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COD WW2 - First Impression


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Right the map Carentan. Whoever designed this map needs to facefucked with a dildo covered in razor blades and Ebola. 


To have a map that is this badly designed with multiple windows, doorways, headglitches on each individual lane is a sign of someone not all there. I turn a corner, I’ve now got to check 15 different areas before it’s safe to proceed but by the time I have done that I’m getting melted from someone in the first window.


if you get a team of thumbless wonders and you get spawned out the back of the houses, fuck it you might as well leave right now. There is no chance that you are going to make the dash across the street to safety. Try go down the left along the alley? Nah fuck it, Johnny wonderballs is there with his LMG ready to light you up and there is nothing you can do. 


In a 7 game streak earlier I played this map 5 times and that cunting ship 2 times. No other maps in the rotation sledgehammer???? 


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I actually like Carentan. It reminds me more of the older CoD maps rather then the 3 straight lines. If you spawn on the wrong side though you need a good team or you are fucked from the start. Best mode for this map is probably SnD tbh. Two people can easily cover a flank each while the others roam the map.

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1 hour ago, ChaosGladiator said:

I actually like Carentan. It reminds me more of the older CoD maps rather then the 3 straight lines. 


That's because it is an old map. It's a remake of a COD 2 map.


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3 hours ago, NCA-Paendrag said:

That' the beauty of hit detection in COD. One time you kill a guy with one bullet, other times, like this, a guy is weakened by a mine and still takes 4 bullets and survive. :rolleyes:


Couple that with my experience with getting paired up against people thousands of miles away and it’s such a warm comforting feeling knowing that no matter what you do, Sledgehammer are about to rape you repeatedly. 


But wait guys! It doesn’t matter because I have 15 quadrillion grips for a gun that I rarely use because it is shit. Fuck yeah....


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8 minutes ago, JBR-Kiwi said:

Also is play of the game sometimes some random gunfight that wasn’t impressive at all? 


The only reason I ask is I got a 5 piece grenade and yet the play of the game was someone get a single sniper kill???? 

My guess is yes. I had a triple shotgun last night and the play of the game was a dude killing one guy with a rifle.




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1 hour ago, JBR-Kiwi said:

Also is play of the game sometimes some random gunfight that wasn’t impressive at all? 


The only reason I ask is I got a 5 piece grenade and yet the play of the game was someone get a single sniper kill???? 


Its skewed towards snipers I think .It sucks as more often than not it’s just a lucky collateral.


My favourite play of the game was someone killing from the glitch spot in Point du Hoc. Let’s highlight failure !


I also got a really embarrassing one. Was doing horribly on Gustav ,  but got a double sniper. Play of the game , my double snipe, then scoreboard shows me on 3-18. So awesome for I second , absolutely terrible for the rest of the game, thanks for pointing it out

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So...xmas noobs. I got one lobby and went 45-3. Thought this was amazing. Haven’t been in another xmas noob lobby since. Always been a lobby of prestige MLG wannabes...yeah sbmm so isn’t in this game *eye roll*


Game lag has become painfully evident by the number of players in my lobbies that are jerking around the map despite all connections apparently all being green bar. Coincidentally these players then go on to dominate the lobby. 


shotguns are just a sack of rage inducing shite. The M30 from 5 feet away cannot kill anything in 2 blasts let alone 1. Do these developers have a fucking clue as to what these guns can actually do???


The recent AR nerf have made the FN, BAR, and the SG extremely inconsistent in TTK coupled with recent bullet reg issues.


And to top it all of the announcement of the latest map pack is a proper spit in your face, kick your dog shag your missus joke. Sort the game out first before you give us additional maps which should have been given to us to begin with to bring up the map count. 


And carenten can still suck a big fat one...


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And whilst strictly related to WW2, teammates that are so fucking oblivious to stuff that is going on around them?!??! 


They watch someone go through a doorway and get obliterated by gunfire. They then decide to run through the same doorway and still not prefire and get blown away as well?!?


Enemy firing. Nice big red dot on the minimap. Continue to just run away from that direction. 


Im covering one route. Hey let’s try and squeeze in front of me and stare at the exact same spot rather then cover the other side. I then change position, and then joe thumbless is too thick to actually shoot the person as he strolls through.




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6 minutes ago, Plumbers Crack said:

I think you be a good fit for a party with Chris and Kyle! :lol::lol:

Mate I get so fucking irate. I’m a heart attack waiting to happen with this poxy game. 


I would play the the crash bandicoot game I got for xmas but that little red cunt will push me over the fucking edge. No way was it that difficult when I was a kid!!!


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