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Everything posted by burnfitbillyboy

  1. Now have 92 squad points and nothing to buy! Oh well at least when I start my next prestige I will be spoilt for choice.
  2. seriously, you've to Tbag them!
  3. I think they will bring it back soon, it's still in private match and I recall reading that they said it's not hard to add and remove game modes.
  4. It won't change a thing for me either, hence the reason why I'm still here. Like I said the only reason I'll turn back is if alot of people start moaning. I'm liking the way it is now so I hope it doesn't come to that.
  5. same, I'll only remember the obvious ones.
  6. Black ops 1 was incredible connection wise for me but I didn't join the forum until the start if MW3. I blame all you guys!
  7. The only time I've lagged is if someone in my house is downloading or streaming which is no fault of the games just my selfish family.
  8. What Bees said, I couldn't game with the mericans on bops2 due to how crappy a connection I got! Now I can play with anyone with no lag at all. I've not said this is the best cod yet but I will say its the best start, if the patches don't break the connection like Bops2 did then it will be the best cod ever IMO!
  9. Nah the only challenges you have unlocked are the ones in operations. I've completed the first marathon challenge but the next one isn't unlocked yet. You can either wait 2 weeks or spend a squad point on refreshing your challenges, quite stupid really. Edit: Mis read your post. I thought you meant unlock it after you complete phase 1, my bad.
  10. I thought that too, as long as it's as lag free on next gen as it is now I'll be very happy.
  11. yeah the funniest part is he's slaving away at it when he doesn't even have the challenge unlocked yet but shhhh!
  12. I heard you were circumcised by kicking your sister in the jaw.
  13. Well I think I'm going to start using guns. I love running around like a ninja but it just doesn't feel the same when there's no challenges to complete or camos to unlock. At least on BO2 they had camo, the only good thing I can say about that game tbh.
  14. Will have to look this up when I get the chance!
  15. It's an awesome game on the PS4 it plays so much smoother than on current gen and don't get me started with the new animations due to the ignite engine.
  16. It makes the dead silence users footsteps go back to normal, basically they cancel each other out.
  17. I think this is an awesome thing you're doing Dave and to everyone who's donated, just one more reason why this forum is better than the rest.
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