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I think the big part is everyone being up to level. I wasn't having to hard if a time killing enemies but watched JSyn pump bullets into them and not die. Plus another defender titan would of been nice

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Sounds like a good learning experience for all concerned though, so not a wasted effort. Did you get reasonable drops for the first boss?

Getting to level 28 has been the first real grind as you need a good supply of ascedant shards. I think i'm about a week away from getting there. All the same i'm dying to give this a go if the drops are a good way of accelerating the gear levelling process

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Sounds like a good learning experience for all concerned though, so not a wasted effort. Did you get reasonable drops for the first boss?

Getting to level 28 has been the first real grind as you need a good supply of ascedant shards. I think i'm about a week away from getting there. All the same i'm dying to give this a go if the drops are a good way of accelerating the gear levelling process

You need 30 ascendant shards for 28, so it's not too bad.

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You need 30 ascendant shards for 28, so it's not too bad.

You say that, but i keep getting energy on my daily heroic! Plus i'm not exactly lucky when it comes to the RNG. I'll get there, just gotta persevere through the grind.

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I'm 5 shards away from level 28.

@Stretch - You absolutely can get good stuff without defeating the final boss and we missed two loot chests to boot. I got a legendary rocket launcher, leg armor, and a whole mess of shards.

If you decide to put your dick in crazy, be ready to change your phone number and relocate.

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I'm 5 shards away from level 28.

@Stretch - You absolutely can get good stuff without defeating the final boss and we missed two loot chests to boot. I got a legendary rocket launcher, leg armor, and a whole mess of shards.

You got raid gear? Lucky D:

I wish I could do the raid.

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Slap to the face. GG mister owl, GG.

What can I say, I didn't like its stats or upgrades and I don't really care about reaching level 30. There'll be new/different raid gear eventually.

If you decide to put your dick in crazy, be ready to change your phone number and relocate.

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It took awhile before we got our shit together, its not really that hard, you just need good coordination. It took us about 2 hours from launch to the final boss room.

If you decide to put your dick in crazy, be ready to change your phone number and relocate.

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It took awhile before we got our shit together, its not really that hard, you just need good coordination. It took us about 2 hours from launch to the final boss room.

So if we had our shit together it's a viable thing to do just for shits and giggles. Plus if multiple peoples had saves it would help with practicing on the final boss!

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Well I think I found out what is "wrong"



Looks like the fix is complex and has the potential to totally screw up my internet connection.


I'm definantly not computer tech savvy and don't really want to chance messing my stuff up. Destiny is gunna have to go on the shelf for now....hopping they release a patch or something to fix the issue.


Back to xbox 360! :(



Side note---really sorry Jason #1 and Jason #2, my connection couldn't have dropped at a worse time in the nightfall strike.

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I think the problem Trevor is with Destiny servers. Not you internet. I may be wrong. Can you hardwire you ps4 in to see if it makes a difference. Reason I think it's not you but them is the randomness of you disconnects. Does it DC when you are solo or only in a party with us across the country? I would try hardwiring it in first and see if that helps at all.

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It DC's completely randomly as far as I can tell, sometimes every minute or so, solo or in a party. Sometimes I can play for an hour or two, but most of the time I DC a lot.


I'll try a hardwire connection tomorrow...pretty sure it's not my internet though, I can play other PS4 games online, xbox games online, just not destiny lol.

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If there is a problem with ports and setup (which is what message says) your IP provider might be able to help you. I assume that everyone that has your service has basically the same modem so there would a good chance that other customers are also running into this issue.


Do they have a decent tech support group? 

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Seen a couple of videos about destiny problems especially iron banner this covers most just wondering what peoples thoughts are.

I will say I'm obsessed with the grind at the moment but I do think certain things need to change now I've started leveling a new character.

I think the first DLC needs to be a big hit.


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I can understand what he says but, like you, I quite like the sense of achivement if it's taken a while to get there.

DLC...I'm confused here. Are there expansion packs AND dlc? And if so, what's the difference?


Thanks to Capn_Underpants for the artwork

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