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Everything posted by Stretch616

  1. So a piss up weekend again, but i just sell it as a "Gaming Convention" to the mrs. Done, done and done.
  2. I'm down for the meet up again. But oh noes, tickets sold out, guess i'll just have to sit in the pub. So basically sounding alot like last time!
  3. That's a shame. Was really hoping there'd be a good group of us on it at launch. But i guess party chat will ease the pain somewhat!
  4. Only about a week to go before the Beta opens. Everyone looking forward yo either trying out the game for new or seeing the improvements from the Alpha stage? I'm really up for this game and can't wait to get my mits on it. First time i've really been excited about a launch day title in ages
  5. More then likely, but doesn't it say it all that i'm looking forward to it more than AW. Even taking into account it's probably fake!
  6. Awesome! If this is a full on sequel to WAW i will be over the moon. Plus Treyarch have become my favourite dev out of the 3 thanks to BO2. So if it's true i have much higher hopes for this than AW
  7. Haven't given up! Just haven't had that much time to play recently. Had a good few games with Matt & Johnny last night. Was good to get back on it. I'm probably going to get more stuck in once world cup's finished and things are a bit calmer at home.
  8. Finally got round to watching this trailer. Fuck me, this game looks awesome. I love the series and this looks like a pretty good addition. I'm also sure i heard mentioned in there that it's 200x the size of the recently released game!! I can't wait fpr this as well now
  9. Toys'R'Us dude. They have loads of this kinda shit
  10. Totally not up to speed on this crafting shizzle but i'll get there. I did want to ask about the levelling curve though. I seemed to fly to about level 10 and no it seems quite slow going for each level. Not complaining if it's a long slog to level cap. I just wanted to check i wasn't being a numpty and was missing something. Also i tried to get my free platinum for being a PS+ member and it said i already had it. But i only have 50 in my account. Any ideas?
  11. I like the fact it's 2 seperate games. I know alot of my friends aren't the best players so they rely alot on UAV, claymores etc.. The stuff that is not allowed on competitive. Whereas i like playing a restricted gametype with less of the "bullshit" stuff. On the whole it'd make it a lot more appealing to all parties. Competitive on Ghosts was a shitty afterthought after getting bashed from the MLG scene. Whereas BO2 built it in from the start and it showed.
  12. It's no secret i'm a big fan of BO2 and the competitive aspect of that game. So anything that resembles that would be sweet in my book. To be honest though it's all fluff. The netcode will be the thing that makes or breaks this game. There's too much competition now for them to fuck it up and get away with it
  13. Stupid as it sounds that's actually a good thing. If they are putting the game types back in that Ghosts took out, that means that they are not afraid to go against the IW devèlopment. Which can only be a good thing!
  14. All sorted and building clan key now. Really enjoyed this game so far. Bit of a breath of fresh air. Almost reminds me of a hack and slash game but from a shooter perspective. Gonna have loads to ask about specials and stuff lile that. Bit for the time being able to remember i have them would be a start! Thanks to Chris and Brede for the help on all the nooby questions tonight
  15. Just finished downloading this today. Gonna have a good bash on it tonight. From what i've briefly read it seems there's no room in the clan with the current setup. So i'll go solo for the moment till we can get shit sorted. Is there anything that i'll potentially pick up that people's would need?
  16. Looks pretty sweet. I hope they emphasise the tactical part of this. If done right this would be fricken sweet, if done wrong it could be quite forgettable
  17. I managed to watch a bit of this. Was impressed by the Optic team as a whole. Everyone had their moments to shine. I think my fqvourite game was Optic vs Envy on S&D Octane. They all had a time to shine in that and looked a very together unit. Good series to watch and nice to see Nadeshot get a win after all this time
  18. My bad! Quickly scanned the photos whilst being surrounded by screaming kids! That good of a story though it's worth mentioning twice+
  19. Haven't got the link to had, but was reading about a WW2 vet who's care home said he couldn't visit Normandy. So he goes out for a "walk" but doesn't return. A couple of days later he turns up in Normandy safe and sound fully kitted out in his uniform, complete with medals!! Unbelievable nature and resolve from these Veterans that is missing from modern day society. The world owes these people a massive amount of gratitude and it is so sad to see them treated poorly or their needs/wants ignored. Fair fucks to them all. You'll never be forgetten in our household or families
  20. Totally forgot about that Tam. Would explain it. I much preferred the other way as it made it easier to counter or resist being countered. Glad to see it's not just me struggling with the ground game. Hoping a bit of time in the virtual gym will help polish my skills!!
  21. Silly as it may sound, it will depend on Destiny if i buy COD. If Destiny is everything i hope it to be and with the month or 2 earlier release date i may not have the inclination to buy it at all
  22. Awesome Jsyn!! Me and the mrs just pissed ourselves looking at that! Can't wait for next week's episode. Big old hill to climb for Tyrion to get out of this one
  23. Very good so far. A couple of niggles but nothing that spoils it. When you time a good uppercut or even a leg kick you can really see the effect on the opponent depending on what they were doing at the time. I was leg kicking the crap out of someone the other night and you could see the bruises and redness in the leg come up after each shot. Not just a generic colour pallet according the damage taken
  24. We'll have to hook up and go to one bud. They're awesome weekends and pretty cheap too!
  25. I'm hoping E3 will show us a bit more of the MP aspect. Everything shown so far is just fluff for the Campaign which i don't really care for (apart from when the PSN crashes on the night of release!)
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