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Everything posted by Stretch616

  1. Agreed that Uprising was by far the best thing that they've done so far. There's so much to explore in this part of the lore. I'm just hoping that they really go balls deep with it this time and make the original one available too
  2. Discussing tactics??? That sounds pretty dangerous, we're more of a wing it and let's see how it goes kinda team!!! Sounds like a good shout though but there would be a distinct lack of banter with it all!! 😂😂
  3. Quite happy to set us up on Game battles for it if there's the interest. But we absolutley need to work on tactics and stuff if we want to stand a chance
  4. I think the best thing we do is standard competitive within the game or maybe try Game Battles if we're feeling very adventurous. However we're just not at a decent enough level to even consider OW league. A random clan battle would be cool for shits and giggles though if we didn't take it too seriously
  5. Blizzard don't often do things by accident, so this video has got me really interested on who or what "Irvine" is Aside from that, a real quality update again with a lot of good info in there
  6. That's awesome Gary. Love the feeling of a really good single handed assault.
  7. That's awesome @GazzaGarratt!! I got an Echo Dot, Fire Tablet and loads of beer. Needless to say i've been really drunk and had no fucking clue on how to use the tech 😂😂
  8. Overwatch to continue the way it has done with regular free DLC More info and release date on FFVII Remastered RDR2 - I never completed the first game for some reason, but if GTA5 gives an idea of what the multiplayer is going tone like then I'm all in!! But mostly for the whole play to win loot box\card thing to be sorted. I really fear for the industry if things like Battlefront 2 end up being a success after all the bullshit.
  9. Very late to the party here but welcome to FG dude!! Make sure to add me as well dude. I'm pretty much the sa!e as everyone else for games and its mostly Fortnite And Overwatch at the moment. Although I do own the new COD and was pleasantly surprised by it.
  10. I'll struggle with this as the only option I have is the ps4 export. I seem to remember that the video itself uploaded on the ps4 rather than YouTube worked better but isn't as easy for Rich\Greebs to get
  11. In the interests of making myself a lot more active on the forum, I'll put myself forward for the Overwatch champion. I'm conscious I haven't been as active as I would have liked, so this should kick my are into gear 😗
  12. Have we got a separate thread for the uploads? I've got a load in my gallery. Also, are we limiting it to play of the games or just is it anything and everything?
  13. Yo George! Good to see you got on here dude. Make sure you pick up OW whilst it's cheap, it'll be a great purchase and it's what most of us are playing at the moment. Although I'm sure @GazzaGarratt will be glad of somebody else on Destiny 2!!
  14. Probably about time to revive this thread with the new people getting on OW now. Rank: 2750 - 3000 Characters: 1. Moira 2. Pharah 3. Zarya 4. Symmetra 5. Doomfist I'm pretty flexible for most of the heroes and can fill wherever needed but the above 5 are my go to picks
  15. Got feck all too! Although I have to say, I'm not totally mad on any of the skins this time around. Maybe the Ana one though would be nice
  16. Fully agree that we need to help out the newer players get up to 25 as soon as poss. However its really important that in that little journey that people are learning the game mechanics and the general team play that makes up a game of overwatch. As for xp, the main way it's earnt in quickplay is from medals and the 20% bonus for being part of a team. So more than happy to help people out by not only teaming up but giving advice on team comps and character interactions.
  17. Awesome stuff!! Made up to drop 2 things. Thanks very much all!! 😁😁
  18. Alex had his game against Sam and Rico last night and won 2-0. I was there in attendance as a cheerleader!!
  19. Put a vote in for 7 days to die but not sure if it's pc or ps4. If its pc then scrap my vote please dude
  20. This for me too. There's obviously some form of lag in each and every game you play. Sometimes in your favour, sometimes not. It's par for the course with CoD and I wouldn't expect any less. Why we'd expect anything different I just don't know?
  21. Best bet is to pick one from each category and be good with them. That way you can flex about your pick to suit the team which gives you a much better chance of winning when playing with randoms. Soldier is a staple DPS to begin with but doesn't have the ability to carry like a really good Pharah does. Rein is always a good tank to have. Fucking Hot Healing Chick! is still great post nerf. Just remember when you're playing support, the aim is the help your team and not worry about killing the enemy team. So I wouldn't get sidetracked by Lucio'so damage Mei is situational I find and sometimes just doesn't add enough to the team comp. Junkrat is ace after his recent extra mine. Makes him a lot more scary up close. I'd suggest playing less characters but getting really good with a few. It'll really help get you through the lower comp levels. At the SR you are at the moment, you can totally solo carry a game.
  22. I didn't, I was too busy picking my jaw up off the ground!!! Ajay won 2 games to 0, I also played 😂😂
  23. That's the spirit Tam!! Throwing knives for days
  24. I reckon it'll be linked to the character trait and hitting that will switch up which turtle you're playing with. Probably totally wrong but worth a punt!!
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