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Everything posted by Stretch616

  1. Dying makes it more fun. Hearing Lee's sigh everytime your hear "Guardian down" is worth it's weight in gold!! That holy grail of the flawless raider aint gonna happen anytime soon with Dids in the fireteam!!
  2. Totally missed this thread since i moved to tapatalk. Last weekend's shennanigans were awesome. Back to the good old days. Fuck the game, fuck the issues, it's all about the good banter. Gary needs to get drunk more often (still not buying cod though!!)
  3. This really is a marmite game. I've really enjoyed it and even more so now i've started to get the hang of the spawning and general mechanics. I can see why people don't like it but it's just such a shame as we could roll some massive crews.
  4. Pretty much nailed it for me mate. He made exotics, not exotic!! Doesn't really serve much of a purpose now outside of the new gear as you mentioned
  5. I think there's still more than enough people knocking about to do VoG still Dave. To be honest, it's still one of the most fun things to do on the game anyway!!
  6. Mmm weird. Would've been cool to crew up some more. Nevermind, hopefully there'll be a few more nights whilst it's on
  7. We had a pretty good run on it last night. Only lost 1 game all night, so got up to level 2 in a matter of a couple of hours. Pretty good going considering it's was still only on day 1 reward modifier
  8. There's been so many theories about the VoG i'm just starting to think it's wishful thinking that there will be anymore in there. Although i hope to be proved wrong. The VoG is so brilliantly laid out it would make it ripe for secrets it's actually dissapointing that there isn't more than what we've seen already
  9. Was a good night again. Just hearing Crispy rage for 10 mins solid when i first logged on was great. I tried to help matters by running him over!! Which strangely worked!! I know what you mean about the one sided battles, but those times when you get a real good battle are just awesome. There's not a lot to touch it tbh. There is a lot of fucking about at the moment with the general interface but i think that they've done a good job considering that this game was never, ever made with a console in mind. Hopefully more good times to come
  10. I might try and reach the dizzy heights of level 5 on this. IB time usually means i'm crazy busy, but i think i should have some time to really go for it this time
  11. Meant to reply to this sooner. But the actual core gun gameplay looks pretty good. It's just the fact that had to go and add wall running and a few other silly mechanics. I suppose they needed to try to inovate after BO2. Sometimes i think the devs try to push the limits too far but on the other hand, can you imagine how pissed people would be if they just remade BO2 with new maps, guns etc.. As people would have just called them lazy. Damned if they did and damned if they didn't it seems
  12. I think raid matchmaking has it's pros and cons. I just remember my 1st VoG run and how clueless i felt even though i had people guiding me. Now try thinking about doing it with 5 other clueless people with either no mics or are only French speaking!! It looks on one hand like it segregates the player base, when it actually is forcing them to communicate for a very good reason. I want to see more and more raids in the game. They really make it have thst big game feel. However i get the feeling that Bungievision will continue to charge £20 per expansion where all i really want is the raid
  13. I've still got BF4 and would be more than happu to jump on for a few sessions. I was talking to Lee about this and i can't quite remember why we all stopped playing it, as we all seemed to really enjoy it Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
  14. When you have a group like ours, then raids become a neccesity. A 3 person arena is only going to pacify so much. Whereas we still enjoy VoG to this day. There's just something about doing a thing on a videogame that has such a grand scale. More raids and less of the other stuff and i'd be a happy bunny, but never going to happen
  15. I really liked it. It really did give that massive game feel. However learning the game is pretty difficult so i'm thankful we had Dids around to help guide us. Running around in a squad (eventually!) and communicating on this grand scale was a great feeling. I know microtransactions are a marmite thing, but you have to consider that this game is great as is and is free. There's no pressure to spend money, but there is the option to spend a very small amount up to a significant amount. It caters to all people in that respect Overall, very impressed and this is looking like a game that could take up alot if my time. At least until some of the big games come out later on this year
  16. Totally gonna get this downloading tonight. Will need some hand holding on it though!!
  17. Been really busy recently so barely been on at all. Hoping to get a couple of nights on this week. So nowhere near done with it, just taking an enforced chill out period.
  18. Looking good with the parry mechanics and v triggers. Going to be a lot to get used to but really looking forward to having a go on this.
  19. Want to get: Battlefront The Division Rock Band 4 Destiny expansion FF7 remake Fallout 4 Street Fighter 5 Lots more on the horizon as well, but real life will dictate the fact i will probably only get 2 of these. Just what to choose is the problem
  20. Played the recent XIII trilogy, FFIV and got a beta code for FFXV. So words cannot express how much i am looking forward to this. I hope they go back to turn based combat. The live combat versions leave a fair bit to be desired imo
  21. Amazing trailer for an amazing franchise. Wouldn't expect much less from Kojima!!
  22. Take my fucking money now!!
  23. Looks very nice to me. Really looking forward to seeing what they do with this. I'm that excited i'm probably going to pick up Fallout 3 again for a couple of quid and play the crap out of it
  24. Shhhh. Nobody's noticed it so far! All sorts of good shit at the show so far. I'll try and get some more pics and upload them tomorrow
  25. The view from my tent whilst it pisses it down with rain. Ah well, there are worse places you can be than a VW show on a rainy Saturday
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