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Sticking it to the greedy publishers.


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As we all know games publishers are getting greedier all the time. All the shit surrounding loot boxes - How they're exploiting them now, how they're in every fucking game, how they're now using them to make games pay-to-win, how they're making games unbalanced because of them - Is getting annoying. 

So I've made a Decision: If any game has loot boxes in then I'm not going to buy it new. I'll get it second hand. Because publishers aren't happy with SOME of my money because they want ALL of my money, they're going to get NONE of my money. Fuck 'em. 


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That doesn't bother me much. A few months down the line isn't too bad because that way they may get a bit of money back from people who have bought the game second hand. And at least after a few months I'll have gotten my monies worth for what I paid for the game. I'm OK with them trying to get a bit more money from me then.

I'm not against them making money - they are a business after all - but I just don't like them being greedy. It's when I've just paid full price for a game and then they're trying to get me to pay even more money that it pisses me off.


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18 hours ago, MrBiron said:

So I've made a Decision: If any game has loot boxes in then I'm not going to buy it new.

If a game has loot boxes; I'm not going to buy it at all. The scumbag publishers don't deserve a sale or a +1 to their player count which they can smear in the face of their shareholders to show how successful their piece of shit is.


Loot boxes is bad enough as it's bordering on gambling but now that Activision have exposed themselves for essentially match-fixing and P2W matchmaking manipulation; it just shows a further despicable level of scumbaggery in the industry. 


The sad thing is no matter how prominent this problem becomes; people will still throw money at games and companies will make billions. Until legislation is brought in which could take years and may not happen at all, it's only going to get worse and the best thing to do is not buy games like this at all. 


Best just to avoid games form EA, Activision, WB, 2K and Square Enix.  Now that lootboxes have weeded their way into single player games whilst using deliberately stifled progression to force users to buy rather than grind; it open the doors for more games to have such a system in place. 

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Belgian government says loot boxes are gambling and will seek to have them removed in Europe. Yes! Hopefully this is the beginning of the end for these things.


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EA tells investors that removing these things from BF2 won't affect earnings.



This, to me, suggests that they aren't there to make games cheaper - a pathetic argument some people come up with for why we have them - but they're in games purely to make money.


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