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Last movie you watched


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I was under the assumption for the past year that there were no worse movie than "The Purge"......Ladies and &Gentleman I stand corrected, there is something worse, and it's called "The Purge 2". Do not even ask why I watched it because I have no idea why, but I wish I could erase it from my memory.


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I was under the assumption for the past year that there were no worse movie than "The Purge"......Ladies and &Gentleman I stand corrected, there is something worse, and it's called "The Purge 2". Do not even ask why I watched it because I have no idea why, but I wish I could erase it from my memory.



You asked for that one though. I didn't think it was too bad tbh, but then I'm very easily entertained. 



I watched Before I Go To Sleep yesterday, very good film. On a similar note, Gone Girl is on a whole different level, that film took my brain out my skull and twisted it in a million directions. Excellent film, you need to see it. 


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Also, think its time to watch Serenity again...after the Firefly series of course.


My girl and I just finished watching the show and movie the other day. May sound dumb but I'd never seen any of it. I really enjoyed all of it. It did totally ruin Adam Baldwin in Chuck for me though as he plays practically the same character. His chain of command line is my favorite :lol:. +1 for it being dumb they canceled it. Very well crafted, entertaining and thought provoking.


Another fun thing, the Jaynestown episode had hardcoded subs  :ph34r: so when the song hit we got to swinging our arms, stomping our feet and singing along follow the bouncing ball style. :)


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Firefly was my introduction to Christina Hendricks. Loved, loved that episode she was in.

If you decide to put your dick in crazy, be ready to change your phone number and relocate.

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Rented "The Judge" last night with Robert Downy Jr and Robert Duvall. If you need fast paced action and special effects in your movies then you would not enjoy this one. On the other hand if you appreciate well written scripts and good acted dramas then you'll enjoy this one. I really liked it. The only complaint I would have is it could have been done in less time than the 141m it ran. Other than that it was a good movie, little bit sad too.


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Firefly was my introduction to Christina Hendricks. Loved, loved that episode she was in.

I wanted the cameraman to pan down and zoom in when she was nekkid in Mal's room. There has to be pervs in space! :)


Rented "The Judge" last night with Robert Downy Jr and Robert Duvall.

Not a happy movie but it was a great film.



The Theory of Everything. It was well done. The scene with Steven driving his chair wildly around the house and saying "EXTERMINATE" is awesome! :lol:


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Watched "Blood Diamond" with Leonardo DiCaprio today. Even though it was from 2006 I had actually never heard of it before I flipped around this morning while working and saw it just coming on. I was pretty impressed it was a great story and Leo was really good in it. Plus it had the super beautiful Jeniffer Connelly and her gorgeous green eyes in it which didn't hurt either :wub:


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Watched "Blood Diamond" with Leonardo DiCaprio today. Even though it was from 2006 I had actually never heard of it before I flipped around this morning while working and saw it just coming on. I was pretty impressed it was a great story and Leo was really good in it. Plus it had the super beautiful Jeniffer Connelly and her gorgeous green eyes in it which didn't hurt either :wub:

Excellent film, can't believe you never heard of it! Dicaprio's accent is still one of the most convincing one's I've heard to date that isn't a Saffer.

Also, if you haven't seen The Imitation Game, you really need to. Cumberbatch's performace is stellar, excellent film.

Oh and if you have a thing for ironing boards, Keira Knightley is in it too :)


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I started watching Transcendence today......only made it 50 minutes into it. That was all I could take, it started out with an interesting premise but seemed to get more ridiculous with each passing minute.


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I watched Heat again last night. Great film! A bit long but excellent throughout. De Niro and Pacino nailed it and all that was missing was Stallone to top-off a great cast. 


Cracking scene - how the fuck they kept a straight face is beyond me

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Heading off with a group of friends to see The Avengers: AoU tonight.

Needless to say, I'm excited.

Will post thoughts on it when I get home.

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Heading off with a group of friends to see The Avengers: AoU tonight.

Needless to say, I'm excited.

Will post thoughts on it when I get home.

How was it?


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How was it?

I loved it.

Good action scenes, laughs and was just overall a great movie.

In my opinion, it's worth going to see.

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Rented the final Hobbit movie last night, Battle of the Five Armies. I really enjoyed it. I know some people don't think the Hobbit trilogy is as good as the LOTR trilogy, and while that may be true, the Hobbit is still a very good movie on it's own. I enjoyed the first two quite a bit, but I think this final chapter was by far the best yet. I won't spoil anything, but I liked that there were some things I did not expect.


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Watched Street Fighter: Assassins Fist. It was actually better than I expected, very long though. It only centre's around a few characters so don't expect to see all the known fighters.

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Rented the final Hobbit movie last night, Battle of the Five Armies. I really enjoyed it. I know some people don't think the Hobbit trilogy is as good as the LOTR trilogy, and while that may be true, the Hobbit is still a very good movie on it's own. I enjoyed the first two quite a bit, but I think this final chapter was by far the best yet. I won't spoil anything, but I liked that there were some things I did not expect.

It's not as deep as LoTR movies but I enjoyed all three. The last one was really good.
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