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Welcome one, welcome all.


What is TekTopia

Build a village in your own unique style and watch as interested visitors arrive - recruit nomads and trade with the merchant to build up a thriving town. Watch as the farmers till the ground, lumberjacks chop down trees, and the children chase each other in a merry game of tag, all the while being kept safe by the ever vigilant guards. There are over 20 different villager professions to choose from and over 18 unique structures to make your village work for you.



- Complete village overhaul! You build the village and your villagers adapt to your designs!
- Build a massive village with 100+ villagers all working in harmony
- Sell your villager products to the wandering merchant for emeralds!
- Use the emeralds to expand your village with new structures and acquire new villager professions.
- Protect your village from the evil Necromancer and his summoned army of minions!
- Over 20 different villager professions and 18 unique structures!
- In depth leveling system for your villagers involving education and training.
- Powerful custom pathfinding system allows your villagers to path hundreds of blocks with no added overhead!


TekTopia Wiki: https://sites.google.com/view/tektopia


TekTopia is what I like to think of a Vanilla+ mod, it adds to vanilla minecraft but doesn't vastly change the way it's played (like FTB with it's nuclear reactors, jetpacks, electricity etc.).  and as such I've put together a light modpack.


Mods included:

TekTopia - Villager overhaul mod

Tinkers Construct -Build better tools (I don't think the TekTopia villagers will use Tinkers tools but still gives us much better mining tools 🙂 )

There's also a few QoL mods too (Journey Map, JEI and NEI, Mouse Tweaks, Inventory Tweaks and WAILA)


Server details:

Name: FGBeyond.minecraft-crafting.pro

IP Address:


This mod plays in Minecraft 1.12.2 using Forge (Forge Version


Mod pack files can be downloaded from: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/fs2qa3r97ulo8bk/AABHFhHYEY_4Zt1Z9NreBLK3a?dl=0

Just on my lunch break but will post a MultiMC guide to installing the mods later.


***Important Details***

A Village is 240 x 240 blocks centred around your town hall but Town halls of serperate villagers need to be 400+ blocks apart.

As with any new server when exploring out in the world and generating chunks expect a bit of lag

Seed for server:428961502367205  (Can be viewed using http://mineatlas.com/ if you want to plan a direction to go in)


@Plumbers Crack @Spacedeck I've carried the whitelist from the FTB server over so you should both be able to log in. @GazzaGarratt If you're interested, let me know your username and I'll get you whitelisted.


Dave - I don't know how important the forge version is but you may need to edit your MC instance to change forge to the one listed above as that is what the server is running.


Any problems let me know 🙂



Guide to installing TekTopia mods (or any other mods tbh)



1. Download and installed MultiMC from here: https://multimc.org/

2. Once installed open MultiMC

3. Click 'Add Instance' at the top

4. Give the instance a name (it can be anything you like, it is just for you to recognise it)

5. Underneath select the version of Minecraft you want to play (for TekTopia this needs to be 1.12.2)

6. Click Ok

7. Left click on the instance you created and then on the right hand side, click 'Edit Instance'

8. In the 'Version' tab, click 'Install Forge' on the right hand side.  For TekTopia, this needs to be version

9. In the 'Loader mods' tab, click 'Add' on the right hand side and select the .jar files you downloaded from the dropbox link above

10.  In the 'Settings' tab, tick the box next Memory and increase the maximum memory allocation.  4Gb is probably enough for TekTopia but set it to whatever you want depending on the amount of RAM that you have.

11. Click Close

12. Double click the instance you created and it should load Minecraft, forge and the mods.  To know it has worked successfully, once loaded in the bottom left hand corner it should say 1"5 mods loaded, 15 mods active"




Tips to begin with TekTopia




As Lee has said about going through joining the server (which I’m happy talk through it with anyone if they want to join) – I thought I’d make a little update on what I’ve learned so far and make some tips for beginners.  This won’t be anywhere near the FTB guides I wrote as this mod pack is nowhere near as technical but always good to have a few tips to begin with.


So in no particular order;

Light up your village – Your villagers sleep at night but they don’t always go in to their houses straight away.  Mobs (especially Zombies) can track villages from pretty far away so light up your village and surrounding area.

Wall up your village – This is not so much a tip to say you should wall up your village more a tip if you do.  While it can be sensible to build a wall around your village to protect your villagers, the wandering trader and nomads that you need to expand you village spawn at the edges of your village border so you’ll need to make sure you have some way for them to get in to your village.


Make sure your village is accessible – Similar to above but slightly different, if you have a river running through your village then you will need to build a bridge across it so that the trader and nomads can reach your village.


Cut down every tree in your village – When you get a lumberjack they will chop down any and every tree within the bounding box of your village.  This sounds great but really isn’t that efficient as it means your lumberjack can be walking hundreds of blocks to cut down a few trees.  The lumberjack will also plant a new tree for everyone they cut down so they will continually have to walk those hundreds of blocks every time a tree grows.  As such, if you cut down every tree and only plant a handful near your store room, then your lumberjack will have less distance to walk and you can choose where your tree farm is.


Villager intelligence is important – Each villager will have a specific skill at a certain task.  This skill will increase the more they do the task though their skill level is soft capped at their intelligence level.  Therefore to build a better village you need more intelligent villagers.  This can be done by building a library for adults or having a school to educate children.


Villager children – As the above mentions children it seems a good time to bring up children.  If your villagers are happy (I believe it has to be 100% happy) when they sleep, there is a small chance of them generating a heart.  The heart gives of heart particles and make a jingling sound so you should easily spot them.  If you click a heart on an unclaimed bed, you will get a child.  The child will grow up with a nitwit as they will have no job or profession until you give them one.  This is one way to expand your village though, taking in to account the above the intelligence is important, it may be best to save your hearts until you have a teach and school for your village children to go to.


Emeralds – Emerald ore can be found in extreme hill biomes so find one and go mining.  The economy of TekTopia runs on emeralds and is typically based on selling items to buy more things to build your village.  Later game the number of emeralds you can get by selling items is more than mining but early game mining for emeralds can give a boost to your economy.


Variety is the spice of life – The main aim of the mod is to build a working, self sustaining village.  To that end keeping your villagers happy will greatly increase they’re productivity and your ability to expand your village.  Early game you won’t have access to entertainment so one way to help keep your villagers happier is to give them as many different types of food as possible.  Having a variety of crops, animals, trees etc. also means you have variety to trade for emeralds.


Trading for emeralds – When you trade items with vanilla villagers there is a limit to how much you can trade before they lock a trade.  The same applies to the wandering trader though the number is fixed.  You can make up to a maximum number of 5 trades of one item before the trade will get locked for that day.  The number of emeralds you receive for items will vary according to how much of that item if you have traded.  For example, trade 5 stacks of oak today for 4 emeralds a stack.  Tomorrow though, Oak may only be 1 or 2 emeralds per stack.  If you start trading other items than the value of oak will increase.  To this end, if you want to maximise your emeralds then you should wait until you have 5 stacks of an item and try to trade it for the highest number of emeralds per stack.  It is also worth having as many items as possible to sell so you can try to always sell the most valuable items.  A follow on tip to this is getting a pick with fortune on it (or luck if you’re using Tinkers Construct tools) will give you even more emeralds form mining.


Centre your village appropriately – The town hall marks the centre of your village however the true ‘centre’ will be your storage room as this will be the building that your villagers are going to be constantly go in and out of.


Structure requirements and limits – This isn’t a complete list for every specific structure but covers the main requirements that apply to all buildings and a few answers to common questions;

- The floor of a structure needs to be all at one level and level with the bottom of the door
- The floor area must be at least 4 blocks and can be no bigger than 500 blocks.
- Structures must have a ceiling at least 3 blocks above the floor (giving 2 blocks height to walk in) and the roof can’t be more than 30 blocks above the floor.
- Structures can have multiple entrances but only one needs to have an item markers above it to designate the structure.
- You can build structures inside of or on top of other structures.


Villager items – if a villager is involved in every step of the process to make something then the item will be considered a villager item.  These can be identified as they will have a green name instead of the vanilla Minecraft white.  For example, to get villager crops a villager only needs to have harvested the crop.  Whereas to make village tools is more complicated – a villager miner will need to have mined iron ore and coal.  A villager lumberjack will need to have cut down trees to get villager wood.  The blacksmith will use the villager coal to smelt the iron ore making villager iron.  The villager wood and villager iron can then be used to make a village pick axe.  If any non villager item is used at any stage or the player does any step then the final tool won’t be a villager tool.


So why make villager items – Because they’re better.  I can’t remember the stats off the top of my head but villager items are multiple times better than non villager items.  For example, village tools will last (I think) 3 times as long as non villager tools.

I’m spoilering these two tips as while they are very useful they also are abusing game mechanics so only look if you want to know them.



Silk touch is king – while mining iron or gold is fine as they drop ore regardless, if you silk touch mine ore that drops the item (coal, redstone, diamond).  You can then dig a mineshaft, place all the ore you’ve silk touched in to the mine shaft.  Then when your villager mines these ores they will become villager items.  This will vastly speed up how fast you can obtain villager items to sell.


Get a vanilla villager – I’ve seen this suggested and some people say it does work and other say it doesn’t.  However, in the TekTopia mod there are no vanilla villagers but there are still zombie villagers.  That means if you capture and cure a zombie villager you will get a vanilla villager.  This means you can trade with the vanilla villager like normal and trade non villager items for emeralds.




Due to villages needing to be at least 400 blocks apart, I think it is best to provide co-ordinates of where people are setting up.  Obviously this will be an approximation until the villages are up and running but its gives people an idea.  Plus it gives the co-ordinates if we want to visit each other.  Once you've decided on a location let me know and I'll update this post.


**FG Village co-ordinates**

Greboth 1700, 225 (approx)


I'll see if I can get a way to feature this for you Greebs. This is pretty cool you've done this. Probably good to remind me how many players can be connected to the server.

Forum Signature Test.png

I'll see if I can get a way to feature this for you Greebs. This is pretty cool you've done this. Probably good to remind me how many players can be connected to the server.
I'm pretty sure it's 10 Lee

Via the FG App


Thanks to Capn_Underpants for the artwork

12 hours ago, GazzaGarratt said:

I'll see if I can get a way to feature this for you Greebs. This is pretty cool you've done this. Probably good to remind me how many players can be connected to the server.


As Dave says the limit is currently 10.  Though this is an arbitrary number I chose so it can easily be increased.


Okay, good to know. I'll look to install myself the right version at some point later this week.


Possibly good to share it out a little wider than here to see if other people want to give it a go.

Forum Signature Test.png

4 hours ago, GazzaGarratt said:

Okay, good to know. I'll look to install myself the right version at some point later this week.


Possibly good to share it out a little wider than here to see if other people want to give it a go.


Added the instructions to the OP on installing the mods using mutli mc.  I didn't bother with screenshots as I don't think it is too complicated but you know where I am if you need any help 🙂 Also drop me your MC username as I can't remember it and I'll need to whitelist you.


3 hours ago, Diddums said:

God fucking dammit I'm gonna be playing Minecraft again. 


Playing WoW and now MC - what year is this?!  Also give me your MC username ..... or whichever username you can remember the password to and I'll get you whitelisted also.


So as torch spam and glowstone textures are ugly the (plus who wants to spend ages wandering the nether) I've built a guardian farm so we can make sea lanterns.  It's a really basic one and it probably isn't the most efficient but it works so meh.  It currently isn't set up as an XP farm as there isn't such a use for XP in this modpack.


Guardian Farm AFK spot: X: 2344 Z: 1303 y: 132

Guardian Farm Storage room: X: 2343 Z: 1297 Y: 7


Currently all items are just going in to the same chests though I do plan on adding item filters to sort the items and maybe some more chests if we need them.  If you go up the ladder from the storage room, there's also 2 chests that ink sacks go in to as it turns out this simple guardian farm works sorta well as an squid farm too.


@Plumbers Crack tagging you in to make sure you see this in case you want to use it.


@Greboth one night next week, can you just walk me through the right install please. I want it there so it's ready to play on whenever otherwise I'll never get round to it.

Forum Signature Test.png

With Lee potentially being interested in joining as well as for anyone else, I’ve updated the OP with some tips for beginners.  Dave, if you think of any I’ve missed then let me know and I’ll add them.


21 hours ago, Greboth said:

With Lee potentially being interested in joining as well as for anyone else, I’ve updated the OP with some tips for beginners.  Dave, if you think of any I’ve missed then let me know and I’ll add them.


1. Change your hidden tips to plain text as it’s hard to read dark grey text on black background! 😂😂

2. Watch some videos such as 




Thanks to Capn_Underpants for the artwork

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