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So my Playstation wrap up for 2023 juat popped up, seemed i spent a lot of time on Fifa again this year 😂


Lets see yours peeps!!




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Here is mine! 2023 will likely go down as one of the best years for video games, and my most played game is Fortnite 😅



  On 12/12/2023 at 10:11 PM, Antpool84 said:

So my Playstation wrap up for 2023 just popped up, seemed I spent a lot of time on Fifa again this year 😂


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Big @Antpool84 on the FIFA, obviously a key part this year! 💪


  On 12/13/2023 at 12:22 AM, WelchyTV said:

Here is mine! 2023 will likely go down as one of the best years for video games, and my most played game is Fortnite 😅





@WelchyTV we must get you on the MNF FC24 Pro Clubs! If you're interested let me know or sign up to the event 👍

I would definitely be interested in joining @Lurchzy, however as a Dad of one (and soon to be Two) my available is sporadic at best! 

Happy to be a reserve?! 

  On 12/13/2023 at 9:51 PM, WelchyTV said:

I would definitely be interested in joining @Lurchzy, however as a Dad of one (and soon to be Two) my available is sporadic at best! 

Happy to be a reserve?! 



It's a bit of a drop in session, if you find you are free on a Monday (sometimes Sunday) evening just jump in the party and we will get you in 🙂 




  On 12/13/2023 at 9:51 PM, WelchyTV said:

I would definitely be interested in joining @Lurchzy, however as a Dad of one (and soon to be Two) my available is sporadic at best! 

Happy to be a reserve?! 



Keep checking the events section, you'll usually see nights go up for it that tell you where and when 👍

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  On 12/13/2023 at 9:51 PM, WelchyTV said:

I would definitely be interested in joining @Lurchzy, however as a Dad of one (and soon to be Two) my available is sporadic at best! 

Happy to be a reserve?! 



A reserve is exactly what we need! And as @Luseth said feel free to jump in the party whenever you're free! As  @GazzaGarratt said I'm trying to put up events as frequently as possible which should give you a small understanding of people coming online that night.

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I don't whether to be proud or weirded out that Call of Duty was my biggest game, and of every month in 2023 too. Destiny not even in my top 5, which is kind of disappointing on a personal note, only because it shows how much the game dropped in 2023. Couldn't believe that Hogwarts, a single player game was 3rd with just over 100 hours of playtime. I absolutely loved it and for a hard year to overcome, it was great to zone out and focus on so many little objectives in the game.


Rocket League was number 5 and its incredible that game keeps on having playtime. Best Playstation Plus game they've given to us. And now I can be Lightning McQueen. There is a God.

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I’m surprised I played that many hours, there was a 6 month gap where I didn’t play a single game haha It’s been weird going a whole year without gaming with you guys. Looking at work next year I’ll probably have even less time to game.











  On 12/15/2023 at 12:19 PM, slamminbones said:




197 platinums is an incredible effort, congrats! 👏🏻👏🏻


Yea, Xbox and game pass cut into my PS time this year.  FF16 was my most played, but that was a fun one.  

*The opinions of Riff Machine do not reflect those of Forever Gaming ;)*

  On 12/15/2023 at 8:26 PM, WelchyTV said:

197 platinums is an incredible effort, congrats! 👏🏻👏🏻


Thank you.

I was aiming for 1k plats but that number has been and gone.



Holy hell didn't think I'd played that long, next year has to be different please let the weather be good enough to get out more 😬😁





No surprises from me really. Fifa and Cod with you lovely FG people, and a bit of fortnite with my kid and that's pretty much it. 

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  On 12/18/2023 at 2:22 PM, Findmartin said:

No surprises from me really. Fifa and Cod with you lovely FG people, and a bit of fortnite with my kid and that's pretty much it. 

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Great having you on MNF! Have you played the new modes of Fortnite yet? Me and the GF are enjoying Lego Fortnite.

Thanks my friend. I enjoy the clubs sessions with you guys it's a great laugh 😃 

Haven't tried the new fortnite yet no but I will defo give it a go

  On 12/18/2023 at 8:13 PM, Findmartin said:

Thanks my friend. I enjoy the clubs sessions with you guys it's a great laugh 😃 

Haven't tried the new fortnite yet no but I will defo give it a go



Let me know if you try the new RL racing thing on there too or want to give it a go.


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