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Football (Played with Feet)


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QPR due a monster fine for breaching the FFP rules. About £54m. If they don't pay; they get a Football League ban apparently.


Further proof that the FFP rules are a joke in Europe. They shouldn't have been allowed back into the Prem until they cleared the debt last time they were there. They even breached the rules to get into the Prem last time financially and in terms of eligibility.  To make matters worse; they have Harry Redknapp in the crows nest now and you know what that bent tosser is like with money. 

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QPR due a monster fine for breaching the FFP rules. About £54m. If they don't pay; they get a Football League ban apparently.


Further proof that the FFP rules are a joke in Europe. They shouldn't have been allowed back into the Prem until they cleared the debt last time they were there. They even breached the rules to get into the Prem last time financially and in terms of eligibility.  To make matters worse; they have Harry Redknapp in the crows nest now and you know what that bent tosser is like with money (allegedly).


Fixed that for ya :) ..... you never know who's about :ph34r:


Thanks to Capn_Underpants for the artwork

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Surely you mean Brent is an area of massive cultural diversity sited in an area of urban decay which could be the next area to become a property hot spot?........no, you're right, it's a bit of a hell hole

Plumbers Crack (ex NW10)


Thanks to Capn_Underpants for the artwork

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Surely you mean Brent is an area of massive cultural diversity sited in an area of urban decay which could be the next area to become a property hot spot?........no, you're right, it's a bit of a hell hole

Plumbers Crack (ex NW10)


lol I have mates from around Cricklewood, Neasden and Kilburn, I used to drink round that way for a while back in the 90s. I thought they were supposed to have been improved? lol


Wembley though, that's always been a shit-hole. I had a girlfriend at one point who was living round Wembley Triangle, pretty grim, and it's in west london, nuff said :lol:


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I had a girlfriend at one point who was living round Wembley Triangle, pretty grim,

The woman or the place?  ;)


Lots of takeover rumours at Spurs - could be interesting. 


Be weird to see Spurs at Portman Road but at least Dave will get to see some decent football for a change B)  ;)

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Wembley though, that's always been a shit-hole. I had a girlfriend at one point who was living round Wembley Triangle, pretty grim, and it's in NORTH west london, nuff said :lol:

Fixed that for ya! ;)

Ooppss! No, just been corrected by Mrs P - Wembley is technically in Middlesex, suppose it depends whether you're on the Sudbury side of the Triange or the Stonebridge side :)


Thanks to Capn_Underpants for the artwork

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Middlesex goes from Hayes all the way round west and north London over to Enfield in north east London. I won the Middlesex cup with my school football team when I was 16 and we always used to have to travel all over the gaff for away fixtures.


I always lump Wembley in with West London, like I always say Brixton is more north London and doesn't belong south of the river. Just feelings I get ;)


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Magath = dead man walking?

Yep! Any team that signs Ross McCormack for £11m should be automatically relegated also B) I can't believe how poor and depleted Fulham are. 


Getting rid of the Michael Jackson statue has obviously had a negative effect on everyone at the club too. Shame

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