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Everything posted by burnfitbillyboy

  1. You get everything but the DXP
  2. Hated MW2
  3. 1 week to go lads and ladette!! Going to miss all the PS3 peeps though
  4. Well lately everyone's been saying they're unstoppable but I don't see it.
  5. I tried the shotguns and couldn't kill anyone! Much prefer the shotguns from MW3.
  6. This reminds me of when they patched the draganov(maybe) on MW3, fucked everything else so hard the neighbours were complaining about the smell!
  7. I don't see the problem with the IED to be honest, there's more than one counter for it so why not use it.
  8. Personally I still don't have a complaint about this game, best CoD ever! Oh one complaint is that I sold it, so not about the game really
  9. Haha I forgot about the dry humping, what started as a plank escalated quite quickly...
  10. Stay away from the corners bitch
  11. Next Friday I'm going to troll your ass!
  12. Then I welcome you with open arms my good sir
  13. Just because I'm loved up doesn't mean I can't shut her up now and again! Adam, Euan. Fuck off!!
  14. So does my white Russian come with vodka? If not it seems like a pointless gift.
  15. Just shove your cock in her mouth, that's how I usually shut my girlfriend up.
  16. If Ground War actually works on this then I might play it more.
  17. You playing Ground War mostly?
  18. It's really quite a Shame to see something like this happen.
  19. Can someone please explain how GSP is still champion?
  20. yeah I agree, no where near as bad as previous cods have been as far as connection is concerned.
  21. Oh yes!!!
  22. I like the feel of the controller, that's what I wanted to try the most at Eurogamer just to see how comfortable it was. Why don't you just change the buttons in the options for shooting?
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