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Advanced Warfare first thoughts


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Well the loading screen looks kinda cool :P

I'll be playing soon haha.

Haha. I've been watching streams and it tools cool. Also looks like you die quick
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This game is nuts LOL!

Doesn't feel like call of duty very much, a lot of jumping around and shit. So far so fun though. I need cold blooded, UAV is up 100% of the time.

The more streams I watch the less I'm sure about this game.
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Feels a bit Battle Field-y to me but only played KC so far. Feels smooth but I think that may be game engine. I've already had some "I'm sure I shoot him first" moments but that may be me

My usual crap CoD k/d looks set to continue in a similar vein to all the previous titles!! :)


Thanks to Capn_Underpants for the artwork

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Feels a bit Battle Field-y to me but only played KC so far. Feels smooth but I think that may be game engine. I've already had some "I'm sure I shoot him first" moments but that may be me

My usual crap CoD k/d looks set to continue in a similar vein to all the previous titles!! :)

It looks extremely fast to me
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Played a few games of AW instead of breakfast like a boss and it's a bloody good game! Far better than Ghosts and possibly BO2 also. 


Only tried TDM on Comeback, Riot, Terrace, Solar and Defender and they all seem really enjoyable maps. The mechanics are good and the guns seem great fun to use. As usual; a few questionable spawns and the usual 'shoot first and die first' problems but on the whole; I think this is a potentially amazing game. 


The TTK is also fairly rapid but not as quick as Ghosts - it feels in between BO2 and Ghosts which is more than acceptable. 

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Having had a couple of hours (kc only) I'm going to need a bit of time with the menus, I've already decided grenade is pointless I prefer 2x exo ability.

Guns are ok nothing special IMO but so far nothing I've used I've thought pointless.

The game is thankfully fast paced no real need to go looking for enemies except behind you ;)

Love the movement mechanics wasn't sure about my heavy thumbs and the boosting but its pretty good, the auto mantling is a bit weird to get used to tho.

A few connection issues but hopefully that will smooth out as more get the game.

Maps I think there's going to be some real favourites and some are a bit too busy but overall it looks nice is fast paced and after ghosts is at least fun.

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So far so good for me. I had one bad connection out of maybe 10. Played domination and I am enjoy it. I like being able to create custom classes right away. It has bots for fun and combat readiness which seems like training with bots. 


When I die its because I was shot fair and square, so I can live with that. The exo suits aren't over powered as far as I can tell and make the game different enough to be fun.

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Four games played and must say I'm seriously impressed. The movement of great. TTK is great. The few maps I've played are good. Need to sleep now been up 22 hours.

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So far I really like it, the boot jumping is very useful and has its place... I just don't do it enough!

I keep getting caught from above while I'm wondering around the ground sections... It will come with time...

Just this second unlocked the stock for the BAL, can't wait! Can't stand becoming a statue when ADS...

Had some good games, had some horrible games... 1 game I had my best TDM so far 19-4 and next round was 1-13 after about a minute...

Couple of questions,

Parabolic mic, means I can see enemy fire on map when they use silencers, correct? I'm using it now but can't really notice if I'm honest...

Supply drops, how do we get them? Why do we get them? Are everyone's the same? E.G was my first 3 the same as your first 3?


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So far I love it.  The movement feels good.  The guns feel good.  I like the maps.  Colors are nice.  The time to kills feel just about right.  Played TDM and DOM so far, enjoyed both.  The only thing I don't care for are the grenades.  I don't like how they shoot out instead of tossing them.  It'll take some time to get used to, but it'll be fine after a while. 




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In the two games I've payed it's been awesome. Have gone 16/8 both times but didn't have a clue where i was running and jumping to.


Only thing I've noticed, I never seem to load in before the game starts...Also have moments where the killcam doesn't work and I can respawn.


Third game, spawn trapped from start to finish on KILL CONFIRMED. I hate it :P

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When I found out there wasn't a blackbird I was really disappointed...

What I really like though is that you upgrade the kill streaks, make the UAV more difficult to obtain to make it into a blackbird, customising how much it costs you vs how useful it is... I LOVE IT!


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Had a few games last night. It actually worked we'll out of the box, so that's a big plus. Did have one laggy game but generally felt pretty smooth. Haven't really worked a lot of stuff out on it yet, keep forgetting all about my exo abilities and have only really used the shield one to any effect. I like that shield

I'm liking the way the challenges look pretty much like BO2, good challenges = major time sink

Tried sniping early on against the bots. OMG that is not good. Takes forever to ADS. Liked the one shot shotgun pistol

So far impressed , although I did turn it off and run the Daily Heroic in Destiny. Two good games, how will I cope

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I'm as Meh as I expected to be.

It's not that it's a bad game, I'm just kinda over the cod scene. I knew I was, but bought it anyways, cause I'm a idiot.

I started to get bored after 1 night.


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How many of the disappointed guys played ghosts? I stepped it and only had a handful of bo2 matches in the last year or so, so I'm really looking forward to the fast paced action again.

Then again, we've always got Destiny to tie us over for a bit.

I'm just not a fan of all the jumping in AW. If any thing's going to piss me off, it'll be that.


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How many of the disappointed guys played ghosts? I stepped it and only had a handful of bo2 matches in the last year or so, so I'm really looking forward to the fast paced action again.

Then again, we've always got Destiny to tie us over for a bit.

I'm just not a fan of all the jumping in AW. If any thing's going to piss me off, it'll be that.

There's a classic mode without suits.

I'm pleased with the game as a whole. It's fast paced. It's definitely a shit ton better than Ghosts. It will be a good change of pace.

That being said I think I'm getting out of PvP in games. It's not the game it's the community. The problem is it's every game that has PvP. I would much rather play Destiny and do the raid or nightfall. I will play this with a party to change up the grind in Destiny. Plus to hear Bees rage.

It's not AW though it's me.

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I've missed hearing rage not playing online for the last few years.

I like its fast paced so much that camping doesn't feel like an option at the moment.

I do find though, unless I'm off to a good start i get dumped, kicked, blown apart and embarrassed in a matter of seconds. Feels like a momentum issue like recent games such as FIFA. (it really is just me though I'm sure)

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I f*cking hate quickscopers

I f*cking HATE 'EM


Who was the laughin' jokin' numbnuts that decided it'd be a good idea to have the god damn railgun sniper rifle be one of the very first unlocks?

Now EVERY a$$hole and his grandmother runs around quickscoping with that god forsaken thing. It's a very frustrating ordeal.


Also, the selection of unlocks (guns, mostly) is very....paltry. Where's the revolvers? Where's the high-powered pistols?


What else, what else....


Ooh, the EM1, the laser gun...I love that thing. Ali-A and Tmartn were saying that the thing is impractical and useless. Shows what they know.


I've also been playing Classic playlist more often than not. Jumping around is cool and all, but sometimes, I'm just in the mood for regular CoD.



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