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Everything posted by burnfitbillyboy

  1. They can rest when we're dead but until then it's party time!
  2. Not sure what would be cheaper the flight or a train, either way it will be expensive for me.
  3. Dont think i would be able to make it but i'll see what i can do. Might go to a game at some point Euan if you're up for it, nearer the end of the season preferably see them lift the trophy.
  4. I know Euan Mines is the 29th. Cal I wish you could come over so we could make random women feel awkward again.
  5. Cal shut up the cool March kids are talking.
  6. Makes sense. I like when he's on the mic and pretends to have a conversation with her, his female voice is pretty good.
  7. Mines is the 2nd of March, I really hope to come down so I will keep money aside.
  8. I didn't know sex dolls got ill.
  9. I would love to but money's tight, might try and work something out nearer my birthday (March) hopefully.
  10. Oh yeah, don't help Euan get a KEM! He goes mental!
  11. I will be on about 6 6:30
  12. Hysterical and terrifying!
  13. Awesome seshes we have had as of late lads, feels great to be just fucking about like back on Mw3. Running support has been a blast waiting for everyone to get the support squaddie and calling them in together to have a 12 man team and trying to get the final killcam with the maMAAWS! The Team Camp session was hilarious, it felt dirty but also amazing to get some payback on the piece of shit CoD community. Knife only Search made a return last night and it was awesome, although I wish we had MW3s portable radar. Highlight of the session for me was me and Glen trying to escape the dog on prison break by climbing up on the portaloo! If there is any other crazy ideas you guys have for us to do just post them here. I'm definitely up for more of the above and would love some Team Riot or Hidden Masters.
  14. yeah Rich is the one who pissed me off!
  15. Fix! Congrats guys, awesome thing youve done Dave.
  16. Mbrown! What a twat!
  17. Well get your ass back on! I'll be 10 mins.
  18. It's true, when people say Dwarf it makes me feel like I should be in LotR! I will be on in a bit. Get well soon Dave.
  19. Just kick fuck out of him, teams do it IRL to Messi and it seems to work.
  20. What if they have ps+ on PS3 dumbass!Awesome games of Fifa Stretch, don't know why you hate Vela though, I think he's fantastic!
  21. Yeah Ps+ is a good service and with the amount of freebies you get your money's worth
  22. Yeah I really do, if money wasn't an issue I'd be right up in this bitch!
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