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Community Calendar: Cards Against Humanity (PC/Phone)

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Event Title: Cards Against Humanity (PC/Phone)
Event Author: GazzaGarratt
Calendar: Community Calendar
Event Date: 08/17/2017 08:00 PM to 08/17/2017 09:00 PM

From @Greboth's original post.


It's been a while since we've touched Cards Against Humanity so time for some more :D For those new to it the rules are simple; be the worst human being that you can to win.  Basically it is the perfect game for us at FG.


It is played in your web browser at: http://www.pretendyoure.xyz/ which I can create a private game for us all.  Also you will need to have discord as CaH only works when talking with each other so download it at: https://discord.gg/DhZj6eh .


So be there or be a rectangular thing.

Cards Against Humanity (PC/Phone)



N.B. If viewing this via the FG App, please visit the Calendar event via browser to RSVP. Thanks.


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Well that was fucking hilarious. 10 of us in picking amazing cards. My cheeks are still killing me from laughing. We'll get another set up for next week. In the meantime, here's a taster of the picks of one round.


Cards Against Humanity Ace.png


Great games @Amnotright @Diddums @LordBaguette @SirTombstone @crazyman @burnfitbillyboy @The3rdWalker @Capn_Underpants

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