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Everything posted by burnfitbillyboy

  1. Or how the streets of Scotland aren't made of solid gold.
  2. WTF!! I'm away to look for a picture of a Mustang then cry because I thought it was real. Maybe I'll get one just handed to me for being an embarrassment to society! How he won the great sperm race to the egg I will never know.
  3. Oh wow what a great idea, please IW make a ballet skin for my juggernaut maniac... Retards! Now more people will probably use this bullshit streak! Seriously a camo for the dog but no camo for pistols and the combat knife! Fuck you IW you suck!
  4. Shoo shoo PC peasant!
  5. Wow it's no reason not to get a ps4 dude! It's an amazing piece of machinery!
  6. I was ready to sell it after that! Fuck EA!
  7. Oh definitely the community is the biggest complaint but it's not just cod, every online game is full of cunts!
  8. There is nothing that really annoys me on this game, connection great, maps love them, spawns don't seem too bad (I only play objective games though but I imagine TDM to be shocking) the dynamic elements are nice little touches rather than over the top carnage. The only thing that annoys me is IEDs but there is more than one counter for it, it's my choice not to use it there for its my problem not the games. This is the longest I've played a CoD and not wanted to snap the disc so I still say this is the best CoD ever!
  9. Yeah not a good day...
  10. Still no camping in HC DOM Tried KC for the first time last night, that mode is a big steamy pile of nope!
  11. On PS4 mine are still the season ticket prices so not sure what's going on there.
  12. Stewie manages to find what's needed for his time machine. Done.
  13. Especially Grimsby Town! We should park the bus from the get go, maybe play an 8 1 1 formation.
  14. Why's he complaining? I'm sure that picture has alot better features than the Xbox one!
  15. Please stop! You're making me upset
  16. Not many campers on HC DOM on PS4, I love this game! Got a feeling the campers will arrive at Christmas though.
  17. He has a PS4 as well, he said in a video a whole ago that he wants a chance to game with his PlayStation fans.
  18. My toy is here! Love it! Probably love it more if I could sign in, damn gamers getting a console on release and ruining my fun! Get a life!
  19. Losing touch with my PS3 peeps who I've gamed with for years, it's like I'm abandoning them Hopefully it's not too long till we're all together again, especially you Dave. It's nice having you in the party, for some reason it keeps me more calm
  20. You bet your wibbly wobbly ass you're getting one today!
  21. Wonder what name Speedy will use since that's taken. I've also seen the all perks hack, bunch of arseholes! On brighter notes I'm literally hours away from getting my hands on my PS4!! Yeah!!
  22. Sick of your shit Michael!
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