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Looking back we were in a state of transition, moving away from 16 bit graphics to experience our first forray into 3d. A lot of the 3d models were blockish and certainly would not hold up well today, heck it's not often you see someone make a 90s style game but people do keep going back to our 16 bit era.


So, are there any games you remember fondly? For me it'ss the obvious final fantasy games, but in addition to that I always remember fighting force. Spending a lot of time on streets of rage when I was younger I suppose this was the sort of game that evolved from them, walking around 3d levels beating the crap out of people.



So, are there any that you remember fondly?




Very tough choice because the 90's made some huge strides in very little time and the industry kept evolving and innovating massively - imagine going from Doom to Half Life in just 5 years! The gulf between a 2019 game compared to a 2024 one now is almost nothing. 


Metal Gear Solid is a very strong shout because it told an incredible story and had some unforgettable gameplay moments. There's also Half Life as mentioned, Resident Evil 2, FF7, Super Mario 64, GoldenEye, Age of Empires 2 and many more. 


I'd probably give it to MGS overall as it pushed the PS1 to the max and also exposed Nintendo's mistake in using cartridges as even some of the sound files were bigger than an entire N64 game! Games going from 2D to 3D was big in those days and Mario 64 was also a significant leap. 


I really miss huge innovations like that these days. 

The original crash bandicoot was one of the games that basically cemented me being a future gamer. Was also revolutionary for its time, came out in 1996


So many great games, it's impossible to choose but here's a few mentions:


Super Mario World - SNES

Goldeneye - N64

GTA 2 - PC

Age of Empires - PC

Medal of Honour - PlayStation 



Being born in 1993 I didn’t have too much time with video games in the 90’s. That being said, I did have a game boy and a Dreamcast. So I would have to say Pokemon Red/Blue for me, with a shoutout to SoulCalibur too!

27 minutes ago, WelchyTV said:

Being born in 1993 I didn’t have too much time with video games in the 90’s. That being said, I did have a game boy and a Dreamcast. So I would have to say Pokemon Red/Blue for me, with a shoutout to SoulCalibur too!


I was born in 1990, that's no excuse! 😛


A lot of my gaming was gameboy / megadrive to be fair. The gameboy was the first one my parents bought me but I got the mega drive quite young as I was given it by my cousin, he was much older and I think at the age where gaming got left behind a little while he went off chasing girls and such I suspect.




Man, this is sooooo hard. Too many to choose from given it was peak gaming as a kid.


I loved Virtua Racing on Mega Drive. Took graphics and games to a new level. And then followed by an incredible TOCA and TOCA 2 games on the Playstation 1. Driving games just were never as good as these for a while.


So many sport games tbh defined me as a kid so I have loads that wouldn't really be on many people's radar, like Madden 92 NFL and NHLPA Hockey 93 which was insanely good. Micro Machines Turbo Tournament 2 was incredible for their tournament mode of 4 leagues with promotion and relegation - some concepts that are still not matched in other games to this day and I have no idea why.


Outside of sports games, Tomb Raider I think was just gamebreaking for RPGs. And as others say, Final Fantasy 7 lit up what was achievable on open world games for me.

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On 5/3/2024 at 10:34 AM, phil bottle said:

Super Mario World - SNES


Not Super Mario Kart, philly?!! Unless that wasn't 90's I guess?


On 5/2/2024 at 5:23 PM, IRaMPaGe said:

The 90's you say? Metal Gear Solid. 


Absolutely incredible game. I spent ages even just on the training missions 😄


On 5/3/2024 at 10:39 AM, WelchyTV said:

with a shoutout to SoulCalibur too!


The dreamcast version of this was incredible!!! The world map on how they created the campaign was just not like any other fighting game. Another fantastic concept that made a game standout on its own.


On 5/3/2024 at 7:20 AM, LordBaguette said:

The original crash bandicoot was one of the games that basically cemented me being a future gamer. Was also revolutionary for its time, came out in 1996


Just couldn't get into these unfortunately! Although @Findmartin was hooked on these if i remember rightly. A game before this was Pandemonium that I really enjoyed that was even more linear than Crash was.


On 5/3/2024 at 11:07 AM, Luseth said:

A lot of my gaming was gameboy / megadrive to be fair


Snap 😄 I would've said Zelda on the GameBoy but unfortunately I was so shit at the game, I couldn't get far so didn't like it back then! Now, playing it on SNES online, I can now see what the fuss was about!

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I agree with @GazzaGarratt it's hard to pick, the insane amount of games to choose from.


I agree Tomb Raider was great as well. 

Metal Gear Solid was something else at the time. 

Honourable mentions to Tenchu and the original Grand Theft Auto as well. 

Goldeneye, Medal of honour and Age of Empires 2, like J4MES and Phil mentioned also. 


Now I know this is slightly further ahead, but on the year 2000 alone we had. 

Tony Hawks 2, Hitman 1 and the first Splinter Cell! 


Splinter cells graphics blew everything out of the water at the time. I remember it so well. It was incredible. 

15 hours ago, IRaMPaGe said:

I agree with @GazzaGarratt it's hard to pick, the insane amount of games to choose from.


I agree Tomb Raider was great as well. 

Metal Gear Solid was something else at the time. 

Honourable mentions to Tenchu and the original Grand Theft Auto as well. 

Goldeneye, Medal of honour and Age of Empires 2, like J4MES and Phil mentioned also. 


Now I know this is slightly further ahead, but on the year 2000 alone we had. 

Tony Hawks 2, Hitman 1 and the first Splinter Cell! 


Splinter cells graphics blew everything out of the water at the time. I remember it so well. It was incredible. 


This post need's deleting, if you wanted a thread on 2000's games, go and make one instead of hijacking mine!! 😁




My top game of the 90s would be The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Its open-world exploration, engaging story, and innovative gameplay mechanics set a new standard for action-adventure games.  😉

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