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Everything posted by burnfitbillyboy

  1. Look at all these gun noobs, we are too 1337 for these people!
  2. That's the last thing we need!
  3. I like this idea Dave. You could also put SOLO & SFP as your clan tag to save time. And you could add TROL, basically I'm trolling or arsing about so join at your own risk.
  4. Get out!
  5. Just as well I've turned it off then.
  6. I use the combat knife. Awesome fun!
  7. Fuck! That's all I can say about that.
  8. Welcome to the forum bud
  9. WHAT! (in a bees like tone) I'm taking this shit back for a refund!
  10. Just realised there isn't a rant thread for ghosts! That's a record surely.
  11. Damn that sucks... For you! I'm glad I won't have to listen to your moaning voice for a while!
  12. Got a knife only DOM triple double! Feel like an absolute god!!
  13. Only fixing it for people who might not get it eg. Dylan. Although he still might not have clue anyway! Who shoved a stick up your arse today anyway?
  14. Well you hadn't posted until I posted too!
  15. At least you knew one name
  16. I posted at the same time prick!
  17. Stretch cheated he has a squad member with guns. It's not the same Think I'm just going to use the knife only until I finish the challenges for it, so that way I'm still doing a challenge.
  18. Good isn't a strong enough adjective.
  19. I know it's going to take far too long to prestige!
  20. there is more than 5 ya helmet!
  21. Not really a tip but if you put colour blind assist on everything that's red, eg. signs on walls, DOM flags and even Care Package smoke is pink!
  22. Me too, the only thing I hate is no knife camos! This is a BIG deal to me!
  23. I begged on the streets of Hawick to get the money! Worth every penny, best CoD ever!
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