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Everything posted by burnfitbillyboy

  1. I hate thanksgiving! Mainly because Kyle Bees posts the most awesome pictures of food I have ever seen on facebook!! So yeah basically just because I'm jealous of all your meals Happy thanksgiving! PS. I'm going to start celebrating thanksgiving now, fuck the system!
  2. Couldn't have said it better myselfLove you Cal, good luck with whatever it is you got going on. <3
  3. So I just got a notification saying "oil rig lost! 25% XP bonus lost!" You fuckers better step up your game, would be nice for my PS4 session to have some bonuses
  4. I don't give tips unless I feel they deserve one or if I've got some spare change in my pocket
  5. If my son was at that stage I'd smack him across the head and say "did you know I was going to do that you little shit!"
  6. Yeah some how I don't see that happening...
  7. Yup, checked online and it says I get worse internet than 93% of the UK... Happy for you though as I know how sucky a shit internet speed is!
  8. I wish fibre optic was available here! My 0.9mbps is pretty depressing Back on topic, I don't think they would be allowed to dig up your property without permission so I wouldn't worry about that.
  9. That's good because I know a few of the PS4 guys really like it anyway.
  10. I think he puts the speed in his cereal every morning!
  11. I don't see it being a problem as long as they don't spam the trigger.
  12. I'm easy to play whatever mode the PS4 guys and gal are up for.
  13. ThisSome of the best nights is when we have a big party and just do private games, fun times were had on sticks and stones!
  14. Would if I could
  15. Lauder sucks ass! It's even smaller than this dive!
  16. Yeah it's hard being a small part of GTA
  17. Drinking in Hawick makes me want to drink anywhere else
  18. Not saying I hated the shotguns, I'm saying I hated the game
  19. It's like the CoD of sports games!
  20. Breaking news Riches "Mrs" pulled out! FG is not surprised in the slightest!
  21. Since when has not playing real football work? Oh yeah since FIFA 11!
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