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Everything posted by BO7H B4RRELS

  1. I didn't realize you were having all of those issues! That sucks, man. I hope you can get something sorted out before long. Those prices are brutal right now though.
  2. I don't necessarily love eels, but the groove in this song has always been cool to me. Such a weird dude, lol.
  3. Sounds good. You should pick one up for me too while you're at it. 🙂 lol I'd love to build a new PC but the prices have gotten plain silly. I couldn't justify it now while my PC is still doing what I need it to. (League of Legends, DayZ, Outer Worlds, Minecraft, etc.).
  4. Welcome to the forum.
  5. Nice, man! What sort of build are you thinking about?
  6. I love Tyler Childers man! He's so good. Feathered Indians is one of my favorite songs ever. Good choice.
  7. Good to hear. @GazzaGarratt is building a new PC???? 🙂 How'd I miss that?
  8. Nice work. Much appreciated.
  9. ...and this is how I died. Looks pretty cool, man!
  10. Well done all. Congratulations.
  11. Very cool, man. I'm diggin' it!
  12. Welcome back, Matt. You should post up some pics of your man room. Sounds cool.
  13. This sums up how I feel. Fuck it all.
  14. What a fucking joke. This world has enough problems already without needing to make shit up. SMH
  15. Damn, man. Hopefully, things work out with the house. I'm sorry to hear about your friend. That's a rough patch for sure. 😕
  16. Got a spec list duder?
  17. Mine has the same issue... seems stuck on LoL and Minecraft, haha.
  18. You're still playing Planetside 2? I remember checking that out with you a loooong time ago.
  19. I know what I'm doing this evening.
  20. Lookin' good. I need a new game, this might be it.
  21. Dayum... that's a lot of stuff! I'm definitely due to re-install this bad boy and check it out. Thanks for the informative post, Phil.
  22. Damn, man. I can't imagine the pain, especially with kids in the picture. I don't have any magic words that can fix any of this, but sometimes just venting and getting things out can help you to process it and move forward. I'm glad to hear you're seeing a counselor. Too many people are too prideful to do that. Great job.
  23. I'm glad you've found a supportive community during this difficult time man. This place isn't like any other I've ever come across. It's the real deal. I hope you can come out on the other side of all of this in a better place. I'd definitely recommend going to see someone if you can. Therapy is invaluable.
  24. I love this place. 🙂
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