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We've had the announcement and pricing and everything else about next gen systems. And my answer to them is......why bother?


Neither system - PS5 or Xbox Series - have any system exclusives coming out this year that makes me think "I *REALLY* need that game". Microsoft have said there won't be any exclusives to the XSX for a couple of years. Even games like the new Horizon or Spiderman game on PS5 are also coming to the PS4 as well. 


Then there is the cost factor. Both systems will cost at least £400 (let's just ignore the XSS for now). If you wanna expand the storage that will cost an arm and a leg; yes you can use bog standard external HDD but to run the games you have to keep installing and uninstalling them to the system SSD. A new controller for the PS5 will cost £60 (at least with the XSX you can use any Xbox controller). Neither system has an optical out so if you wanna use your old headset you'll either need to buy an adaptor(the Astro adaptor is £40) or you're just going to have to buy a new headset.


And we also have the pricing of games. A few publishers have said that games will cost £70. Sony have said games will cost up to £70. A £10 increase for what? RaY tRacING!! Thank fuck I can still buy games on disc so I can at least sell/trade when I'm done*.


So, basically, fuck next gen for at least another year. I'll stick with my PS4 Pro and Xbox One X for now.



*we really need a section on these forums to buy and sell games.



Yep, all the games I want to play will be on PC. If didnt own a console or PC I would 100% get the Xbox though, in installments 🤗



For the first time ever, I will not be getting a new console either day one or even within the first few months. There is no need to pay £70 to play an old gen title like Assassin's Creed Valhalla when I can get it on PC for £36. Both consoles have a very limited selection of release titles too. I'd rather wait and then pick up a better version of the consoles i.e PS5 'Slim' for instance rather than being stuck with a first gen unit all the way or having to upgrade to a new model.


I had my PS4 since 2014 and it took 4 YEARS before quality games began to release. When I look back at the shite I had - Killzone Shadowfall, Infamous Second Son, Watch Dogs, FIFA 14, Remasters galore - it was just a waste of money and it wasn't until God of War did the games truly begin to shine. All the other multi-platform guff I had on PC for much cheaper. 


I think the PS5 looks very good and Demon Souls will be an amazing launch title but I'm not sure if it's viable yet. Let everyone pre-order and then just pick up a better unit in the future. If the cooling is as bad as it is on the PS4, I may never pick up one at all though.. 

I agree but then I’ve never bought a console day 1.  With their desire to support old consoles hampering the new, it isn’t usually until a year+ that the new consoles take over and we see the new hardware truly leveraged.


Also...PC master race 😂



The only console I ever bought day one was the Dreamcast.  At the time, that looked like a significant upgrade compared to the other consoles available.  Since then, there hasn’t been that “Oh my god! I need it” feel for other consoles.  

I’m fine with waiting a bit.  Plus, you know, global pandemic and that kinda stuff.  

*The opinions of Riff Machine do not reflect those of Forever Gaming ;)*

  On 9/17/2020 at 11:30 AM, Riff Machine said:

The only console I ever bought day one was the Dreamcast.  At the time, that looked like a significant upgrade compared to the other consoles available.  Since then, there hasn’t been that “Oh my god! I need it” feel for other consoles.  

I’m fine with waiting a bit.  Plus, you know, global pandemic and that kinda stuff.  


I remember playing the Dreamcast the day it was launched at Toys R Us and I was blown away so I got one for Christmas. Definitely a big step up over the N64 at the time and especially the PS1 which was the most popular console at the time.

At the moment, the only thing that would tempt me to buy a PS5 is if my PS4 dies. Ive had it since a couple of months after launch day and managed to keep it going since. It sits on top of some game boxes to help keep it cool and has a strip of Sellotape over the eject disc sensor to cure that fault. Some compressed air helps keep the dust at bay


I think I’ll probably wait until the bundles start arriving to see if there’s anything I fancy. I think the PS5 game prices won’t stay at £65+ for long....I think they’ll eventually be at a premium of + £5 or £6 over the PS4 version at the discount vendors 


Thanks to Capn_Underpants for the artwork


I'm inclined to agree a bit here, i'm actually very tempted to just build an awesome gaming PC as the games I play are cross platform anyway.



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I actually do hope that the next gen does make more people consider PC. I for one have recently enjoyed my time on my own PC with some different games and cost is always a barrier which may not be in coming years.


All I'll say is that just because i'm getting a PS5 at launch (much love to you all btw ❤️)I won't be packing my PS4 away. I'll always be drawn to wherever you all are in the main first. All I hope is that they open up cross gen like Destiny 2 will so I can play on a PS5 with anyone on a PS4 and talk to them too. This place proves you don't need to have the latest software to have a good time 😎 I just love consoles and was always wanting a next gen console to see what they are like. I hope it'll feel like it did with the Xbox 360 for me.

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  On 9/22/2020 at 6:21 AM, Plumbers Crack said:

Hopefully this is true...



Nobody's putting PS4 players in the corner.




I'm pretty sure it is for many games however the big kicker is can we still talk in chat parties together. If we can't I know many get frustrated with in-game party chat systems so I'd easily just switch my PS4 on to chat to everyone on that. Whether others do is a different story but we all know how even of late how more beneficial it is to have people around to chat to, even if you're not on the same game.

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Xbox Series X pre-orders have sold out immediately. At £28.99 a month for the console and ultimate pass, it has me tempted to be honest. But temptation is all for now, I have no need unless I suddenly get the urge to play Cyberpunk with ray tracing.


On PS5 I simply can't afford to shell out a large sum for a console I have no need of, in a year maybe, but it has no spectacular feature that can compare with Microsoft's offering so I'd be buying it for the social aspect only. Plus its ugly as fuck. 🙂



I am more concerned with the mobile phone release plans that these companies have favored. Flagship release, upgraded version every 2 years. But overall I hope this pushes more people to PC! EGS is regularly giving away free games.

i7 7700k, 16GB RAM, GEFORCE 1080, 240GB SSHD, 2TB SSD


I'm buying a playstation 5.  I'm also going to replace my original playstation and playstation 2.  Then. having them all setup in my new games room, because I'm a child at heart.


  On 6/30/2022 at 10:17 PM, crispymorgan said:

I shall also buy a monkeybike......




I have to admit that I'm now considering getting an XSX before a PS5. Game pass is just looking great and the Xbox All Access deal for £28.99 a month is pretty good value. 



Xbox Series S may be a good springboard for people wanting to access the gamepass early on with a view of getting a PS5 in the future. If you have a PC then there is no point in getting either the S or X in which a PS5 is more viable.  The S is a weaker console but it's much cheaper and probably only has 3 years to run which can easily accommodate the short-term games before it beings to strain. Definitely not worth getting both the PS5 and X as that's just wasting money especially in the first gen. 


I will get a PS5 down the line but first I want to see what their plans are with future console releases and what games will be available on PC. If Sony match what Xbox is doing then I may not need to get anything anytime soon. 

  On 9/22/2020 at 12:59 PM, phil bottle said:

Xbox Series X pre-orders have sold out immediately. At £28.99 a month for the console and ultimate pass, it has me tempted to be honest. But temptation is all for now, I have no need unless I suddenly get the urge to play Cyberpunk with ray tracing.


On PS5 I simply can't afford to shell out a large sum for a console I have no need of, in a year maybe, but it has no spectacular feature that can compare with Microsoft's offering so I'd be buying it for the social aspect only. Plus its ugly as fuck. 🙂



Even if you have a sudden urge to play Cyberpunk with RT, I’d put the money for the xbox towards an RTX3000 card.  It’s still a wad of cash to outlay but should perform better.


I’d agree about the ps5 though there are some ps5 exclusives I want so that will tempt me.  But not until there’s enough games to play to make it worth it.


  On 9/25/2020 at 9:07 AM, Greboth said:


Even if you have a sudden urge to play Cyberpunk with RT, I’d put the money for the xbox towards an RTX3000 card.  It’s still a wad of cash to outlay but should perform better.



I know what you mean but I have no plans to upgrade my PC any time soon. I'll probably bypass this round of GPUs entirely and wait for the 4080ti 😁

I went from a GTX 770 to a 1080ti, the 770 lasted about 6 years before I upgraded, so, with that kind of form I'm happy to use this card for a couple of years more🤗



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