if Nick @Bluebear watched it too?


I thought the reveal was fantastic. Even the countdown to it. I found myself turning around from my computer to just look at the TV.


The thought behind just the countdown to the event shows that Guerrilla is in this 1000% percent. They've done their pivot from the Killzone game series to this incredible piece. Each scene shown in the countdown was well thought out. It showed different times of the day. I haven't even dared to look at fan theories about what all the numbers at the bottom of each "camera" was in connection to what Guerrilla was posting on social media about each scene (Tenakth clan villages).


Then, when it was time for the reveal, the switch from the cinematic parts to the gameplay was so smooth. They did not show too much about the gameplay menu, so either it was purposely not shown, or it's an option to only see certain things like health, inventory, etc. when touching the touchpad, or you choose to have it on/off completely.


They showed the new tools they are giving Aloy. The glider, which would have saved my ass many times from when I fell off high places; the breathing apparatus to allow Aloy to swim underwater for an unlimited amount of time; these were the most memorable for me. 


It looks like they listened to some quality-of-life comments from players of the first game. If you recall in the first game, you knew where you could "climb" if the item/edge/ledge was bright yellow. However, sometimes, this was not entirely clear given how the light in the game was. There was a time I was in a building for a solid 30 minutes because I didn't know how to climb up to a certain area. Frustrating but still satisfying to me.


Now, they are allowing Aloy's Focus (earpiece) to highlight what's climbable. This is super helpful.


The new weapons are going to be exciting to unlock and use. More types of arrows. For my type of gameplay, it absolutely works. I'm a "shoot from a distance" player. This is why I'm always a mage or a warlock or anything with long distance in games.


They did not forget those who are more aggressive. They showed more moves with the spear, and you can now pick up dropped weapons from enemies and use it. I think that type of immersive world factor is something to be applauded, and I hope more of that is to be seen in other games.


Towards the end of the gameplay, the artifact that was found displayed a map. I'm highly curious on what that means. There are two dots in the Gulf of Mexico, but this game takes place on the west coast of the US. Is this a bit of foreshadowing on the next game? I don't know. But, I'm excited.


We can get into the "headlines" of this game being about how Aloy looks, and I will tell you that I did not notice much of anything except that everything was rendered beautifully. I can go in-depth on my simmering anger about toxic guys being all "Aloy doesn't look like eye candy"... meanwhile, no one is talking about how Eren isn't a visual catch... but he's a guy, so he gets a pass. I could, and I happily will if someone wants to go there.


But, all in all, the game looks amazing. I think @Bluebear  is just as excited as I am about it.


On the side, I'm hoping that Horizon Zero Dawn and God of War are not Sony's swan songs to actually supporting indie studios and games that need support to be something great. God of War is only great now, it was not a great initial game. Guerrilla's Killzone games were not anything to sing about, but they now have Horizon. Let's hope that Sony has not completely lost their way.. and if their current thinking is just a misstep, let's hope they find their way back.

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I can't wait for this!!! I absolutely loved Zero Dawn when it came out and recently downloaded the complete edition from the monthly ps plus games. I really enjoyed all aspects of the game and really hope Forbidden West lives up to the expectations

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2 hours ago, J4MES OX4D said:

How curious... Not that I was entirely expecting it this year. 

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Yea, I had read that earlier.  Honestly, I'm fine with the delay.  That "gameplay" reveal they had looked too much like a long scripted cutscene and really gave me some killzone 2 vibes.  I really want this to be good so any added time for development is A ok in my books.

*The opinions of Riff Machine do not reflect those of Forever Gaming ;)*

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On 8/26/2021 at 1:39 PM, RenFengge said:

Release Date: February 18, 2022



Join Aloy as she braves the Forbidden West



Feb is going to be a good month next year then! Great stuff its not too far away.

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5 hours ago, J4MES OX4D said:

Horizon Zero Dawn has also received a 4K/60fps patch for PS5 a couple of days ago so that might be worth revisiting in the meantime. 


Well thats beingchecked for an update now then! Cheers for the heads up James 👍

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On 1/9/2022 at 10:01 PM, RenFengge said:

My goodness... it is stunningly beautiful.




Well that's got me back thinking this will be great to play again!! Love that, hope the tribes will be very interactable and can see how we may have to help certain ones at certain times.

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I've just seen the prices and it's £70 on PS5 which I'm not sure I am willing to pay especially with Elden Ring being £50 a week later. I may have to put this on ice for the summer when it's cheaper and there's no rush anyway - don't wanna burn myself out too much with open world games especially with Dying Light 2 also released this month. This game does look bloody fantastic though and a big step up even from the already impressive original. 

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1 hour ago, J4MES OX4D said:

I've just seen the prices and it's £70 on PS5 which I'm not sure I am willing to pay especially with Elden Ring being £50 a week later. I may have to put this on ice for the summer when it's cheaper and there's no rush anyway - don't wanna burn myself out too much with open world games especially with Dying Light 2 also released this month. This game does look bloody fantastic though and a big step up even from the already impressive original. 

Woah!! £70 is a big price for it! Like you say, it does look amazing, but £70 is still a little on the steep side, definitely be a second hand or sale buy for me lol

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On 1/29/2022 at 4:46 AM, J4MES OX4D said:

I've just seen the prices and it's £70 on PS5 which I'm not sure I am willing to pay especially with Elden Ring being £50 a week later. I may have to put this on ice for the summer when it's cheaper and there's no rush anyway - don't wanna burn myself out too much with open world games especially with Dying Light 2 also released this month. This game does look bloody fantastic though and a big step up even from the already impressive original. 


Might be a great idea to hold off on it. I held off on the original.. just as its one and only DLC was coming out. I was super glad I integrated the DLC story into my first playthrough.


However, since this is the game for me for 2022, I will not be waiting.


I might be holding off on Elden Ring. Haven't decided.

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