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Last movie you watched


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I watched the Death of Stalin on Netflix the other day. Really enjoyed it. I've read a lot on the Stalinist era in Russia and if anyone wants to check out something more serious on the topic I highly recommend the book 'Darkness at noon' by Arthur Koestler.

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I finally got around to watching Mollys Game last night.  Based on the true story of Molly Bloom who ran a high stakes poker game in America until the Russian mob joins and she gets arrested.  I wasn’t too convinced by the trailer but it’s Aaron Sorkin so that convinced me watch it. It is very much in the style of Sorkin being very character and dialogue driven.  The story and dialogue held my attention, well worth a watch 8/10.


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40 minutes ago, Greboth said:

I finally got around to watching Mollys Game last night.  Based on the true story of Molly Bloom who ran a high stakes poker game in America until the Russian mob joins and she gets arrested.  I wasn’t too convinced by the trailer but it’s Aaron Sorkin so that convinced me watch it. It is very much in the style of Sorkin being very character and dialogue driven.  The story and dialogue held my attention, well worth a watch 8/10.



And Jessica Chastain.




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On 7/19/2018 at 3:11 AM, techno said:

Black panther. Terrible film one of my least favourite marvel movies. The first part was so slow I was traveling Twitter and the rest just too much CGI. Now I know we have to have it but it's just overused and in this case badly whereas I felt in Dr Strange it was done well. Think im also burnt out on over hyped "blockbusters" 

A polar opposite I watched American assassin on Netflix last night and really enjoyed it, also this is how it ends which wasn't too bad either.

If you liked American Assassin - it's based on one of the Mitch Rapp series books by Vince Flynn.  I've read them all.  They're incredible.  Granted, a big piece of the story is unveiled in this movie but it doesn't take away from the enjoyment of these books.  This happened to be the first book of the series I read.  After that, I started with book 1 and read all of them.  Can't recommend these books enough.  Tragedy that Vince Flynn died recently, but you're not left with a cliffhanger or anything in the storyline because of it.  

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First Man.


We managed 30 mins before walking out. Probably one of the most tedious, boring, long winded pieces of crap I've ever seen. The director just took one of humanity's biggest achievements and shat all over it. 




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Watched Serenity. Again. Love it. Miss that type of sarcastic humour in a space film. Such a shame that they can't bring Firefly back to screens through Netflix or another TV service. They'd be a huge following for it.

Watched Fantastic Beasts 2, Crimes of Grindelwald on wednesday. Johnny Depp is truly one of the best actors around. That fucker can really make any role "magical".
Interesting you say that as many people have said that he doesn't suit a film like this.

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The last film I saw was a weird one, which I watched with a bunch of friends.  It's called The Bear, released in 1988 and I found it so confusing I didn't make it the whole way through.  It involves two hunters obsessed with hunting this adult grizzly and come close to killing him only to just wound the animal and miss their chance.  Now, while you would think any animal would scarper, the bear decides to go after them, killing two of their horses, badly injuring a third, making it PERSONAL.  The bear befriends a young cub that for some reason makes childlike noises and has nightmares about the death of its mother, albeit through the art of claymation.  I don't know, I just got so confused that I had enough by that point.  If someone did see this please tell me I'm not exaggerating.

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I'll kick this post off by going straight to the top: Bohemian Rhapsody. This is hands down one of my favourite films of 2018. The fact we went to one of the last screenings and the cinema was crammed is testament to how good this film is. I should say I've never been a Queen fan, mainly due to lack of exposure rather than not liking their music, so the ommissions and additions are wasted on me, but the critics won't shut up about it so if that's your bag, head over to Rotten Tomatoes. The music made the film obviously but the story was ace too. The original band were involved with production and it was evident in how respectful the whole thing was, there was no dirt slinging, Freddie's sexuality was only a small part, it was done very well. 10/10 for me.


Bird box, Netflix exclusive, decent psychological thriller, 7/10, nothing to write home about but worth a watch.


A Simple Favor, I had really high hopes for this one, hoping it was gonna be another Gone Girl, but they seemed to just lose interest and fuck around towards the end. Could've been an epic and started off strong but the last quarter of the film may as well have been a Goosebumps novel. 5/10.




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Watched a ton of movies over the Christmas break.


Ace Ventura (both movies) - 'Like A Glove!' 😂 Man, these are classic. I can't get over how the slapstick Jim Carrey performs in them still cracks me up. Some of the jokes though...really wouldn't fly if it was released today. 


Se7en - Ages well, Freeman plays a great cop whereas Brad Pitt just annoys me in it. Kevin Spacey is such a good baddie too.


Avengers Infinity War - First time watching again since the cinema.  Just as good as the first watch. Some of the scenes with Thanos kicking ass is gutwrenching yet you want it to carry for as long as humanly posssible. Why does it have to be so long to wait for the next film and Captain Marvel?!


Pacific Rim Uprising - Now, I know the first film isn't a great film for most but for me, I loved the action in it and the Jaegers were just something I've always loved. Unfortunately the sequel is really bad and doesn't really do the first film any justice. Things in the film should matter and you just don't care one bit. I can't believe a film that the Japanese admire so much could have such bad storyline connections in it. Gutted.



Then there was....Ready Player One. My god. For a gaming nerd, that loves Spielberg and CGI style movies, this one by a clear crystal mile goes into my top 3 films ever. The story is beautifully crafted, the characters are memorable and its like doing one of your most enjoyable Quests from your favourite game. For a gamer at heart, you have to watch this ASAP.

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On 1/10/2019 at 11:26 PM, GazzaGarratt said:



Then there was....Ready Player One. My god. For a gaming nerd, that loves Spielberg and CGI style movies, this one by a clear crystal mile goes into my top 3 films ever. The story is beautifully crafted, the characters are memorable and its like doing one of your most enjoyable Quests from your favourite game. For a gamer at heart, you have to watch this ASAP.

I watched this at Xmas and I was surprised how much I actually enjoyed it.


I watched Red Sparrow a long film and tbh mostly confusing as shit, they definitely needed the explanation montage at the end. If you like Jenifer Lawrence in various states of undress then....Google those bits 😁

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Same for me lol.  I first watched it over Christmas at my parents house.  It was on HBO on-demand, and we made it through about 75% of the movie before we had to leave.  The next day I bought the blu-ray version from Redbox (DVD rental machine at grocery stores in the US) for like $6 and watched it again in the morning.  Then right after, I went to Best Buy, bought the 4k version and a 4k blu-ray player just to watch the movie for a 3rd time in 2 days.  Never done that before lol

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2 hours ago, McNasty said:

Same for me lol.  I first watched it over Christmas at my parents house.  It was on HBO on-demand, and we made it through about 75% of the movie before we had to leave.  The next day I bought the blu-ray version from Redbox (DVD rental machine at grocery stores in the US) for like $6 and watched it again in the morning.  Then right after, I went to Best Buy, bought the 4k version and a 4k blu-ray player just to watch the movie for a 3rd time in 2 days.  Never done that before lol

Lol! That's epic.


It hit me really hard how good the underlying story was. It felt so real and in some ways you could see something like that happening in this world.


I love how he slides in his car to pick the coins up and fill up his fuelbar. So much detail about games throughout too.

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1 hour ago, GazzaGarratt said:

Lol! That's epic.


It hit me really hard how good the underlying story was. It felt so real and in some ways you could see something like that happening in this world.


I love how he slides in his car to pick the coins up and fill up his fuelbar. So much detail about games throughout too.

I did wonder how enjoyable it would be for non gamers and as non gamers how many details they would miss.

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On 1/15/2019 at 10:42 PM, McNasty said:

Ready Player One is a top 5 all time movie for me.  

Really! I’ve heard nothing good about it. Actually made several “worst movies” of 2018 list. 


Also Go Tigers!!!😏

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