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Everything posted by burnfitbillyboy

  1. Aw I forgot you were PS4 now! *Facepalm*
  2. Any of you fuck nuggets coming on ghosts?
  3. Euan get on you creep!
  4. Possibly, I've got football at 8 but could probably squeeze some time in after. Still on my win streak though, sitting at 70ish.
  5. Best things about MW3 were our big private matches and knife only S&D
  6. If you leave it on stand by it will download before you even turn it on, it only worked on PS3 if you had ps+
  7. Haha nice one Dave.
  8. Glad to see more special field order rewards, Michael Myers looks awesome!
  9. Bring back Death Streaks Lots of lethal equipment that you can just lay around Keep Riley Commando Knife lunge Juggernaut, last stand and one man army should return
  10. Woohoo another great addition to the PS4 family!
  11. Shredder would kick all their asses!
  12. Anyone coming on Ghosts tonight? Rich was meant to be on but he's a liar... Again.
  13. I'll be on all weekend, I do love CoD but just think I could do with a change of pace.
  14. Im sick of CoD now, even when i do well i just dont enjoy it. Just need a break from it i think.
  15. Looking forward to gaming with you bud Avoid Euan!
  16. I imagine that will be Dylan when he loses his teeth.
  17. Rich is full of false promises
  18. I feel sorry for the rep who has to sit and watch your sweaty sesh, maybe they take it in shifts.
  19. When i eventually get some money together i'll get it, got to buy a new mobile now as well as a laptop for my course work. Oh the joys.
  20. Hmmm BF is sounding like a shout.
  21. Oscar! that is all...
  22. love the perk, pointless in HC of course.
  23. Battlefield any good then?
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