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Football (Played with Feet)


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I'm toying as to whether I'll put the Man Utd game in my accumulator tomorrow. May make a retarded bet and win like this chick did http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-2735670/Cheshire-girl-wins-1250-accidentally-betting-MK-Dons-beat-Manchester-United-4-0.html

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Falcao tweeted, "dream move #halamadrid" earlier and then swiftly deleted the tweet...

With do Maria gone for a big fee this seems to have opened the door for falcao to move to Real Madrid...

If it goes through... What a fucking team they have! Probably eclipses the last era of the galacticos, with zidane, figo, beckham etc...


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I always love transfer deadline day, will be watching this throughout the day.


Very interested to see who utd might get in, i just hope we use some common sense (i've got a feeling we might go for Falcao)


Also why can't sky sport news be free anymore? Do they really miss out on that much money? They could at least make it free for today!



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Well sounds like we might actually get Falcao, although i'd much prefer a defender we haven't been hitting the back of the net much this season so maybe it's a good buy but time will tell.


Cleverley is in danger of still being a utd "player" and probably won't move to Villa because he wants bigger wages than Benteke and Vlaar!



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Was gonna ask what you're source was Rich, then I just saw it myself... Fuck...

Everyone's going mental over it. One of the BBC guys was saying how quiet it was, then about 2 mins later that story dropped. He changed his mind quickly  :lol:


It's an insane signing, just hope we put a few more pennies in to get a defender



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Great signing for Man Utd! I did not expect that one bit. I really thought it would be a battle between Arsenal, Man City, QPR and Greenock Morton for Falcao but that's a good bit of business from United for a solid and proven striker at all levels.


This window is going to be mental later! I'm in the same boat as Rich about Sky so I'll be spamming the refresh button til midnight B)

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I didn't think i'd see a signing like Falcao and i definitely didn't expect it this early in the day! I love the transfer window, it's so hectic on the last day. It was always my favourite part of football manager  :lol:


haha just saw this on bbc! Yeah we could do with another 7 up the right.....we are allowed to field 18 players yeah? :D



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