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Let's hear it then everyone so we can get a good understanding where everyone is and where people can help each other out. I can help book some evening stuff if people feel they need help doing it.


I'll go first if it helps:


Max Power 582 - Titan

Others around 500.


Stuff I'd love to do

- Only started learning Raid so wanted learn this more to help others out

- Full 9 FGers on Escalation Protocol

- Gambit - want to get the Gambit Seal

- PvP Quests - Require Quickplay and Competitive

- Any focused Triumph stuff

- Private Matches

- Dreaming City stuff, Blind Well, Shattered Throne (eventually)

- Iron Banner - Record some gameplay for funsies

- Everything that others wanna do :D

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Hunter at 538/540 depending on load out.


EP shotgun please!


Thanks to Capn_Underpants for the artwork


Now I've reset gambit in down for helping with anything, Titan around 560-565.

Really wouldn't mind the elusive EP shotty and I need help with  580 corrupted strike asap please. I've missed a few opportunities to get the 4 gaurdian kill thing in gambit.

Raid yup 

Always down for PvP 

Dreaming city stuff ( except ascendant challenge lol )

Hunter (565) Titan (530)


Anything really. Would like to try the raid at some point. 



My hunter is probably around 520

My Titan is probably around 507


What I want to be brutally honest is a group of people that I can actually participate with. The last few sessions I couldn't even get people to jump into the activities I needed to I end up playing with randoms or I try to  find alternate fire teams. I can't remember the last time I played with clan members other than Dave (plumbercrack). 


Last time I did a raid all I heard is how much I suck at jumping  and how certain members are about to lose their shit.  I don't need the aggravation.  So I left. 


I'm 54 years old and I manage and $6B business unit, the last thing I need is  stress over how well  or not I can play a fucking video game. This is what I do to try to get away from that stress




  On 10/14/2018 at 1:53 AM, cyberninja2601 said:



My hunter is probably around 520

My Titan is probably around 507


What I want to be brutally honest is a group of people that I can actually participate with. The last few sessions I couldn't even get people to jump into the activities I needed to I end up playing with randoms or I try to  find alternate fire teams. I can't remember the last time I played with clan members other than Dave (plumbercrack). 


Last time I did a raid all I heard is how much I suck at jumping  and how certain members are about to lose their shit.  I don't need the aggravation.  So I left. 


I'm 54 years old and I manage and $6B business unit, the last thing I need is  stress over how well  or not I can play a fucking video game. This is what I do to try to get away from that stress





Bearing in mind the time differences Pat, next time you’re on and you see me in a group with some or all of Maria (Mazzer), Gary (Wapntake), Rodd (Plumbrodders), IpswichHigashi (DaveyDave) or Mike (Laidbacklankyman) jump in and I’ll introduce you to them. We can be so chilled at times that you get comments like..”has Rodd left?”..”No, I’m still here” , Mazz moaning that the rest of us keep losing our way or Gary/me falling of the edge!! We do it to relax as well.


When he’s on Mike (my son) is the youngest at 32, I’m the oldest at 62 and the others are all in their fifties. Honestly mate, you’ll fit in a treat. Probably weekends will be best given the time difference (6 hours?) but when you see me on next either on my own or with one of those names just jump in. 👍


Thanks to Capn_Underpants for the artwork

  On 10/14/2018 at 1:53 AM, cyberninja2601 said:



My hunter is probably around 520

My Titan is probably around 507


What I want to be brutally honest is a group of people that I can actually participate with. The last few sessions I couldn't even get people to jump into the activities I needed to I end up playing with randoms or I try to  find alternate fire teams. I can't remember the last time I played with clan members other than Dave (plumbercrack). 


Last time I did a raid all I heard is how much I suck at jumping  and how certain members are about to lose their shit.  I don't need the aggravation.  So I left. 


I'm 54 years old and I manage and $6B business unit, the last thing I need is  stress over how well  or not I can play a fucking video game. This is what I do to try to get away from that stress







Pisses me off reading this. Who was moaning Pat? Was I there? That's not on and not what FG is all about. If I'm on and you need a hand, speak up, I'm always happy to jump in for whatevs.


As for me, I'm 557 and will do whatever. I need some Blind Well and EPs though. 





We’re running Sherpa services now for Last Wish so if you need help please, please reach out to me! We also have a published Gambit guide.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

i7 7700k, 16GB RAM, GEFORCE 1080, 240GB SSHD, 2TB SSD


@cyberninja2601 I know Lee always calls out poor behavior, so I hope it's just an isolated incident with a very small percentage of the group.  We have a large clan, but I very rarely run with more than 10 or 12 of them, lord knows what the rest of the clan get up to.....  If it's something you want addressing reach out we'll get it sorted, I hate people feeling bad over a game.


I can't recommend @Plumbers Crack & Co. highly enough, they are hardcore casual gamers if that is such a thing.  I'm pretty high light level if you want pulling through anything, hit me up.


If you think you can't jump, try running with @technohamster.  Nothing funnier than hearing him lose his shit trying to do an ascendant challenge. 


  On 6/30/2022 at 10:17 PM, crispymorgan said:

I shall also buy a monkeybike......




Also, the Riven "cheese" is actually pretty hard to do, and requires pretty good timing.  We were getting good, but ran out of time.  Very enjoyable though.


  On 6/30/2022 at 10:17 PM, crispymorgan said:

I shall also buy a monkeybike......



  On 10/15/2018 at 10:07 AM, crispymorgan said:
[mention=33]cyberninja2601[/mention] I know Lee always calls out poor behavior, so I hope it's just an isolated incident with a very small percentage of the group.  We have a large clan, but I very rarely run with more than 10 or 12 of them, lord knows what the rest of the clan get up to.....  If it's something you want addressing reach out we'll get it sorted, I hate people feeling bad over a game.
I can't recommend [mention=49]Plumbers Crack[/mention] & Co. highly enough, they are hardcore casual gamers if that is such a thing.  I'm pretty high light level if you want pulling through anything, hit me up.
If you think you can't jump, try running with @technohamster.  Nothing funnier than hearing him lose his shit trying to do an ascendant challenge. 
1 million percent this. Great words Crispy. I'm not oblivious to the fact we all gravitate towards people that we all 'usually' play with but there's no excuse not helping another FGer out. It's equally okay to say no if you have something you're focusing on. Just be helpful where you can for each other. Pat - PM me if you need anything further.
  On 10/15/2018 at 10:10 AM, crispymorgan said:
Also, the Riven "cheese" is actually pretty hard to do, and requires pretty good timing.  We were getting good, but ran out of time.  Very enjoyable though.
On this...I'll do it if we think that's the only way beating Riven but as it pretty much changes the entire final boss fight and how it was designed, for me it doesn't feel quite right. I'm waiting to hear over the next few weeks to see if they have an upcoming patch for it as I don't want to learn it to then find we have to properly learn the Riven fight anyway.

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Make no mistake,  Unless you do your homework, this is every bit as complex.  I'd prefer to do the way it was intended though.




  On 6/30/2022 at 10:17 PM, crispymorgan said:

I shall also buy a monkeybike......




I wouldn’t say the Riven cheese is complex, but it’s defintely not easy. Even more than that the two fights that come after Riven are not a cake walk, and there’s no loot until you get past them.


Id like to learn it properly at some point but Bungie are certainly making you work for you final drop even with the cheese 

Warlock 554 

No aim. Just like to get on and get bounties done. 

I love running strikes. 

I enjoy raiding too when I have time. 

Escalation protocol is a lot of fun with 9 clanmates. Lots of mayhem. 

I’m 600 😀


Main focus at the moment is chasing a few guns in the various quests, so Redtix Broadsword (2.5 resets to go), Lunas Howl (ouch), the Horror in the Festival of the Grind, and that iron banner pulse looks great. 

Also grinding Triumph score.

  On 10/13/2018 at 2:19 PM, GazzaGarratt said:

Let's hear it then everyone so we can get a good understanding where everyone is and where people can help each other out. I can help book some evening stuff if people feel they need help doing it.


I'll go first if it helps:


Max Power 582 - Titan

Others around 500.


Stuff I'd love to do

- Only started learning Raid so wanted learn this more to help others out

- Full 9 FGers on Escalation Protocol

- Gambit - want to get the Gambit Seal

- PvP Quests - Require Quickplay and Competitive

- Any focused Triumph stuff

- Private Matches

- Dreaming City stuff, Blind Well, Shattered Throne (eventually)

- Iron Banner - Record some gameplay for funsies

- Everything that others wanna do :D


I'm 592 would love to learn the raid to help others I'm also looking for a team to help me do wrath of the machine raid on hard for my trophy 

Titan 378

trying to level up

up for anything really just got back into it so I’m really rusty but message or invite me I’ll help however I can

  On 10/22/2018 at 11:52 AM, G4Z-666-123 said:

I'm 592 would love to learn the raid to help others I'm also looking for a team to help me do wrath of the machine raid on hard for my trophy 


Hi Gaz, we're starting to get there as a community. The first few people have got their raid completions so likely going to be easier to take newer people through one at a time to start with. Maybe 2 up to Riven. I'll look at others levels and see if we can get some raid times up.

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