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Everything posted by ChaosGladiator

  1. Norway beating Brazil in 98’. Last time we’ve even had a half decent tournament…
  2. CoD is ass. Also it was all B4B until certain issues arose which lead to the split where some people formed Alliance and some formed T2K (Tendency 2 Kill). Can’t believe it’s been fucking 15 years since some of us first met… Jesus time flies
  3. Dean Henderson I feel might be the worst gk out of the 4 so ditched him. Quansah I haven’t seen play, only reason I picked him. Maguire, do I need to say more? Trent was the harder choice to make, I feel like Walker should be starting and trippier has a lot of the same qualities in terms of crossing that Trent does but he’s better defensively. Honestly feel Trent should be made into a midfielder or winger. Grealish has been kind of meh this season and you’ve got better options on the left. Maddison, the hell is his best position and would he even get to touch grass ahead of the likes of Foden, Bowen, Gordon and Bellingham? Toney has been ass after returning from his ban, but kind of expected after such a long time out the game…
  4. How the fuck is Hendo in that england squad?? 😂😂😂
  5. Season 1 starting feb 27th. So still time to grind out for better cannons on my ship thank fuck 😂
  6. I’ve seen it getting bashed but honestly, Matt, Cal, Aaron, Marc and I have all really been enjoying it so far, guess it just comes down to taste like with everything else in the end. I have to admit I love the party system as you can be in a group but all 3 of you can be doing different things should you want to, but all of you still get rewards for quests/missions done by anyone in the group. My one gripe so far which made crossplay with Marc a tiny bit annoying is that there’s no game chat what so ever. So would have to link psn and discord I guess. Not had too many bugs so far, been the odd one every now and then but compared to other games close to release this is nothing. (Thank fuck it’s not another cyberpunk)
  7. 😂 Like I said it’s not the game I deep down was hoping for but it’s still better than expected. Really enjoying it so far, co-op makes things a million times better than roaming the seas solo as battles you would probably lose are doable now. Got Matty up to a decent level yesterday and we actually managed to take down an elite captain, (almost took down another one as well but we failed 😅) So yeah I’m definetly enjoying it, beats raging at games like cod or fifa for sure. Still haven’t even explored every bit of the map that’s unlocked so far. Did get to progress the black market a decent bit and figured out a way to make the grind there much easier. Again I’m asuming co-op play will make it even easier when it comes to the combat. Took down the sea monster on my own as well which was terrifying as it hits like a truck on steroids. Still need to try the pvp bit. Currently just trying to grind out some better cannons and armor for my ship.
  8. Pre-download is done. Once I get home from lateshift on thursday this baby will be good to go!
  9. Had my reservations about this game due to the amount of delays. It's not what I was hoping deep down that it would be, but it's better than expected. Land movement annoyed me a bit the first maybe hour of playing, then I progressed far enough to where I could get a proper ship and some cannons and boy... This game is epic. Combat is actually challenging, progression actually feels like you've worked for it and properly earned the upgrades you get. I think on saturday I spent a good 10 hours playing the demo and 3 of those were me just working to get the best ship available in that demo. There's so much to explore, plunder to be had, upgrades to farm for and ways to earn silver and infamy that I have to admit, I fell in love with this game and by the time the beta ended last night I was pissed at myself for not having been on the ball earlier in the week to get the demo on the 8th to maximize my playtime 😅 Hell I only fucking found the black market 2 hours before servers went down on sunday I was that busy burning every port to the ground. The few things I didn't attempt was mainly the pvp events and also the sea monster event. I did try going after elite captains and also the ghost ships but it's near impossible while solo. (hint hint nudge nudge people, get on the ball!) Did have anamerican budy join me on sunday for a bit but he was hours and hours of progression behind me, it does seem like quests completed while in a group counts for everyone though, as he was completing his early quests I still got silver for them, not sure if I would have gotten infamy as well as I had already reached the max infamy rank available in the demo. Overall I have to admit I quite enjoyed the grind to get better ships, weapons and armor and finding combinations of these that worked for me. It's time consuming but this can be sped up in a group as you can send your friends materials, guns, blueprints and all kinds of things. So if anyone is ahead of the pack you could help out others that find the grind tedious or simply can't get the required items to progress due to enemies being too hard for them to fight. As for how many can play together I've seen both 3 and 5 mentioned and the menu in the demo looked like it had room for more than 3, so I'm not 100% sure. But, I'm willing to bet you can get more of your friends on the same server and then split into several smaller groups but still take on elite captains, ghost ships, sea monsters and bounties all together as any player ship can do this without being in the same group as you. Pvp also seems to be off unless you go for the pvp events so sorry @Diddums you wont be able to ram everyone to try and sink them if you end up playing this 🤣 Honestly very excited for the full release, I've seen their planned roadmap as well and there seems to be quite a bit of content they intend to add in so I can see myself spending many an hour on the open sea plunderin' fer booty! Yo, ho, haul together Hoist the colors high Heave ho, thieves and beggars Never shall we die
  10. This is from Aaron and myself trying to work on a base design... I tried jumping and grabbing onto the railing, let's just say it didn't work out.
  11. Well, I have the video, don’t hate me too much 😂😂
  12. Alright you filthy animals! With FG now having a dedicated Ps4/5 dayz server, those of you considering trying it should take the chance now with it being on sale in the PS store. Now there's a few of us who have played this game for years around that can give you tips and help if needed as the learning curve to the game is steep. But, I can promise you this, once you get into it and start making some progression and it'll actually feel quite rewarding and no game has been close to giving me as much satisfaction from actually achieving getting to the "end game" stage nor does any game get the heart rate up quite like combat in DayZ 😆 So check it out! Not sure what the price is as it doesn't display for me when I own it, but if it's a decent price and you feel like you're up for the challenge of surviving Chernarus, the undead, hostile animals and players as well as the enviroment then wait no longer!
  13. Righty-o. Here's my list of demands! (Suggestions, don't worry) Spawn in cars and trucks ready to go. By this I mean all parts attached, 2 fuel cans and the cars will need 3-4 canteens of water for the radiator as well or you'll blow the engine 500m down the road. Increase ammo stack quantity slightly. This is a quality of life suggestion and also just to make military worth going to loot. In vanilla settings you'll very often find stacks of ammo that has 1-3 bullets, you might get lucky and find bigger stacks obviously but they are rare as hell. And if you go to any military area you will need at least 20-30 rounds to deal with the zombies unless you go full ninja mode which has gotten harder over the years with how zombies will now draw in more aggro. Larger military areas like NWAF or Tisy you'll probably even need closer to 100 rounds to clear the place and let's face it, that's a loooot of bullets when you keep finding stacks below 10 😅 Removed the option to have gear spawning in as "Ruined". Not only is this a massive pain in the ass if you happen to finally find a gun or just an item you really need, but getting rid of this shit will also help ever so slightly with lag. Not saying everything has to spawn in as pristine, just usuable and potentially fixable as 90% of the in game items can somehow be fixed with the right tools as long as they're not fucked up beyond "Badly damaged". Those are in my opinion the biggest ones. Now a couple less important ones. Code in a trader. Obviously someone will have to run this once server gets busy, it'll be a pain in the ass to do, but it does also help players out and can draw more people to the server. You'll have to work out a price list of some sort and have some kind of currency unless you just do straight up trades for stuff. Also make sure to put in the rules that anyone who raids the trader will be instabanned. Shorter nights. Honestly this is more for the potentially new players to dayz. I think night time is about 1 hour on vanilla and running around in pitch darkness for that long with zombies and all kinds of shit around you WILL fuck those newer players over and lead to a lot of deaths and rage. Toxic zones. Get rid of the dynamic ones, they are nothing but a pain in the ass and they do also cause a bit of lag. I'm fine with having the 2 constant ones on the map as you will still have a use for NBC gear if you do and some players will obviously want to experience everything dayz has to offer. Remove canopy tents completely and if found either destroy them outright by putting them in a backpack and destroying the backpack and let it despawn, or if you do have a trader let people collect them and take them to trader in exchange for currency, gear or something else. Lastly, storage. Unless you plan on running around with fuck all except what you can carry, you'll need storage. Eventually I expect most players on here will want to build a base so they can (somewhat) safely store some of their shit. Tents, barrels and sea chests are hard to find and most of these will not respawn if someone has found them and placed them somewhere I think, so every so often it might be an idea to increase the quantity of which these items spawn in on the map just so anyone new joining the server will actually be able to find storage. This isn't really important to do early on, but something to keep in mind down the road. I'd also strongly suggest turning container damage off. This means tents and barrels cannot be destroyed. This will prevent griefing as no one can sit outside your base shooting into it to destroy your tents and eventually make any gear you have stored in there despawn. Doing this will also mean you need to add a rule about no "unraidable bases". By that I mean blocking off all entrances to your base with tents. There has to be a way for a potential raider to get in still. I think that's everything? If I come up with anything else I'll make another post 🙂
  14. Yaaaaas. If this is just for the rules I'd also suggest no building in military zones, (red zone if fine but not in the middle of the friggin airfield) as it will result in a lot of complaining. Destroy crashed vehicles to make them respawn, don't just leave them there in the street. No hoarding of vehicles. Max 1 truck and 1-2 cars per group would be my suggestion. No using of canopy tents as they WILL make the server lag like absolute fuck. Those would be my suggestions.
  15. I had it on ps3 as well and caved in a couple months ago and got it for the ps4. Still fun to play through. Although I may have used the mods available to make insane gear with smithing 😅
  16. 😂 If any version is on sale with the dlc included I’d buy it. And if/when you do get it, tell me what kind of build you went for as there’s a meme about every skyrim player ending up as a stealth archer and it’s so fucking true 🤣
  17. More story, weapons, armour, more companions who can follow you around and dawnguard also lets you chose vampirism. I’ve played both routes and have to admit I prefer turning down becoming a vampire. The other dlc’s aren’t bad either but they don’t come close to how much dawnguard brings.
  18. I’m pretty sure this was confirmed about a year ago. Elder scrolls will be pc and xbox only. Massive kick in the dick but wont make me buy a gaming pc any time soon 😂 @GazzaGarratt fucking play skyrim already. I even bought the remastered version on ps4 as there’s so much to do and explore and the dawnguard dlc is hands down the best dlc I’ve ever played. I remember maxing out every weaponskill back in the day on the ps3 just because I spent so much time playing this game 😅
  19. Jose losing his edge for sure. Drawing 2-2 against a shitty Norwegian club last night after losing 6-1 in the first match 😂
  20. God I can't believe how much of a CoD fanboy I used to be, the old crew made it fun though, everyone spamming UAV's and a couple of us running the more attack minded killstreaks just to really screw the other team over. Good times! These days I've given up on CoD, after Ghosts it was one let down after the other and I stayed away from the games for a while until BO4 and Blackout was released, also played a good bit of Warzone before getting bored of that as well... I mainly play survival games now like Ark, Conan Exiles, DayZ and waiting on Rust's full release on the ps4.
  21. Well fuck me sideways... This is one of those people much like Tripp I never thought I'd see again 😂 It's been a hell of a long time Joe! Glad to see you are still alive and well, hope the years have been good to you buddy and happy to see you back. Always puts a smile on my face seeing one of the old original B4B members make a comeback as there aren't too many of us left sadly. What are you playing these days man? And are you still on playstation or moved on to xbox or pc?
  22. I just hope I get Russia if I get put in T4 😂😅 Dunno about Scotland but the Swedish and Turkey teams are absolute wank 🤣
  23. I expect most people will have a beer or 7 in their system which is why the idea is pistols and melee only 😂 Doesn’t really matter what operator people pick as long as it has a pistol secondary, could also decide on no traps if people want that so they don’t need to use that extra half of a brain cell 🤣 Think there’s 4-5 of us that are gonna be on it anyways so the offer to join is there 😉 Could look at doing siege on weekdays if people want, I’m ass at the game but for some reason I enjoy it 😂
  24. It’s about that time again you loveable fucks, get your asses away from cod and gta and show up for some Siege Shenannigans. We’ll run pistols and melee only and change things up a bit. I wont make you stay all night, but seeing some of you join for a couple of games would be nice 😉
  25. Event Title: Siege custom games Event Author: ChaosGladiator Calendar: Community Calendar Event Date: 03/05/2021 10:00 PM It’s about that time again you loveable fucks, get your asses away from cod and gta and show up for some Siege Shenannigans. We’ll run pistols and melee only and change things up a bit. I wont make you stay all night, but seeing some of you join for a couple of games would be nice 😉 Siege custom games N.B. If viewing this via the FG App, please visit the Calendar event via browser to RSVP. Thanks.
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