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Everything posted by burnfitbillyboy

  1. hmm someone has lost themselves a place on my PS4 friend list *turns away like a grumpy 5 year old*
  2. I'm seriously considering going out begging in the street for money! I wish there was a sperm bank near by.
  3. Bet it comes on Christmas eve
  4. That's just mean.
  5. Not the same when it's not a first prestige challenge. Pussy.
  6. Brede you have no intentions of buying the game yet you watch videos and aalways comment on how shit it looks or how bad it will be, I don't get it.
  7. I hear ya but I can't resist my ninja prestige!
  8. If someone would be generous enough to buy me it I will be eternally grateful! I'm kidding, enjoy your broken game. I'll just wait patiently for my probably even more broken next gen version!
  9. For all you cool cats on the PS4 here is where to meet up for some funzies! I'll meet you online in December
  10. I'm on it bitch tits! It's about time the T2K side done something useful
  11. I feel like crying! Why did I not take it on Saturday when I had the chance
  12. I doubt the 360 is able to have PC graphics. Surely the current gen versions won't be much different in quality.
  13. Not looked into the current gen graphics but I know PS4 shits all over the Xbox One.
  14. I actually just downloaded a Gameboy emulator on my phone. Memories. I can easily get a PS3 for a month to play it on.
  15. If you loved the people then you need your head testing. Edinburgers are probably the worst cunts.
  16. I sold mine with all my games for £150, could have got more but I needed a quick sale. Plus I get back the unwanted games to sell for a little extra. Or I might just send them to people on the forum if they're wanted.
  17. I actually sold it to get money for Eurogamer, that's me just gave it to them now. Love you Cal <3 don't hate me!
  18. I don't want it either... First game I buy! It's like genital warts you get it once and you're fucked!
  19. Can't afford it and I've sold my PS3, it won't be working properly till March anyway.
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